Pages in topic: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23] > | WATA's Historic Journey Thread poster: Amer al-Azem
| Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Egypt | Jun 20, 2003 |
الأخوة و الأخوات بالمجموعة
اتابع رسائلكم و مشروعكم باهتمام لأنه سيعود على كل المثقفين بالنفع .أنا لا أعمل فى مجال الترجمة لكنى قمت بترجمة بعض نصوصى الأدبية الى الانجليزية
اتطلع الى الاستفادة من موقعكم على النت فى القريب العاجل
تقبلوا تحياتى و أجمل أمنياتى
عزة الوكيل
إن شاء الله. | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Jordan | Jun 21, 2003 |
Salaam Amer! Well, I'm a mechanical engineer.. working & living in Jordan!
My field is Air-conditioning but indeed I like any thing related to Arabic literature such as poems, novel & any thing related to languages so I encourage you to support our community every where! we have a treasured culture which a lot don't know about...
Good Luck!
Please inform me how can I help your good project
--------... See more Salaam Amer! Well, I'm a mechanical engineer.. working & living in Jordan!
My field is Air-conditioning but indeed I like any thing related to Arabic literature such as poems, novel & any thing related to languages so I encourage you to support our community every where! we have a treasured culture which a lot don't know about...
Good Luck!
Please inform me how can I help your good project
أختي العزيزة،
الأدب و الترجمة ليستا حكرا على أحد أو متخصص و كثير من الأدباء جاءوا من خلفيات أو تخصصات غير أدبية. و لعلك تعرفين أن كثير من المترجمين هم ليسوا متخصصين في الإنجليزية، أي حاملي لشهادات في اللغة الإنجليزية أو الترجمة بل هم من تخصصات وخلفيات مختلفة . أنصحك لأن تنضمي لهذه التظاهرة التاريخية من خلال ترجمة مسرد في مجال اختصاصك أو المجال الذين تريدين حيث سيفيد ذلك المتخصصين و المترجمين على موقع الجمعية جنبا إلى جنب التقدير و المقابل المعنوي"غير المادي حاليا!" الذي سيحصل عليه كل مشارك و مشاركة من قبل الجمعية الدولية للمترجمين العرب . سأبعث لك رسالة "لماذا تشاركي في القاموس الموسوعي العربي"ما رأيك؟
شكرا جزيلا لاهتمامك بمشاركتي... في الحقيقة إنني أعلم تماما أن الأدب تحديدا ليس حكرا على أحد بل هو في مجمله حالة إبداعية يعيشها الفرد كنوع من التفاعل أو التعبير عما يدور من حوله من أحداث. و بالطبع فأنا أعلم أهمية هذا الموضوع و أؤيدك مطلق التأييد بأن هذه المحاولات الجادة ستحفر بصماتها إن شاء الله و تساعدkا على إعادة صياغة التاريخ العربي بصورة منيرة و مشرقة بعد أن تكالبت عليه المحن فأضحى ضعيفا يصارع الموت و الفناء...
سيدي الفاضل، مشاركتي في مثل هذا العمل الإبداعي و الثقافي هي مفخرة تشرفني و مسئولية أتشرف بكل صدق بحملها غير راجية من وراء ذلك أي مكسب مادي فما أركز عليه هو خدمة العربية بكل المعاني تاريخا و أدبا و تراثا و العودة بها إلى عصورها المشرقة التي زركشت نقوشها كتب التاريخ و الذي كانت و ما تزال المنارة لتاريخ الدول المتقدمة في هذا الزمن...
أشكرك مرة أخرى و سأعمل جاهدة على المشاركة حسب قدراتي و طاقاتي ، علما بأنني أملك موقع متواضع على الشبكة فإذا رغبتم قمت بالتسويق لجمعيتكم الكريمة من خلاله
و هو كالتالي:
أتمنى لكم المزيد من التقدم و الإزدهار
رلى جمعة
[Edited at 2003-06-21 14:28] ▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Pending messages! | Jun 21, 2003 |
Would you send me your message in English or in French? I can't read it in Arabic; I’m on holiday until the 1st of July.
