The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Kino, Film, TV, Drama Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
afstopdoek masking drapery
doorleefd verhaal a vivid story
Entered by: Dennis Seine
druk zakdoekjes uit elkaar rukkend busily fidgeting with tissues/ripping tissues apart
edelfiguratie bit part
een Grote Toekomst tegemoet heading for a Grand Future
geluidsnabewerking/nabewerking audio post-processing/post-processing
hectische beeldvoering hectic/frenetic camera work
hij dwong volle zalen tot overgave he held the entire audience spellbound
hoge afwerkingsgraad attention to detail
instartfilms introductory films/clips
karakterkop character face
kermisklant merry fellow
Entered by: Max Nuijens
residenties residencies (artist-in-residence)
Entered by: Michael Beijer
sluisverlichting sound and light lock lighting
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
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