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English to Serbian - Cijene: 0.04 - 0.06 EUR po riječi / 18 - 20 EUR po satu / 3.00 - 4.00 EUR per audio/video minute English to Bosnian - Cijene: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR po riječi / 15 - 18 EUR po satu / 2.50 - 3.50 EUR per audio/video minute Serbian to English - Cijene: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR po riječi / 18 - 20 EUR po satu / 3.80 - 4.50 EUR per audio/video minute Bosnian to English - Cijene: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR po riječi / 15 - 18 EUR po satu / 3.80 - 4.50 EUR per audio/video minute Montenegrin to English - Cijene: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR po riječi / 15 - 18 EUR po satu
Croatian to English - Cijene: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR po riječi / 15 - 18 EUR po satu Italian to Serbian - Cijene: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR po riječi / 15 - 18 EUR po satu
English to Serbian: "The Killing" show (Serija „Ubistvo”) General field: Umjetnost/Literatura Detailed field: Kino, Film, TV, Drama
Izvorni tekst - English Nicole: (vo) I’m not sure what Rosie Larsen would be doing in a place like this...
(on camera)...I don’t allow minors into my establishment, Detective..?
Sarah: Linden. Maybe she used a fake I.D. I’ll need to talk to all of your employees who were working that weekend.
Roberta: (os) I was runnin’ the floor, (on camera) and I didn’t see her.
Sarah: Well, maybe somebody else did.
Roberta: Doubt it. I was on the floor all Friday night.
Sarah: (os) Did I say that (on camera) Rosie Larsen was here on Friday?
Nicole: We follow the news coverage, Miss Drays included. We know the girl (os) went missing then.
Sarah: I notice that you have security cams on your floor. I’d like to take a look at the footage.
Nicole: (os) Our tapes get erased every twenty-four hours, so (on camera) unfortunately they won’t be of much use to you.
Sarah: I looked everywhere for you today. You have no idea what I went through. Just tell me why.
Jack: Why what?
Sarah: Why you’ve been lying to me.
Jack: I don’t know.
Sarah: Where were you today?
Jack: Promise you won’t get mad? (a beat) I was with Dad.
Holder: Yo, wait. (os) Go back. (on camera) Pause.
Prevod - Serbian 1
00:00:38,919 --> 00:00:42,919
Nisam sigurna šta bi Rouzi
Larsen radila na ovakvom mestu.
00:00:42,959 --> 00:00:47,319
Ne puštam maloletne u svoje zdanje,
inspektorko... -Lindenova.
00:00:47,359 --> 00:00:49,519
Možda je koristila lažnu ličnu.
00:00:49,559 --> 00:00:52,759
Treba da pričam sa svim zaposlenima
koji su radili tog vikenda.
00:00:52,799 --> 00:00:57,639
Ja sam upravljala salom i nisam
je videla. -Možda je neko drugi.
00:00:57,679 --> 00:01:01,839
Sumnjam. Bila sam u
sali celu noć u petak.
00:01:02,319 --> 00:01:06,439
Zar sam rekla da je Rouzi Larsen
bila ovde u petak?
00:01:06,679 --> 00:01:10,799
Mi pratimo vesti,
uključujući i gđicu Drejs.
00:01:10,879 --> 00:01:13,959
Znamo da je tada nestala devojka.
00:01:14,159 --> 00:01:18,239
Primetila sam da imate kamere u
kockarnici. Pogledala bih snimke.
00:01:18,279 --> 00:01:22,799
Naše trake se brišu svaka 24 sata,
pa vam neće mnogo koristiti.
00:43:26,159 --> 00:43:29,799
Nemaš pojma šta sam preživela.
00:43:31,959 --> 00:43:35,199
Samo mi kaži zašto.
-Šta zašto?
00:43:35,239 --> 00:43:38,959
Zašto si me lagao.
-Ne znam.
00:43:42,079 --> 00:43:44,519
Gde si danas bio?
00:43:48,039 --> 00:43:51,639
Obećaj da se nećeš ljutiti?
00:43:52,719 --> 00:43:55,199
Bio sam s tatom.
English to Serbian: The War in Eastern Europe by John Reed („Рат у Источној Европи” Џона Рида) General field: Umjetnost/Literatura Detailed field: Poezija & Književnost
Izvorni tekst - English Spies infested the city. Germans with shaved
heads and sword-cuts all over their faces pretending
to be Italians; Austrians in green Tyrolean hats
passing as Turks; stupid-mannered Englishmen who
sat drinking and talking in the cafes, eavesdropping
the conversation in six languages that went on about
them; exiled Mohammedans of the Old Turk party
plotting in corners, and Greek secret-service men who
changed their clothes fourteen times a day and al-
tered the shape of their mustaches.
Prevod - Serbian Шпијуни су преплавили град. Немци обријаних глава и с посекотинама од мача посвуда по својим лицима правили су се да су Италијани; Аустријанци са зеленим тиролским шеширима пролазили су као Турци; Енглези глупог понашања који су пили и разговарали у ресторанима, прислушкивали су разговоре на шест језика који су били о њима; прогнани муслимани из странке Старотурци ковали су завере у угловима и људи грчке Тајне службе који су четрнаест пута дневно пресвлачили своју одећу и мењали облик својих бркова.
English to Serbian: Installation, operation and maintenance manual – Squirrel cage motor General field: Teh/Inžinjerstvo Detailed field: Elektronika / Elektro inžinjerstvo
Izvorni tekst - English During normal operation of this equipment, a hazard associated with energized or rotating components with high voltage or elevated temperatures exists.
Thus, the operation with open terminal boxes, unprotected couplings, improper handling, or failure to comply with the operating standards, may cause severe personal injuries and material damages.
Procedures for rolling bearing relubrication
Remove the drain plug;
Clean with a cotton cloth around the hole of the grease nipple;
With the rotor operating, inject the grease with a manual grease gun until grease starts coming out from the drain;
Keep the motor running long enough so that the grease excess passes through the drain;
Inspect the bearing temperature to make sure there was no significant change;
Put the drain plug back in place.
The rolling bearing data, amount and type of grease, and lubrication intervals are informed on a bearing nameplate affixed to the motor.
Check this information before performing the lubrication.
The lubrication intervals informed on the nameplate consider a 70 °C working temperature of the rolling bearing;
Prevod - Serbian Tokom normalnog rada ove opreme, postoji opasnost povezana s delovima uključenim u struju ili obrćućim delovima s visokim naponom ili s povišenim temperaturama.
Stoga rad s otvorenim priključnim kutijama, nezaštićene spojnice, neodgovarajuće rukovanje ili nepridržavanje radnim standardima, može da uzrokuje ozbiljne lične povrede i materijalnu štetu.
Postupci za ponovno podmazivanje valjkastih ležajeva
Ukloniti drenažni čep;
Očistiti pamučnom tkaninom oko rupe mazivne prskalice;
S rotorom u radu, ubrizgati mazivo ručnim mazivnim pištoljem sve dok mazivo ne počne da izlazi iz odvoda;
Ostaviti motor u radu dovoljno dugo da bi višak maziva prošao kroz odvod;
Pregledati temperaturu ležaja da se uverite da nije bilo značajnije promene;
Vratiti drenažni čep na mesto.
Podaci o valjkastim ležajevima, količina i vrsta maziva, i intervali podmazivanja naznačeni su na nazivnoj pločici ležaja pričvršćenoj za motor.
Proveriti ovaj podatak pre podmazivanja.
Intervali podmazivanja naznačeni na nazivnoj pločici smatraju 70 °C radnom temperaturom valjkastih ležajeva;
English to Serbian: Air conditioners (Klima-uređaji) General field: Teh/Inžinjerstvo Detailed field: Elektronika / Elektro inžinjerstvo
Izvorni tekst - English Air conditioners should not be installed in areas where corrosive gases, such as acid or alkaline gas, are produced.
Air conditioners must not be installed in areas where corrosive gases, such as acid or alkaline gas, are produced.
It should be strong enough like concrete to prevent the sea wind from the sea.
It must be strong enough like concrete to prevent the sea wind from the sea.
It should be keep more than 70 cm of space between outdoor unit and the windbreak for easy air flow.
It must be keep more than 70 cm of space between outdoor unit and the windbreak for easy air flow.
※XX is not warranty that HEX periodic cleaning is not doing or windbreak is not installed.
