Vikram University Vikram University

Name Vikram University
Abbreviation Vikram University
Organization Type School
Contact Phone +91 734 251 4270
Address University Road, Madhav Bhavan, Near Vikram Vatika Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh 456010, India
City Ujjain
Country Indija
Description Established on March 1, 1957, Vikram Univeristy is one of the oldest university of MP has created a special niche for itself in the past almost Six decades. The University offers education in 11 faculties, 28 school of studies & institutes, NSS and NCC Training and Orientation Center and 171 affiliated college. The University is offering instruction in higher learning & research guidance in around 125 diversified courses that are directly related to economic growth.
Admission Criteria Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).

Training Does not offer training.

Credential Offers credential(s).

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