Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 27 '14 ita>eng doppia anima a vibrant blend of old and new pro closed ok
4 Aug 5 '13 ita>eng atroci is itself an atrocity pro closed ok
4 Aug 5 '13 ita>eng la propria its own pro closed ok
4 May 12 '13 ita>eng progetto di styling styling (project) pro closed ok
- Feb 15 '11 ita>eng il grafico del viaggio the graphics of travel pro closed no
- Dec 14 '10 ita>eng oltre la visione zenitale going beyond the bird's-eye view pro closed ok
4 Nov 29 '10 ita>eng facendo uscire dal pantano delle foto ricordo transcends/goes beyond the snapshot pro closed ok
4 Dec 10 '09 ita>eng ombre riportate halo pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered