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English to Serbian: Monetary Policy And the Markets Conference
Izvorni tekst - English Each month the MPC sets a policy rate, that will prevail until our next policy meeting. But no one- here today, in the market, or on the Committe-thinksthat setting overnight money market rate for the coming days can be enough to steer demand conditions and maintain stable inflation. rather, poligy works on the basis of expectations of the path of the Bank Rate in the future, and of how our policy settings will vary according to economic conditions: the so-called ' reaction function'....
Svakog meseca MPC (Monetary Policy Committee)donosi novu politiku o kursu, Bankarskom kursu, koji će biti na snazi do našeg sledećeg sastanka. Ali ovde niko danas, na tržištu, niti na Komitetu ne misli da će ovakvo novo uspostavljanje politike kursa za narednih 30 dana biti dovoljno da izmeni stanje ponude i da održi stabilnu inflaciju. Pre bi se reklo da se politika zasniva na očekivanjima kretanja bankarskog kursa u budućnosti i na tome kako će uspostavljanje nove politike varirati u zavisnosti od ekonomskih uslova: tzv “funkciji reakcije'...
English to Serbian: Project for Research on Speed Adaptation Policiews on European Roads Detailed field: Transport / Prevoz
Izvorni tekst - English
Prevod - Serbian
Serbian to French: Vive le surrealisme par Salvador Dali General field: Drugo Detailed field: Filozofija
Izvorni tekst - Serbian
Nadrealistički roman (odlomak)
Na vrhu ovog ostrva, gledajući jedan veličanstveni brod, koji lebdi na rubu vidika, razapetih jedara na purpurnoj i sedefastoj svetlosti zalazećeg sunca, razmišljam o neizlečivoj i uvredljivoj glupavosti jedne takve slike jer, čak i zamišljajući sva ta jedra, sav taj brod potpuno oskrnavljen, čak i zamišljajući taj brod da ima kao jedini tovar jedan hipnagoniočni časovnik, ništa još ne bi moglo učiniti da predvidim njegovu najudaljeniju mogućnost da domamim nepojmlivu sliku tradicionalne i uobičajene aveti. Estetički sistemi izvesnih suviše čestih epoha jedini su omogućili lirsko ocenjivanje pojedinih neprimljivih i kukavni navika kao što je navika da se posmatraju brodovi na pučini, zvezde, itd... Razume se, estetski prosedei uopšte, kao i oni koji, ponaosob, uslovljavaju takva ocenjivanja, ističu se uvek odsustvom osećanja brzine koje je suštastveno duhovima koji teže ka slobodi.
Odsustvo osećanja brzine, nadoknađivano svojim degradiranim zamenama, svojim podvalama, svojim anegdotama, putovanjem, poetskom estetikom čitave neizmerne literature o putovanju, eto šta je od najstarijih vremena određivalo onu naklonost porodičnu i naklonost za besramnu govnavu utehu, naklonost za koju se sve više opredeljuje moderni katolicizam. Takva jedna katolička slabost navodi Bodlera da duboko uvredi čovečansku slobodu u ovoj ogavnoj rečenici: „Slobodni čoveče, uvek ćeš voleti more.“ More, taj simbol inercije koji biraju duhovi skloni ropstvu, jedna je od tipičnih predstava onog banalnog anegdotizma pokreta koji je za opskurantizam dovoljan da zameni brzinu misli.
Pokret i to čak ni njegova anegdota-samo je jedan uslov brzine, njen empirijski i transcendentalni cilj. Volim da je sebi predstavljam u geometrijskoj tački-tački ili okrajku hleba-postavljenoj u konkretnom beskraju izvesnih duhova, u tački, u parčetu kore hleba gde se stiču perspektivne linije u slikama Đorđo de Kirikoa ili Vermera iz Delfta, a tim perspektivanim linijama mi možemo da pređemo, u skoro magnovenosti aktivnih prelaza svetlosti, najveće razdaljine imaginacije i života.
Te konkretne linije, te prave linije, te linije ka horizontu, te linije neumitno pod uglom sa svakom horizontalnošću, te linije ka beskraju, te linije koje se stiču, katkada u više okrajaka, te perspektivne linije, čovekoliki časovnici za osećanja brzine, te linije slobode, kažem, neprestano su brisane svojim anegdotičnim linijama, linijama prividnog i anegdotskog pokreta, linijama horizontalnim, paralelnim liniji vidika, linijama koje nam dolaze sa horizonta, linijama krivim, neodređeno talasastim, talasima mora.
