The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Tele(komunikacije) Translation Glossary

French term English translation
client post-payé sous engagement post-paid customer under contract
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
cloisonnement d'interface physique physical interface separation
close d’arrêt stop clause
CMO ou mobicarte Compte Mobile Orange (Orange Mobile Account)/ Mobicarte (prepaid SIM card)
code des postes et télécommunications Post Office and Telecommunications Code
code plaques service area identifier
code TAC dit « durci » "fixed" TAC code
codes propres distinct codes
coeur de chaîne Switch
coffret phone kit
Coffret de vente retail pack
combinaison entre elles / eux de... intercombination of... / intercombining
Entered by: Tony M
commande à date order with a due date
commande déportée remote control
Entered by: Gina W
commercialisateur marketing / marketer
commercialisateur de gros Wholesaler
commerciaux sales department lines
compagnie exploitant de téléphone ou de télécommunication telephone or telecommunications company
compétence de traitement processing authorization
complète par ses soins. set out (by the service provider) below in a full and exhaustive manner
comptage metering [for electricity, gas, water etc. --- possibly also telephone calls]
Entered by: Tony M
comptes sociaux corporate accounts
concaténation concatenation, linking
conciergerie call reception centre
condensat de minuties digest of details
conditionnement task triggering
consideration which is internally well esteemed/respected
Consoles et herses, obturateurs d’alvéoles Brackets and raceways, cement duct obstructors
consultation restreinte limited consultation/short list
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
continuité d’effort sur la résolution d’un Incident a sustained trouble-shooting effort
Contrat d’apprentissage Repère in conformity with a standard apprenticeship contract
contrat location-entretien lease/maintenance agreement
contrôle de flux flow control
Entered by: liz askew
contrôles de la régie compliance checks
Convergence fixe mobile Fixed/mobile convergence
coordinateur d'échanges (programme) exchange coordinator
Entered by: Anna Fitzgerald
coques skin
Cosse simel Simel battery casing
Entered by: Paula Price
cotation rating / grading
couettes de fils téléphoniques pigtails
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