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English to Serbo-Croat - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR po riječi / 24 - 34 EUR po satu English to Serbian - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR po riječi / 24 - 34 EUR po satu French to Serbian - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR po riječi / 24 - 34 EUR po satu English to Bosnian - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR po riječi / 24 - 34 EUR po satu Serbo-Croat to English - Cijene: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR po riječi / 24 - 34 EUR po satu
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English to Serbo-Croat: Taoist tale General field: Drugo
Izvorni tekst - English Duke Mu of Chin said to Po Lo: You are now advanced in years. Is there any member of your family whom I could employ to look for horses in your stead? Po Lo replied: A good horse can be picked out by its general build and appearance. But the superlative horse one that raises no dust and leaves no tracks is something evanescent and fleeting, elusive as thin air. The talents of my sons lie on a lower plane altogether; they can tell a good horse when they see one, but they cannot tell a superlative horse. I have a friend, however, one Chiu-fang Kao, a hawker of fuel and vegetables, who in things appertaining to horses is nowise my inferior. Pray see him. Duke Mu did so, and subsequently dispatched him on the quest for a steed. Three months later, he returned with the news that he had found one. It is now in Shachiu he added. What kind of a horse is it? asked the Duke. Oh, it is a dun-colored mare, was the reply. However, someone being sent to fetch it, the animal turned out to be a coal-black stallion! Much displeased, the Duke sent for Po Lo. That friend of yours, he said, whom I commissioned to look for a horse, has made a fine mess of it. Why, he cannot even distinguish a beasts color or sex! What on earth can he know about horses? Po Lo heaved a sigh of satisfaction. Has he really got as far as that? he cried. Ah, then he is worth ten thousand of me put together. There is no comparison between us. What Kao keeps in view is the spiritual mechanism. In making sure of the essential, he forgets the homely details; intent on the inward qualities, he loses sight of the external. He sees what he wants to see, and not what he does not want to see. He looks at the things he ought to look at, and neglects those that need not be looked at. So clever a judge of horses is Kao, that he has it in him to judge something better than horses. When the horse arrived, it turned out indeed to be a superlative animal.
Prevod - Serbo-Croat Vojvoda Mu od Ćina reče Po Lou: „Ti si već čovjek u godinama. Ima li ijednog člana tvoje porodice kojeg bih mogao zaposliti da se mjesto tebe brine o konjima?“ Po Lo odgovori: „Dobrog konja možete prepoznati prema njegovoj opštoj građi i pojavi. Međutim, vrhunski konj, onaj koji ne diže prašinu i ne ostavlja tragove, je nešto neopipljivo i prolazno, neuhvatljivo poput vazduha. Talenti mojih sinova svi leže na nižoj ravni; oni mogu prepoznati dobrog konja kad ga vide, ali ne mogu prepoznati vrhunskog konja. Međutim, imam prijatelja po imenu Ćiu-fang Kao, prodavca ogrijeva i povrća, čije znanje u vezi s konjima niukoliko ne zaostaje za mojim. Molim vas da ga posjetite.“ Vojvoda Mu i učini tako, i nakon toga posla Kaoa da mu pronađe konja. Tri mjeseca kasnije, ovaj se vratio s viješću da je pronašao jednog. „Sada se nalazi u Šačiuu“, dodao je. „Kakav je to konj?“ pitao je Vojvoda. „Oh, to je sivosmeđa kobila“, glasio je odgovor. Međutim, kad su vojvodini ljudi otišli po konja, pokazalo se da se radi o crnom pastuvu. Vrlo nezadovoljan, Vojvoda posla po Po Loa. „Onaj tvoj prijatelj“, reče, „koga sam zadužio da mi pronađe konja, je napravio finu brljotinu. Zaboga, pa on ne zna razlikovati čak ni boju i spol životinje. Šta uopšte on zna o konjima?“ Po Lo uzdahnu sa zadovoljstvom. „Zar je stvarno dogurao dotle?“ povika. „Ah, onda on vrijedi deset hiljada puta više nego ja. On i ja se ne možemo porediti. Ono na šta Kao obraća pažnju je duhovni mehanizam. Vodeći računa o bīti, on zaboravlja proste detalje; usmjeren na unutrašnje kvalitete, on iz vida gubi spoljašnjost. On vidi ono što želi vidjeti, a ne vidi ono što ne želi. Posmatra ono što treba gledati, a zanemaruje ono što ne treba. Kao je tako mudar u donošenju suda o konjima da je vrijedan suditi o nečemu boljem nego što su konji.“ Kad je konj konačno stigao, pokazalo se da se zaista radi o vrhunskoj životinji.
Croatian to English: Book excerpt General field: Umjetnost/Literatura
Izvorni tekst - Croatian Kažu, da su autobiografije u većini slučajeva ogledala sujete. Ja ne ću, da moja to bude. Hoću, da budem posve iskrena. Za to ću o sebi pisati i ono zlo, što se je rađalo u mojoj duši i što sam u životu učinila . Moj život nije bio izvanredan, nego je tekao, kao što teče život većine današnjih žena u našim krajevima . Marc Aurel kaže: «Život ljudski ne daje mi često druge slike, nego one jednoga kućnoga ili poljskoga miša, koji uplašeno amo tamo bježi.» Takav život kućnog i poljskog miša bijaše i moj život, tjeran i gonjen od bezdušnih, lukavih i objesnih mačaka, mojih vlastodržaca
Prevod - English They say that autobiographies are, in most cases, mirrors of vanity. I do not want mine to be that. I want to be completely honest. Therefore, I will write even about those bad things that were born in my soul and that I did in my life. My life was not extraordinary; rather, it went as it goes for most of today’s women in this area. Marcus Aurelius says: “Human life often gives me no other image but that of a house or field mouse, running hither and thither in fright”. Such was my life, life of a house or field mouse, chased and hunted by insensitive, cunning and recalcitrant cats, my rulers.
I like holidays when there's nothing to do
I like fun for free and the ice-cold brew
I like to watch football on TV
I like to sleep and wake up around three...
(Lou Bega, Tricky Tricky)
All the above is actually true, but that does not mean I don't deliver the first-class results and work hard when there's work to be done.
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