Linije perspektive, linije brzine, linije želje, jedino ljubav koja je najveća želja i najveća sloboda, poništava moje pamćenje i pamćenje tvog sopstvenog tela, tvog, Gala, koja mi se ukazuješ izvan „obasjanih perspektiva.“ Jer, u ljubavi, u obasjanim perspektivama, gledaj nepomičnost osećanjâ, gledaj kako se brzina povećava, dok ona dobijaju vid nepomičnog.
Linije brzine, linije mora, jedini i nužni putevi kojima se najbrže mogu preći fantazije ubrzanja života. Linije perspektive, geometrijske tačke perspektive u beskraju Đorđo de Kirikoa, Vermera iz Delfta, najbržih duhova u istoriji, slikara brzine, brzine uostalom nepoznate, neprimećene osobito zbog onog što Gala naziva „potisnutom brzinom,“ potiskivanje koje, u ovom slučaju, sačinjava samo-stid pred banalno dinamičnim uobličenjima svojih sopstvenih zanosa.
* *
I opet san, opet one veoma mlade pevačice pozorišta Paramaunt koje pevaju ovu reč: „ Medirina“, opet ona pometnja, ona kravarija gde se pojmovi ukazuju kao transcendentne sinteze, što je rezultat periodičnog priviđanja triju trihromija koje predstavljaju uvek okrajke hleba različitih oblika i razmera, opet ta knjiga, taj apsurditet gde čitam otprilike ovo: „Svest o brzini gubi se kada brzina ostavi izvesne anegdotične mere i uslove. Tada, blagodareći tome, od afrodizijaka prelazi se, ne kako bi estetičari hteli, na carstvo Dioniziosa, no, naučno, na carstvo relativnih deformacija, po oniričnoj formuli koja hoće da BRZINA MENJA PAMĆENJE O TELIMA.“
Salvador DALI
Prevod - French V I V E LE S U R R É A L I S M E!
Le Roman surréaliste
Au sommet de cette île, regardant un bateau magnifique, qui plane sur le bord de l’horizon, les voiles tendues dans la lumière pourpre et nacre du soleil couchant, je réfléchis sur la stupidité irrémédiable et offensente d’une telle peinture car, même si j’imagine toutes ces voiles, tout ce bateau complètement déshonoré, même si j’imagine ce bateau n’ayant comme fardeau qu’un horologe hypnagogique, rien encore ne pourrait me faire anticiper sa possibilité la plus éloignée d’appâter une image inconvenable d’un fantôme traditionnel et commun. Les systèmes esthétiques de certaines époques trop fréquentes étaient les seuls à permettre une évaluation lyrique de certaines habitudes inacceptables et pytoyables comme celle de contempler les bateaux au large, les étoiles etc… Bien entendu, les procédés esthétiques en général, ainsi que ceux qui, séparément, conditionnent de telles evaluations, sont caractérisés d’une absence du sentiment de vitesse qui est une qualité essaentielle des esprits inclinés à la liberté. .
Cette absence du sentiment de vitesse, qui était compensée par ses substituts dégradés, ses fourbéries, ses anecdotes, par des voyages, par l’esthétique d’une énorme littérature se rapportant aux voyages, voilà ce qui déterminait, depuis des temps les plus anciens, cette inclinaison familiale ansi que cette inclinaison impudente et merdeuse, l’inclinaison que le moderne catholicisme adopte de plus en plus. Une telle faiblesse catholique fait Baudlaire profondément insulter la liberté humaine par cette phrase honteuse: “Homme libre, tu vas toujours aimer la mer.” La mer, ce symbole de l’inertie que choisissent les esprits inclinés à l’esclavage, est l’un des aspects typiques de cet anecdotisme banal, représentant un movement dans l’obscurantisme qui, tout seul, peut remplacer la rapidité de la pensée.
