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Aleksandar Gasic
nulla dies sine linea

Podgorica, Crna Gora
Localno vrijeme: 15:27 CET (GMT+1)

Maternji jezik: Bosnian Native in Bosnian, Serbo-Croat Native in Serbo-Croat
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I like holidays when there's nothing to do
I like fun for free and the ice-cold brew
I like to watch football on TV
I like to sleep and wake up around three...
(Lou Bega, Tricky Tricky)

All the above is actually true, but that does not mean I don't deliver the first-class results and work hard when there's work to be done.
Ovaj korisnik je zaslužio KudoZ poene pomažući drugima prevodiocima sa treminima PRO nivoa. Klikni na ''ukupan zbir KudoZ poena'' da vidiš ponuđene prevode.

Ukupan broj zasluženih poena: 37
Poeni PRO-nivoa: 33

Glavni jezici (PRO)
English to Serbian11
Croatian to English6
Bosnian to English4
English to Croatian4
English to Serbo-Croat4
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Glavna opća područja (PRO)
Društvene Nauke4
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Glavna specifična područja (PRO)
Pravo (opće)4
Turizam & Putovanja4
Obrazovanje / Pedagogija4
Medicina: Farmacija4
Vojska / Odbrana4
Izgradnja / Građevinarstvo4
Poeni u 2 više podr. >

Pogledaj sve zaslužene poene >
Ključne riječi: homeopathy, homoeopathy, homeopatija, contracts, children books, documents, education, science fiction, sci-fi, fantasy. See more.homeopathy, homoeopathy, homeopatija, contracts, children books, documents, education, science fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, . See less.

Profil zadnji put ažuriran
Sep 28, 2017