Prevod - Serbian Klima-uređaje ne bi trebalo ugrađivati u oblastima gde se stvaraju korozivni gasovi, kao što su kiselinski ili alkalni gas.
Klima-uređaji ne smeju se ugrađivati u oblastima gde se stvaraju korozivni gasovi, kao što su kiselinski ili alkalni gas.
Trebalo bi da bude dovoljno snažan kao beton da bi sprečio morski vetar s mora.
Mora biti dovoljno snažan kao beton da bi sprečio morski vetar s mora.
Trebalo bi zadržati više od 70 cm prostora između spoljnjeg uređaja i vetrobrana zbog lakog protoka vazduha.
Mora se zadržati više od 70 cm prostora između spoljnjeg uređaja i vetrobrana zbog lakog protoka vazduha.
※XX ne daje garanciju ako se proizvod povremeno ne čisti HEX-om ili se ne ugradi vetrobran.
Serbian to English: Bosnia and Herzegovina Electrical Energy General field: Teh/Inžinjerstvo Detailed field: Energija / Proizvodnja el. energije
Izvorni tekst - Serbian Bosna i Hercegovina bogata je prirodnim resursima koji su neophodni za proizvodnju električne energije: vodom i ugljem. Prema podacima Državne regulatorne komisije za električnu energiju BiH, samo u 2014. godini, na prenosnoj mreži proizvedeno je 14 472 GWh električne energije, dok je 47 GWh u prenosnu mrežu injektovano iz distributivne mreže. Nešto više od 60% električne energije u 2014, proizvele su termoelektrane. Višak električne energije proizveden je i u godinama prije, ali i poslije, zbog čega BiH jednim dijelom živi od njene proizvodnje i izvoza. Većina termoelektrana je starija od 30 godina i oslonjene su na lignit i mrki ugalj iz lokalnih rudnih bazena. Sve elektrane karakteriše niska energetska efikasnost. U državi trenutno postoji 9 termoelektrana, a 7 novih pogona tek treba da krene sa radom.
Prevod - English 1
00:00:00,279 --> 00:00:05,599
00:00:09,799 --> 00:00:14,159
Bosnia and Herzegovina is rich
in the natural resources needed for
00:00:14,199 --> 00:00:17,639
electrical energy production:
water and coal.
00:00:17,679 --> 00:00:21,759
According to the Electrical energy
State regulatory commission
00:00:21,799 --> 00:00:23,399
of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
00:00:23,439 --> 00:00:28,519
14,472 GWh of electrical energy
was produced in 2014 alone
00:00:28,559 --> 00:00:34,359
via the transmitting system,
whilst 47 GWh was inserted from the
00:00:34,399 --> 00:00:36,879
distributive system to the
transmitting system.
00:00:36,919 --> 00:00:39,759
A little more than 60%
of electricity
00:00:39,799 --> 00:00:43,039
was generated by
power plants in 2014.
00:00:43,079 --> 00:00:46,319
Surplus electricity was
generated in earlier years
00:00:46,359 --> 00:00:49,559
and regularly from then, which
enables Bosnia and Herzegovina
00:00:49,599 --> 00:00:51,879
to sustain itself partly off
its production and export.
00:00:51,919 --> 00:00:55,119
Most of the power plants
are older than 30 years,
00:00:55,159 --> 00:00:58,879
and rely on brown coal and
lignite from local mine reservoirs.
00:00:58,919 --> 00:01:02,959
All the power production facilities
have low energy efficiency.
00:01:02,999 --> 00:01:05,999
Currently, there are 9
steam power plants in the state,
00:01:06,039 --> 00:01:08,839
and 7 new modules
are about to start production.
Croatian to English: Medical Report General field: Medicina Detailed field: Medicina (opće)
Izvorni tekst - Croatian Sadašnja bolest
Unazad 3 dana febrilan do max. 38.5 st C uz grlobolju koja je danas jača. Pomalo šmrca Ne kašlje Stolica uredna.
Unazad 2 mjeseca bez akutne bolesti
Za sadašnju bolest: Ceffetin, Maxflu. Za kronične bolesti: 0
Epidemiološka anamneza: Iz XXX, od XX u Zagrebu, ne zna za trenutno slično bolesne u okolini. Ima mačku. Krpelj 0.