Un movement, et même pas son anecdote-n’est qu’une condition de la rapidité, son but empirique et transcendental. J’aime me la représenter dans un point géométrique- dans un point ou dans un crouton- se trouvant dans un infini concret de certains esprits, dans le point ou dans un morceau de pain où convergent des lignes de perspective sur les toiles de Giorgio de Chirico ou Vermeer de Delft. Et, à l’aide de ces lignes de perspective, nous pouvons traverser, presque machinallement, dans ces changements actifs de lumière, des plus grandes distances de l’imagination et de la vie.
Ces lignes concrètes, ces lignes droites, ces lignes allant vers l’horizon, ces lignes ayant inévitablement un angle par rapport à chaque ligne horizontale, ces lignes allant vers l’infini, ces lignes convergentes, parfois en plusieurs rebords, ces lignes de perspective, des horloges ayant la forme humaine qui mesurent nos perceptions de rapidité, ces lignes de liberté, vous dis-je, sont incessamment effacées par leurs lignes antagoniques, par des lignes du mouvement apparent et anecdotique, lignes horizontales, qui sont parallèles à celle de l’horizon, lignes nous venant de l’horizon, lignes courbes, onduleuses d’une manière indéterminable, par des ondes de la mer.
Des lignes de perspective, lignes de la rapidité, lignes du désir, seul l’amour étant le plus grand désir et la plus grande liberté, peut annuler ma mémoire en générale ansi que ma mémoire de ton propre corps, du tien, Gala, qui m’ apparais en dehors des « perspectives éclairées ». Car, en amour, il n’y a qu’une vie. Outre l’amour lui-même, il faut que tu regardes l’immobilité des sentiments dans ces perspectives éclairées. Regarde la vitesse s’accroître pendant que les sentiments reçoivent, peu à peu, l’aspect de l’immobilité.
Les lignes de la rapidité, de la perspective, de la mer sont les trajets uniques et nécessaires qu’on puisse utiliser pour traverser, le plus vite possible, les fantaisies de l’accélération de la vie. Les lignes de perspectives, points géométriques d’une perspective venant de l’infini de Giorgio de Chirico, Vermer de Delft, esprits les plus rapides dans l’histoire, peintres de la rapidité, rapidité étant inconnue d’ailleurs, inaperçue, spécialment à cause de ce que Gala nomme « une rapidité refoulée », refoulement qui, dans ce cas, ne représente qu’une honte devant des formations, banalement dynamiques, de ses propres exaltations.
* *
Voilà de nouveau ce même rêve, de nouveau ces très jeunes chanteuses du thêâtre Paramount qui chante ce mot : « Medirina », de nouveau cette même confusion, cette vacherie dans laquelle des notions apparaissent en synthèses transcendentales, ce qui est le résultat d’une hallucination pêriodique de ces trichromies représentant toujours des croûtons de diffêrentes formes et mesures, voilà de nouveau ce livre, cette absurdité où je lis quelque chose comme ça: « La perception de rapidité disparaît au moment où cette rapidité laisse certaines mesures et conditions anecdotiques. C’est alors qu’on passe, grâce justement à cela, de l’aphrodisiaque, non pas, comme le voudraient des esthéticiens, au royaume de Dyonisos, mais, scientifiquement, au royaume de déformations relatives, d’après une formule onirique qui veut que LA RAPIDITÉ CHANGE LA MÉMOIRE DES CORPS »
Salvador DALI
English to Serbian: BBS 26 General field: Drugo Detailed field: Religija
Izvorni tekst - English BBS #26 (word count = 6,012)
Hello. We're getting on in our study of the Bible. We're really beginning to understand things that we have never been told before. Oh, we know certain myths about what happened in the beginning, and there are certain scientists who try to tell us about the beginning of mankind and the beginning of the world. But we are learning the truth. We are learning it from God's book, the Bible.
Now in our last study, remember, we learned this very fascinating truth concerning the woman came from. In the original creation on the sixth day God created man. And then, after man was created and after man had named the animals of the earth, God performed an operation on him. God caused him to sleep, and God opened his side and took a rib out of Adam. And then He closed Adam up. And from that rib He formed a woman, and He brought that woman to the man.
In our lesson today we're going to learn about Adam's reaction to this introduction of a woman to him. Now remember, he has looked at all of the animals, he has named them, he has studied them. And based on the characteristics he saw in these animals he gave them a name. And never did he find an animal that was like he was. In other words, he did not find another human being, anyone that he could mate with, anyone that he could converse with, who would understand him and whom he could understand. That was not found. He saw the animals and he saw that there were male bears and female bears, and that they could mate together and produce young. He saw monkeys, and there were male monkeys and female monkeys, and they could mate together and produce young. But there was no fellow human being. There was no human being that he could mate with or have fellowship with.