2)Good afternoon,
Thanks you very much sir for answering my question “Theory of equilibrium of power, Theory of Balance of Power”. I’m not a translator, I am a student of linguistics and education; I’m interested in translation and Arabic literature and think of continuing my postgraduate stud... See more 1)Hello
Would you send me your message in English or in French? I can't read it in Arabic; I’m on holiday until the 1st of July.
2)Good afternoon,
Thanks you very much sir for answering my question “Theory of equilibrium of power, Theory of Balance of Power”. I’m not a translator, I am a student of linguistics and education; I’m interested in translation and Arabic literature and think of continuing my postgraduate studies on translation. I contacted you in person "Because I asked her why though she does not know me!" because I saw that you are very active member in the forum, I post a message in the forum but it haven’t shown up yet, I don’t know what’s up but this is the first time i use this site upon my professor's recommendation, thanks very much sir for your help, God be with you.
Naila ▲ Collapse | | | To Mr. Abdelouadoud El Omrani | Jun 21, 2003 |
Amer Al Azem wrote:
Dear Mr. Al Azem,
As learnt from the header that I received this message as one of 56 recipients realizing that the target auditory seems to be Arabic.
Therefore, I am not sure if I am really the right contact.
On the other hand, I definitely feel a certain enthusiasm for this project as I am an German Arabist, and I feel quite often a lack of co-operation opportunities with Arabic colleagues, and I must say even the opposite of
openness of the Arabic community.
If this project could be a contribution to international co-operation, and even more, international mutual understanding, I would be the first to support it.
On the other hand, I also have an additional interest, and this is the connection between Arabic and my own language, of course. On one hand this is a technical issue (it\'s difficult to display Arabic fonts together
With German mutated vowels), but on the other hand, it is also a cultural one.
Even though I know that this should absolutely not be my concern, I see a certain problem .------. Try to find any other Arabic glossary than an English one (at least on the level of almisbar) on the internet. You will hardly be successful.
Best regards
Olaf Brodacki
Dear Mr Olaf,
Your message has been forwarded to me by Amer Al Azem, and I wanted to reply.
Please consider that we REALLY need linguists like you with your pair.
We have absolutely no policy to endeavour an English oriented policy. The only thing is that so many sciences and techniques are spread in this language that we\'re interested to translate to enrich the Arabic culture.
The input of the German Culture to the human heritage is absolutely evident to any scholar or academician. And we are sure there\'s a huge work to be done to fasten the bridges between our two cultures.
We will be very pleased if you join our association. We will have different language pairs departments and Ar Ger will surely be an important one.
Thank you for your offer and as you say in Goethe\'s language: Sie sind bei uns herzlischen wilkommeen!
Abdelouadoud El Omrani
Head of the Consulting Committee
[Edited at 2003-06-02 10:49] | |
Mr. Abdelouadoud El Omrani / Mr. Olaf Brodacki. Greetings from Germany | Jun 21, 2003 |
Dear Mr. Abdelouadoud El Omrani
Dear Mr. Olaf Brodacki
I have seen your messages on this site and would like to offer my services as a German-Arabic and English-Arabic translator.
Best regards
Hassan El-Sherief
Diplom-Uebersetzer, Uni-Mainz, Germany
Bachelor of Arts, English language, Minia-Uni.
[email protected] | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER UNESCO on board! | Jun 22, 2003 |
Dear Mr Al Azem,
Thank you for your message of 17 May, in which you announced me the birth of WATA. I am very happy to hear about this initiative whose scope and objective have a lot in common with our own programmes. I therefore cannot but commit myself to assist, support and advertise the development of your association, which could become our first partner in the Arab world.
I think that there are many different common areas of intervention in which we could develop... See more Dear Mr Al Azem,
Thank you for your message of 17 May, in which you announced me the birth of WATA. I am very happy to hear about this initiative whose scope and objective have a lot in common with our own programmes. I therefore cannot but commit myself to assist, support and advertise the development of your association, which could become our first partner in the Arab world.