Alergije: do sada na lijekove nije imao
Klinički status: c/p 104/min, RF 16/min, Sp02 97%, Tuho 38.2stC
Subfebrilan, budan, orijentiran, opće stanje se doima blaže narušeno, pokretan Meningitički sindrom negativan. Ne uočavam osip ili krvarenje na koži. Sluznica usne šupljine bez enantema i vidljivog krvarenja. Ždrijelo hiperemično, tonzile simetrično blaže izvan lukova, po njima bijeli sadržaj. Jezik vlažan, nije obložen. Angularno granično povećan, oba bolna prilikom palpacije, vise desni. Srčana akcija je tahiritmična, jasnih tonova, šumova ne čujem. Nad plućima obostrano uredan šum disanja. Abdomen u razini prsnog koša, mekan, bezbolan, bez defansa, čujne peristaltike, jetru i slezenu ne palpiram. Ekstremiteti bez edema. Ne uočavam neuroloških ispada.
Prevod - English Current illness
Febrile for the last three days up to
38.5 deg. Celsius with the sore throat
which is worse today. Runny nose a
bit. Doesn’t cough. Normal stool.
Pre-existing health condition: No acute illnesses in the last two months
Previous illnesses: Unimportant
Medications For the current illness: Ceffetin,
Maxflu. . For the chronic illnesses: 0
Epidemiological anamnesis: From XXX, in Zagreb from 00/00, . . isn’t aware of the similar illness
around him. Has a cat. Ticks: 0
Alergies: So far didn’t have medication allergies
Clinical status: h/r 104/min, RF 16/min, Sp02 97%,
T/ear 38.2 dg. C.
Subfebrile, alert, oriented, general health conditon seems slightly deteriorated, mobile. Meningitis syndrome negative. There is no rash or bleeding into skin. No enantema or visible bleeding of oral mucosa. Pharynx hiperemic, tonsils symmetrically, sligtly out of arches, with white layer on them. Tongue moist, not coated. Within limits angular swollen lymph nodes, both painful during palpation, right one more. Cardial action: normal, clear tones, don‘t hear murmurs. Pulmo: Breathing sound normal. Upper abdomen soft tender, painless, no muscular defense, audible peristalsis, cannot palpate the liver and the spleen. Extremities with no edema. No neurological disorders.
Montenegrin to English: Divorce verdict (Бракоразводна парница - пресуда) General field: Drugo Detailed field: Pravo (opće)
Izvorni tekst - Montenegrin U IME CRNE GORE
OSNOVNI SUD U PODGORICI, kao prvostepeni parnični, sudija X
X, odlučujući u pravnoj stvari predlagača I reda XXX XXX, rođene
XXX iz Podgorice, ul. XXX broj YY, sa JMBG XXXX i predlagača
II reda XXX XXX iz Podgorice, nepoznatog boravista, sa JMBG
xxxx, radi razvoda braka, nakon održanog ročišta glavne i tajne
rasprave zaključene dana xx.xx.2017.godine, u prisustvu predlagača
I reda i odsustvu uredno pozvanog predlagača II reda, donio je dana
Sporazumom stranaka razvodi se brak predlagača I reda XXX XXX,
rođene XXX i predlagača II reda XXX XXX, zaključen pred
nadležnim organom Glavnog grada Podgorica dana
xx.xx.xxxx.godine, zaveden pod tekućim brojem 3 za godinu xxxx-u,
a na osnovu odredbe č1.57 Porodičnog zakona.
Vršenje roditeljskog prava nad mldb. djecom stranaka, sinom mldb.
XXX XXX rođenin xx.xx.xxxx.godine i kćerkom mldb. XXX XXX
rođenom xx.xx.xxxx.godine, povjerava se predlagaču I reda — majci
XXX XXX, uz obavezu predlagača II reda — oca XXX XXX da
doprinosi izdržavanju mldb. djece u iznosu od 150,00 eura ( po 75,00
eura za svako dijete) koji iznos će uplaćivati na ruke zakonske
zastupnice — majke, ovdje predlagača I reda svakomjesečno od 01.
do 05-og u mjesecu za tekući mjesec, od dana donošenja presude pa
dok za to budu postojali zakonski razlozi.
Svaka stranka snosi svoje troškove postupka.