Now God introduced this woman, who was created from the rib of Adam, to Adam. And then we read in verse 23 and 24: "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
Well, isn't that a beautiful, beautiful statement? God is telling us that Adam looked at his beautiful wife (and I'm sure that because everything God created was very good, his wife was absolutely perfect, the most beautiful woman that ever lived on the face of the earth, with no imperfection of any kind) and he said, "This is now bone of my bones...." Well, that's exactly what had happened. She was made from a bone of Adam. "...and flesh of my flesh." She came out of his body, and so her body was part of his body. And then he said, "She shall be called Woman..." which is really a word that means like like man. She was made like he was made, except of course there were slight differences, because she is a woman and he is a man. She is female and he is male. And later on there is going to be a child that is going to be born to them. But that comes somewhat later. But other than that, she is virtually identical to him.
And then he says in verse 24, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh." Right now you are thinking, "Wait a minute. How can that be? Adam was just created a short time before. He didn't have a father, did he? He didn't come from a parent. He was created by God as a full grown man. He did not have a mother. There were no women created at that time. How could he say, 'Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh'? Doesn't this indicate that there is some kind of a contradiction here? Doesn't this indicate that we can't really trust the Bible?"
No, it doesn't indicate that at all. What we're beginning to learn is that God is in control of everything. God is guiding everything. God put within the animals the instinct so that they would mate each other, and not try to mate some other kind of an animal, so that there would be like kind after like. God created all kinds of instincts and habits within the animal and the bird world and the fish world, and anything else that He created, because He is God, and He created these things within the creation so that this world would perform in accordance with God's plan.
By the same token, when God created man and then made woman out of man, God put within man a knowledge that man did not even understand at that time, perhaps. At that time Adam may not even have understood exactly what he was saying when he was talking about father and mother. Or did he understand what he was saying? Adam had been studying the animals. Perhaps several years had passed since creation. The Bible gives us no idea as to how long a time had passed. Perhaps by this time the first pair of monkeys had given birth to young. By this time the first bull and cow had given birth to a calf. By this time the first pair of rabbits had already given birth to a number of litters of rabbits. And Adam, a very intelligent individual, because he was created in the image of God, had been studying this and witnessing this. And he had already decided that the male animal is to be called the father and the female animal is to be called the mother, and that the baby rabbits or the baby calf or the baby horse were to be called the offspring or the seed, or something of that kind. And he also recog¬nized that he was all alone and now God gave someone to be a helper to him, and someone who is created differently from the way he was created. And from his knowledge of the differences that exist between the male animal and the female animal, he could very quickly see that this woman that God had introduced him to was like the mother animal, even as he was like the father animal.
No, this doesn't mean that he thought of himself and the woman as animals, but only that they are male and female just as the animals are male and female. And so in his wisdom, the wisdom that God had put within him, he was immediately able to make a very wise conclusion, verse 24 of Genesis 2: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh."
BBS #27
Hello. Are you enjoying your lessons? I hope that you are. And I hope that you appreciate all of the other truths that you are learning. Isn't it wonderful that we can study in such a way that we learn lots of different things, such as where we came from?
Now in our last study, you'll recall, we saw this very beautiful, beautiful first marriage, when God took a rib from the first man, Adam, and out of that rib He made woman. And then He introduced that woman to man, and she became his wife. And they together became the beginning of the human race.
And you'll remember that the verse we learned from Genesis 2:24 said, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh." That is God's desire for the marriage relationship. Adam is saying this and God is speaking through him, so we know that this is God's standard for mankind. When a man and a woman are joined together in marriage, they become one flesh. Later on in the Bible God says, "What God has joined together, let not man put asunder." That is the way that marriage is supposed to be. There is not to be divorce of any kind. There is not to be a breaking of that marriage relationship.
