Importing already translated excel files into Memoq
Thread poster: William Ceurvels
William Ceurvels
William Ceurvels  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:36
Chinese to English
Feb 28, 2011

My question is simple: is it possible to import an already translated excel file (a file that contains completed fields in the target language) into memoq version 4.5.29?

Thank you!


Local time: 22:36
LiveDocs? Mar 1, 2011

Is it possible to upload it within LiveDocs? I have never done this but this must be the best way?

add binary for example?

hope someone else has more info

slàinte - Ruairidh

Pzit (X)
Pzit (X)
English to Italian
Sure Mar 1, 2011

Yeah, sure. You can import xls files for translation or reference; if you have existing translations in your column flagged for import as the target language, they will be imported. You get the same result as if you were importing a segmented Trados file, like a rtf or a TagEditor file or other bilingual kinds of files.


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Importing already translated excel files into Memoq

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