Translation glossary:

Showing entries 201-250 of 2,234
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as I look back from herepelo que me recordo(lembro)..em retrospecto 
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as it loads the volumesenquanto carrega os volumes.. 
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ASSEMBLYMANDeputado Estadual 
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assignedtypo ASSIGN => atribuir 
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assinaturas semestraissix month subscriptions 
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at a steady rate of once per seconduma taxa constante de uma vez por segundo 
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atendimento preferencialpreferential service 
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attritionwearing down..attenuation..erosion, 
Audio Remote-Controllercontrole remoto de áudio 
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Aula InauguralInaugural class 
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aumento constante no consumoconstant increase in consumption 
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Aus da lojaavailable units for sale (in the store)...available units in stock (in the store) 
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autoportante, estaiadaself supporting..guyed 
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AV blank mediamédia audiovisual em branco (virgem) 
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Aviso da passagem pelo ponto través com Armazém 32Inform passing the point beside Warehouse 32 
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Água salgada de incêndioSalt water for fire fighting 
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à coronalidade defaultto the default coronality.. 
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à sorrelfastealthily..on the sly 
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às vezes eu falo e às vezes nego..sometimes I spill the beans and sometimes I clam up 
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às vezes o agua pode se separar do produto.às vezes a agua pode se separar do produto. 
óleo compostosoy olive oil oil blend. 
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À flor da peleskin deep. 
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“13-171”13 - Lula's (PT) party code..171 - penal code nr. 171: embezzlement 
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“heating ramp Evolved Gás Analysis” (EGA)Análise de gás desprendido num aumento programado controlado de temperatura 
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“Lamelas blocante”blocking layers 
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back dooratravés de um abertura (brecha) deixada num acordo comercial internacional 
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Back End Capponta traseira da gôndola 
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back nine climbs backos últimos 9 buracos do campo de golfe sobem em elevação 
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back of the knobEu me pergunto quem lhe deu aquele rachado na parte de trás da cabeça 
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back up-to-speedretomar a velocidade anterior..retornar a velocidade anterior 
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backbeddingvedação de assentamento 
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backing platechapa de reforço..placa de reforço 
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Backlash Clearancefolga de flexão de recuo. 
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baggedcolocado num saco 
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baggedcolocado num saco..ensacado(s)/ensacada(s) 
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bail out bottlecilindro de ar (comprimido) de emergencia.. 
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Bailing Strawpalha para enfardamento. 
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baixa automatica de fundosautomatic withdrawal ... 
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Baixa do IRPJ a Pagarrelease from (removal of) Income Tax obligation (for legal Entity).. 
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baixa..Dar baixaclose out 
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baking dishforma refratária... 
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balança rodo-ferroviáriahighway and railway scales.. 
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balance shaft gearengrenagem do eixo de balanceamento 
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baler shellconcha do Melo aethiopica Linnaeus... 
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ball-killmorte por bola..bola da morte 
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balloon paymentpagamento final 
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Bancada com loiça sanitáriaBench with sanitary porcelain.. 
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