I think that there are many different common areas of intervention in which we could develop partnerships. We could work together at the creation of guidance lists, databases, mobilization initiatives and publications. If
You visit the Clearing House for Literary Translation I manage (, you will discover plenty of possibilities.
As a first step, I could perhaps meet Amina Abed Bye, who is in France, for a preliminary exchange of information on our perspectives and objectives. In this respect, I allow myself to send copy of this message to this person.
Very confident in our future collaboration, I thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you.
Mauro Rosi
Division of Arts and Cultural Enterprise
Division des arts et de l'entreprise culturelle ▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER | Ouadoud Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... German Arabic language pair community | Jun 23, 2003 |
Hassan El-Sherief wrote:
Dear Mr. Abdelouadoud El Omrani
Dear Mr. Olaf Brodacki
I have seen your messages on this site and would like to offer my services as a German-Arabic and English-Arabic translator.
Best regards
Hassan El-Sherief
Diplom-Uebersetzer, Uni-Mainz, Germany
Bachelor of Arts, English language, Minia-Uni.
[email protected][/quote]
Dear Mr Hassan,
Dear Mr Olaf,
As you can see, and as I happily observe, you are the "hardcore" of a new born Ar-Ger language community.
WATA welcomes you, invites you to get in touch and is eager to hear any input or suggestion concerning the development of all what can be related to you language pairs.
Thank you very much and welcome on board.
Abdelouadoud El Omrani | |
Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Libya | Jun 24, 2003 |
Dear Amer I hope every thing is moving in the right
direction regarding the Encyclopedic dictionary .
I wish you personally all the best
Almabrok Bensaied
من المهم القول بان الأخ العزيز المبروك بن سعيد شارك بقوة في القاموس الموسوعي العربي و عرض أن يرسل قاموس يباع في ليبيا و إضافتة للقاموس الموسوعي العربي.
هؤلاء مثلكم هم أبطال العرب لهذا العصر
[Edited at 2003-06-24 17:41] | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Germany | Jun 24, 2003 |
Dear Amer
I prefer not to exaggerate like most of us usually tend to do, but it is amazing how you managed to gather all such resources for one single cause!
(Does someone get a lesson out of that?)
I deeply appreciate the initiatives of all those willing to give a hand.
As a professional German-Arabic & English-Arabic translator, I, too, would like to join in.
Best regards
Hassan El-Sherief
Bachelor of Arts, Engli... See more Dear Amer
I prefer not to exaggerate like most of us usually tend to do, but it is amazing how you managed to gather all such resources for one single cause!
(Does someone get a lesson out of that?)
I deeply appreciate the initiatives of all those willing to give a hand.
As a professional German-Arabic & English-Arabic translator, I, too, would like to join in.
Best regards
Hassan El-Sherief
Bachelor of Arts, English
أشكرك أخي حسن . رسالة أعتز بها لكن هذا جهد جماعي عربي دولي لا يعزى لفرد و اليد لوحدها لا تصفق وأهلا بك معنا عضوا فاعلا على قدم المساواة. ▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of ُEgypt | Jun 24, 2003 |
ملحوظة : الرجاء ان تبعث لى اخر اخبار الجمعية وترسل بسلامى الخاص لعبد الودود وكل من له صلة بالجمعية واعذرنى ولتعلم بأن هنا فى القاهرة مجموعة بهرت بهذا المشروع وابدوا استعدادهم للمشاركة الجادة وهم يشكروك ومقدرين لجهدك الرائع
ثريا نافع
طبعا ثريا ناف... See more ------
ملحوظة : الرجاء ان تبعث لى اخر اخبار الجمعية وترسل بسلامى الخاص لعبد الودود وكل من له صلة بالجمعية واعذرنى ولتعلم بأن هنا فى القاهرة مجموعة بهرت بهذا المشروع وابدوا استعدادهم للمشاركة الجادة وهم يشكروك ومقدرين لجهدك الرائع
ثريا نافع
طبعا ثريا نافع منسقة اللجنة الفخرية و الشرفية و مساعدة المنسق العام هي كما هو معروف كاتبة و صحفية كبيرة و هي الآن في إجازة في مصر . و هي من تلامذة الأستاذ نجيب محفوظ و ممن يداومون على جلساته و مجالسة كبار الأدباء المصريين . و هي تتمتع بحضور محترم في القاهرة بين كبار الأدباء و المفكرين و الشعراء المصريين.
نتمنى لها عودة سليمة لكي تقوم بدورها الكبير .
[Edited at 2003-06-24 18:03] ▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Tunisia | Jun 25, 2003 |
Dear sirs,
I read about the Arab dictionary you are preparing , and being myself a manager of a translation agency in Tunisia , i would like to learn more about your project and about the way to join your team.
Manager | |
Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Palestine | Jun 27, 2003 |
Dear Walaa,
Hi! How are you?
What are lexical items( masarid) that we should translate. Do you have a stock of them? I am willing to translate as many as you can send.
Dr. Fayez
[Edited at 2003-06-27 00:05] | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Kuwait | Jun 27, 2003 |
Dear Abdelouadoud,
I am very much pleased to communicate with you, and I highly appreciate your open-mindedness and understanding.
I will be pleased to join WATA team, but I do not think I can be very active on the Glossary Committee for some of the points I raised in previous e-mails. This does not however mean that I have something against it. It is only a matter of believing in a different modus operandi in compiling dictionaries.
If WATA plans to have... See more Dear Abdelouadoud,
I am very much pleased to communicate with you, and I highly appreciate your open-mindedness and understanding.
I will be pleased to join WATA team, but I do not think I can be very active on the Glossary Committee for some of the points I raised in previous e-mails. This does not however mean that I have something against it. It is only a matter of believing in a different modus operandi in compiling dictionaries.
If WATA plans to have training courses/workshops, I think I can help. I have been involved in translator training since 1991 as you can see from my profile. I have created the translation program of the Center for Research, Consultation and Training, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University in Cairo. In Kuwait, my duties include, among other tasks, assessing and preparing recommendations to the management for translation projects, in addition to designing, developing and conducts courses/workshops for translator training in various disciplines. My MA focuses on curriculum development in translator-training programs, and my current research for PhD focuses on Total Quality Management in translator training.
Moustafa ▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestina Local time: 06:39 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of UAE | Jun 27, 2003 |
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الأخ عامر المحترم
نحن سعداء بأية مشاريع لنقل التكنولوجيا فنحن مستعدين للمساهمة وفق خبرتنا.
لقد قمنا ومنذ عام 1985 بترجمة عدد من الكتب الى اللغة العربية في مجال بحوث العمليات , اتخاذ القرار, و الحاسب الآلي. وتم نشر عدد من الكتب المعدة والمؤلفة كا�... See more بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الأخ عامر المحترم
نحن سعداء بأية مشاريع لنقل التكنولوجيا فنحن مستعدين للمساهمة وفق خبرتنا.
لقد قمنا ومنذ عام 1985 بترجمة عدد من الكتب الى اللغة العربية في مجال بحوث العمليات , اتخاذ القرار, و الحاسب الآلي. وتم نشر عدد من الكتب المعدة والمؤلفة كان آخرها مؤلف ب55. صفحة بعنوان أساليب بحوث العمليات: الطرق الكمية المساعدة في اتخاذ القرار عن دار القلم -دبي. ونحن بصدد االإنتهاء من مؤلف لآخر بعنوان :
مقدمة في نظم المعلومات لدعم /أسناد القرارات باللغة العربية في القريب العاجل.
ولدينا مشوع للتعريب مع أحد الأساتذه في جامعة web-booksمشيغان الأمريكية
لتعريب كتب علمية وادارية في تخصص نظم المعلومات واتخاذ القرار وبحوث العمليات
مع التقدير
الدكتور عبد الستار أحمد محمد الآلوسي
عميد كلية الإدارة ونظم المعلومات
جامعة الاتحاد -رأس الخيمة- دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
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