Let's look back now for just a moment and see what we have learned so far. We've learned the first great truth of the Bible, a truth that is so important, and that is that there is God. There is God, who is the Creator of this universe, and who cares for this universe and upholds it by His power, this Almighty God, whom we cannot see with our eyes. And yet we can look around us at creation, at this earth, at the plants and the animals, at the butterflies, at the waterfalls and the oceans, and we can see that there must be Someone who has designed all this and who has made it. And we have learned that this is God.
Secondly, we have learned that at the very beginning of time God created this earth and the universe. And because He is God, He could speak and it would come into being. God is so great, He is so marvelous, far beyond anything that we can understand. Yet the Bible tells us that He spoke and these things came into being And God made what He wanted to make. And He did all of this in six periods of twenty four hours.
Thirdly, we have learned that the highest form of creation is mankind. Mankind was created in the image of God. While our bodies may be patterned a little bit after an animal's body (we can see certain resemblances between us and an animal), mankind is an entirely different kind of a creation. Under no circumstance did man come from the animals. Man did not proceed out of the animals through a long evolutionary period. Man is an entirely different kind of being.
You'll remember that when we looked at the animals we saw that they reproduce after their kind. Right from the very beginning lions produced lions, and dogs produced dogs, and elephants produced elephants. And there are no missing links, there are no transitional species that would transition between a bird and an animal and then an animal and man. That is not possible. God created each species after its kind. and man is an entirely different creation than the animals.
And then finally we saw in the beautiful statements of the Bible how God made Eve out of a rib of Adam. The first woman's name was Eve, and she was taken out of a rib of Adam, tie first man. And so they became the first parents of the whole human race.
The other thing we learned is that everything was good, everything was perfect. The animals were vegetable eaters. There were no meat eaters, and there was no death. There was no shedding of blood of an animal or of a bird or of man. Mankind were eaters of vegetables. They did not kill any animals for food. And everything was good. Everything was in harmony. Everything was perfect. Man was not created like a cave man. He was created as the most intelligent man possible. Man started out far more intelligent than he is today. He did not have the time to learn as many things as we know today, but he was a very superior being.
Man today has regressed. That is, he has come down rather than having gone up. The evolutionist says that we are becoming better and better and more perfect. But the Bible teaches exactly the opposite. The Bible teaches that we began perfect, and we're going to see in the lessons that are going to begin to unfold before us why it is that mankind has retrogressed, so that he is not nearly as perfect now as he was in the very beginning.
Now we're going to see a change in our study as we study from the Bible. We're going to learn where sin came from. Maybe I better define sin. The Bible defines sin as transgression of God's law. When Cod created man on this earth, God laid down certain laws, certain rules. And soon we're going to see the first law God laid down for mankind. We've already seen one law where God said in verse 28 of Genesis 1: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth." That was a law that God laid down, that we are to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. That is a command God has given mankind. And that law has never been changed, so that it is still true today. I won't get into what all this means right now. Later on maybe we'll look at that law and see what is happening today, and how man is breaking that law.
We're going to begin to see where sin came from. And sin is transgression of God's law. Any time we break the law of God we're engaging in sin. If God says that we are not to tell a lie (and He does in other parts of the Bible), and we do tell a lie, that is sin. If the Bible (which is the Word of God) tells us to be obedient to those who rule over us, and we are not obedient to those who rule over us, then we are engaging in sin. It is transgression of God's law.
The verse that we're going to learn for our next study is Genesis 2:9: "And out of the ground made the lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." We'll look at that verse in our next study.
BBS #28
Hello. We're going on in our study. And we have learned already where we came from. We've learned where this earth came from. There is a lot of truth that we know. And let me assure you that this is truth. This is not speculation. This is not an assumption. This is not a guess. This is not just the result of some scientists sitting down together and deciding that maybe it could be this, or maybe it could be that. What we have been learning is the Word of God. It is the information that came from the very God who created the world, who created mankind. Isn't that remarkable, that we have this book, the Bible, which God has given to us so that we might know where we came from, where this world came front? We don't have to guess about it, we don't have to go off into all kinds of wild speculation. We have exact truth.
But now we're beginning to come to that point where we're going to learn where sin came from. Sin is a new word that we've introduced into our study. And remember what sin is? Sin is transgression of God's law. Sin is the breaking of God's law. God created man on this earth, and God created man in the image of God. And being created in the image of God means that man was responsible to be obedient to God and he was to be accountable for his obedience.
