Society of Medical Interpreters SOMI

Name Society of Medical Interpreters
Abbreviation SOMI
Organization Type Association
Contact Phone +1 (206) 729-2100
Address PO Box 3304
City Seattle 98104-3304
Country Sjedinjene Američke Države
Description SOMI is your professional organization, created and supported by you, representing your voice in interpreter issues. Through your membership in SOMI, you may unite your voice, talents and energy with that of other interpreters and collectively expand the importance and visibility of our profession.

Organization Goals:

To provide training and continuing education opportunities for interpreters.

To establish and maintain a professional code of ethics and standards of practice for medical interpretation.

To promote active communication between service providers, ethnic communities and the interpreter community.

To research, gather and disseminate information, including current events and policy involving and affecting the interpreter community.

To provide a supportive network for the interpreter community.

To promote awareness among healthcare service providers and the community of the value of interpreter services.

Admission Criteria Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).

Training Does not offer training.

Credential Does not offer credential(s).

If you have any additional or missing information on this organization, or if this record needs to be updated, please contact site staff via support request with the details. Thank you for helping to keep the database accurate. store image


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