BASIC COURT IN PODGORICA, as a litigious circuit court, judge
XX, making decision in the legal case of the plaintiff XXX XXX,
née XXX, from Podgorica, XXXX Street,
social security number xxxxx, and the defendant XXX XXX from
Podgorica, unknown address, social security number xxxxx, for
granting divorce, after main and private trials were concluded on xx/
x/xxxx, with the presence of the plaintiff and the absence of the
regularly summoned defendant, on July x, 2017 has reached
By both parties mutual agreement, the marriage between the plaintiff
XXX XXX, née XXX, and the defendant XXX XXX, who got
married in the presence of the relevant authorities of Podgorica
Capital city on XXXX xxth, xxxx, and whose marriage was recorded
on the basis of the Family Law Article 57 regulation under the
current number three of the year XXXX, has been divorced.
The custody of parties’ underaged children, minor son XXX XXX,
born xxx xxrd, xxxx, and minor daughter XXX XXX, born xxx xxth,
xxxx, was awarded to the plaintiff – mother XXX XXX, with
obligation of the defendant – father XXX XXX, to contribute to
maintaining underaged children with the sum of 150.00 euros (75.00
euros for each child), which he will pay cash in hand to the legal
guardian – mother, here plaintiff, on a monthly basis, from the first to
the fifth day of the month for the current month, from the day of
reaching this verdict and as long as there are legal reasons.
Each party will bear its own legal expenses.
Serbian to English (University of Novi Sad) English to Serbian (University of Novi Sad) Bosnian to English (University of Novi Sad) English to Bosnian (University of Novi Sad)
CafeTran Espresso, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Libre Office, Subtitle Plus, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio
I have translated over six million words. This includes around950 feature films and documentaries from English to Serbian and vice versa, and from Italian to Serbian (miniseries Gomorra, La Freccia Nera, Puccini, Caraibi), and two books:
the John Reed's book "The War in Eastern Europe", and the most part of the "Dr. Edward W. Ryan - Savior of Belgrade" book which depicts occupied Belgrade, Serbia, in 1915, where this American military physician was the head of all hospitals.
Proven Serbian grammar and spelling expert with four published newspaper articles on incorrect Serbian translations.
Specialized in Serbian (Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin) to English translation of Medical reports (around 500 reports), Verdicts, Birth certificates, Utility bills, etc.
I've translated over 700,000 words of various user manuals from English to Serbian.
Also specialized in English videos transcription andEnglish text timecoding in .srt format.
August-September 2016-2017 - I've translated 20 films for the First and Second Parallel Vision Music Film Festival, September 2016-2017, Dom omladine Beograda, Belgrade, Serbia.
I can translate up to2,500 words of nontechnical text and20-25 min. (EN to SR), and 10-15 min. (SR/BO/CRO to EN) of filmmater. per day.
Areas of expertise: Feature films and documentaries subtitling and translation, Medicine,Music (performer, composer, and arranger), Law (Business Law graduate),Advertising (30 years of experience), Astronomy, History, welding, various technical user manuals, etc.
As a commercial translator of English-Serbian subtitles, I appear to be the only translator currently working in the field that consistently delivers subtitle texts with the correct meaning, context, grammar, and spelling.
2015-2016 - I authored several newspaper articles published in the nationally distributed popular weekly magazine Ilustrovana Politikaand in daily newspapers Blic ( andVecernje novosti. Those articles covered issues related to translating texts elements in various media and cited numerous examples of incorrect translations.
Ključne riječi: Еnglish-Serbian translation and subtitling, English, Serbian, Movie subtitling, Movie translation, Филмски преводилац енглески-српски, Преводи с енглеског на српски, Преводи са српског на енглески, Књижевни преводилац енглески-српски, Уметност. See more.Еnglish-Serbian translation and subtitling, English, Serbian, Movie subtitling, Movie translation, Филмски преводилац енглески-српски, Преводи с енглеског на српски, Преводи са српског на енглески, Књижевни преводилац енглески-српски, Уметност, Музика, Медијско оглашавање, Свемир и астрономија, Лекторисање, Еnglish-Serbian proofreading, Art, Music, Space, Astronomy, Advertising, Еnglish-Serbian literary translation, Serbian grammar and spelling expert, Стручњак за српски правопис и граматику. See less.
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