The animals cannot think out sin. They cannot think out justice. They cannot think out disobedience, or obedience. They simply obey if they are well trained, and they disobey if they're not well trained. But there is no moral consciousness.
But God has placed within man the ability to detect right from wrong, to obey or not to obey. God has created man in His own image. And therefore he is account¬able to God for his actions. And sin is disobedience to God. And we're going to see how sin entered the world. How could sin enter a world that was so perfect?
Remember in our last study the verse that we learned as part of our lesson was verse 9 of Genesis 2: "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." Here God is teaching us that when He created this earth He made a garden. In fact, I had better read verse 8, so that we'll see where these special trees were located: "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed." God had a special place on this beautiful earth that He had created. And in this very special place, which He called the Garden of Eden, He created all kinds of fruit trees (plum trees and peach trees and apple trees and banana trees and avocado trees). Every kind of tree that we can think of was in that garden. And man was told that he could eat of any of these trees. But in that garden there were two very special trees. One is called the tree of life. "...the tree of life was also in the midst of the garden."
And the other tree was called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We have no idea at all from the Bible what kind of fruit was on these two trees. And really, it's not important what was on the trees. The importance was that God gave partic¬ular instruction about these trees.
Now the tree of life was a very special tree, in that if Adam and Eve ate of it they would live forever. Later on we're going to read about that tree again.
For now, we're going to look at the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We have no idea what kind of fruit was on that tree. We don't really care what was on it. God doesn't tell us what it was. But it was a tree that God called the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Add that tree God gave particular instructions to Adam and Eve about. And this will be the verses that we're going to learn in our next study. We read it in verses 16 and l7 of Genesis 2: "And the Ford God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good find evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
God is laying down a very specific commandment, a very particular law. He has told Adam, the first man that was on the earth, that he can eat of every tree. He could eat of the tree of life just as freely as he wanted, he could eat of the banana tree or the apple tree or the pear tree or the avocado tree or the orange tree. He could eat all that he wished of every tree. But there was one tree that God commanded him not to eat of, and that tree was the tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Now why did God put that tree in the garden? Why did He put it there? He put it there in order to test man, to see if they would be entirely obedient to God. Now they were created perfectly. There was no disobedience created within our first parents, Adam and Eve. Whatever God created was good. But they had been created in the image of God, and therefore they were created with a free will. They were created with a mind that could think along many different directions. They were created with an intelligence to think out things. And now God set up a testing arena, a place where mankind was tested to see if they would remain obedient to God.
If they would not remain obedient, if they would disobey God (and that is what sin is), God said that if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which would be an act of disobedience, an act of sin, a transgression of the law of God, then in that day they would surely die. God warned Adam and Eve, 'Don't eat of that tree.' They could eat of all the other trees, but that tree, they were not to eat from, because if they did eat there would be very terrible consequences they would die.
Now did Adam and Eve know what death was? Did they know what terrible thing death would be? Well, we'll ask that question in our next study.
BBS #29
Hello. How do you like this kind of study? It was wonderful when we learned that there is God. That explains all kinds of things about what holds this universe together, why, for example, plants spring forth every spring, why we have beautiful flowers and the reason for all the other things that happen in our universe, things that scientists and biologists cannot explain by their own wisdom. All of it is explained when we realize there is a God who has created this earth so beautiful, so wonderful.
And then of course we have learned about the creation of man. And oh, what a beautiful story that was! But now we're beginning to learn something very sad, and yet absolutely important. We look at the world in which we live, and there is so much wrongdoing, there is so much hatred, there is so much stealing and lying, and all manner of bad things. And we wonder, how can this be? How could all of this have happen if God created this world and mankind perfect? As we have been read¬ing in Genesis, God saw everything, that it was good very good. There was no sin, there was no hatred, there was no murder, there was no stealing or lying or rebellion. There was perfect harmony everywhere. How did sin get into this world?
The mythologists have various stories about how sin came into the world. For example, there is one story about Pandora's Box. I don't know if you have ever heard this story. It is a ancient Greek story. There was a box which everyone was forbidden to open. But somebody opened it up and when they did open it all manner of sin flew out of that box and it never could he brought back. Well, that's just a myth. That has no truth in it whatsoever.
But here in the Bible God is telling us how sin entered the world. what sin is? Sin is transgression of the law of God. It is a breaking of the law of God.
Now we saw in our last study that God had created all these trees, with their beautiful luscious fruits on them. And in the garden where Adam and Eve were living He also put two other trees one the tree of life (and they could eat of that and that would give them perfect health, and if they continued to eat of it, it would give them eternal life). And also there was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil .
And then God said to Adam and Eve, "You can eat of ever y tree of the garden any tree at all all the fruits you want to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not eat. In the day you eat of it you are going to die."
Now the question is, did they know what death was? Did they know how serious this sin would be, if they rebelled against God and ate of that tree? Well, I don't know. There was no death in the world at that time, no death at all. Yet they were created in the image of God and therefore God had put a lot of knowledge into their minds. And certainly they would have had some idea of what death might be.
But whether they knew what death was or not is really not important. The fact is that God had told them not to eat of that tree. And if they were going to remain altogether happy and in harmony with God’s will, then they should not eat of the tree.
And so Adam and Eve were now living in this beautiful garden, in this beautiful creation that God had made. Everything was perfect, and they had all that they wanted to eat. All they had to do was stay away from that one tree.
Then how did sin come into the world? We haven't come to that yet, have we? Now we have to go to another verse. And that verse is going to begin to tell us where sin came from. I'm going to read Genesis 3:1.
We are going to find in this verse an introduction to another character that has not been talked yet. The verse reads this way, "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto to the woman, Yea hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"
Back there in the garden of Eden the animals were perfect animals. They were completely obedient to Adam and Eve, because Adam and Eve were given the rule over the animals. There was one animal that was most wise. The word "subtile" might also be translated as the word "prudent" or "wise." The serpent was more "wise" than any beast of the field.
Today there are those who work with animals and they say that a dog is very intelligent. Or some even say that the pig is one of the most intelligent of the animals, or the porpoise is a very intelligent sea animal. 1 don't know what is the most intelligent of the animals today, but the Bible indicates that back there before Adam and Eve fell into sin, before they rebelled against God, the serpent was the most intelligent, the most wise, of all the animals.
The serpent came to Eve. And we don't know how long after Adam and Eve were created that this happened. Probably it was only a few months, or at the most just a few years. And later on, as we go on in our study of the Bible, I'll show you why I say that. But probably it was only a few months, or at most a few years after Adam and Eve were created. So the serpent came to Eve, and he said to the woman, "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" He was asking her a question.
Now immediately we're going to say, "An animal talking?! How can that be? What kind of an animal is this?" This is indeed a very unusual situation. How are we to understand this? Insofar as Eve is concerned, for her this was a possibility because she was exploring all that God had created, and everything was so wonderful, so marvelous, she could have thought that maybe there were animals that talked.
But the fact is, this was a talking animal. And we wonder, is the Bible beginning now to be a myth? Is it beginning to be something that is no longer trustworthy? No, that is not the case. Later on, as we continue our study, we're going to see that this serpent, which was an animal that God had created, the Wisest of the animals, was being used by another being. So far we haven't learned about angels, but the Bible later on tells us about angels that God had created. And angels are spirit beings that have a particular task to perform insofar as this world is concerned. And in our next study we will look a little bit at these angels. And at the same time we're going to see how an angel became involved with this serpent And in this way we'll begin to understand how it all worked out that sin came into the world
BBS #30
Hello. We're going to go on with our lesson. And we've come to a very interesting part of the Bible truth that we are learning. And remember we are using the Bible, which is God's Word, as our text. And I hope that you are finding this very helpful to you and very thought provoking, very interesting. But we have come to that point in time where we're beginning to learn about how sin, how that which is evil, has come into the world. God had created this universe very good. There was no sin. There was no rebellion against God. And remember we discovered that sin is transgression against God's laws. It is the breaking of God's laws.
When God created this universe He put man in this universe Adam and Eve as our first parents. And they were altogether loyal and obedient to God. The animals were loyal to them. There was no rebellion.
But then in our last study, we discovered that it talks about a serpent that could speak. It tells us about a serpent that could speak. What a strange kind of information this is! The reason that serpent could speak is that it was being used by an angel. Now what are angels? We don't read about angels here in Genesis 1 and 2 and 3. In this part of the Bible it does not discuss angels. But if we go into other parts of the Bible (and we're not going to do that right now) the Bible does teach that God did create this universe. And the earth is where the living beings were put the animals and mankind. But the Bible also speaks of spirit beings called angels. Now these angels were created by God in order to serve this creation, to serve mankind. We learn about this in other verses in the Bible.
But the Bible tells us in another place that there was one angel (and he is actually speaking for quite a number of the angels that God had created) who wanted to be like God, who wanted to be a king in his own right, who wanted to rule rather than to serve. And so this angel, who is called Lucifer in an¬other part of the Bible, saw his opportunity in this earth. He saw what could happen if he did something insofar as this creation was concerned. He saw that God had created this creation, and He had put man to rule over His creation. Remember the Bible says that man was to have dominion over the animals. And the animals were the next highest order of creation after man himself.
Now Lucifer reasoned that if he could cause mankind ... (And remember only Adam and Eve were living on the earth at the very beginning.) ... if he could cause them to obey him, then by right of conquest he would have victimized mankind. He would have caused them to rebel against God, and he should be given the right to rule over them.
And so the serpent planned it all out. Or rather, the angel Lucifer planned it all out and tried to figure out how he was to come to Adam and Eve. Now remember I said a little earlier that angels are spirit beings. What is a spirit being? We cannot see a spirit. We have no idea what a spirit looks like. It is outside of the dimensions that we know. The dimensions that we know are length and breadth and height. Possibly time might be called a dimension. We can think of the material world in these terms.
But a spirit being you cannot see. A spirit being is something that is outside of our vantage point. So we don't know a lot about angels, except that we know that they are spirit beings, and they were created by God also to serve mankind. That we know.
Now, the Bible indicates in another place, Lucifer wanted to be like God. How was he going to defeat man? How was he going to cause Adam and Eve to sin? He could not come to them simply as an angel because they would not be able to see him. You can't see a spirit. It would just be a voice they would hear. But the Bible says that Satan came (and he is this spirit being that fell that is called Lucifer, who also was called Satan after he had sinned) into this serpent, this wisest of all the animals, this most beautiful animal. He came into this serpent and spoke through this serpent. Now this is not a fairy tale. This is not a myth. It sounds a little bit like a fairy tale because there are speaking animals and spirit beings. That all sounds like a fairy tale. Remember that this is recorded for us in the Word of God. This is God's Word.
As a matter of fact, as we will go on in the Bible, as we are learning more and more , we're going to find that the Bible has a lot to say about this Satan, this fallen angel, and all the angels that fell with him. They are called evil spirits, or they are called fallen angels. And we're going to dis¬cover how God finally defeated these angels, and we're going to read a lot about these angels throughout the Bible. We're going to read a lot about this Satan. But here we are first introduced to Satan, or this fallen angel, and we're introduced to him as he comes in this serpent and speaks to Eve. And he is speaking rebellion against God.
Remember in our last study we saw this verse, where the serpent said unto the woman, "Yea, hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Now God had not said that at all. God said they could eat of every tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But this angel Lucifer, coming in the form of a serpent, is very clever, very subtle. And he creates doubt in the mind of this first woman. He says, "Yea, hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" God hadn't said that at all, but he is raising that kind of a question so that the woman would begin to wonder, 'What did God really say?'
Now remember, God had said that they could eat of all the trees of the garden, but they could not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now notice the woman's response, which is going to be our next lesson, in verses 2 and 3 of Genesis 3: "The woman said unto the serpent..." And notice how she already is influenced by what this fallen angel, this rebellious angel, is saying to her. "The woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."
Now in our next study we'll see what is happening to this woman as she replies to the wiles, to the deception of this fallen angel Lucifer or Satan.
Prevod - Serbian BBS #26
Pomaže Bog. Nastavljamo dalje sa proučavanjem Biblije. Zaista počinjemo da shvatamo stvari o kojima nam niko do sada nije pričao. O da, mi već znamo za neke mitove o tome šta se to desilo na početku, a postoje i neki naučnici koji pokušavaju da nam pričaju o nastanku ljudske vrste i o nastanku sveta. Ali mi saznajemo istinu. Saznajemo je iz Božije knjige koju zovemo Biblija.
Dakle, u našoj poslednjoj lekciji, setite se, saznali smo ovu fantastičnu istinu o tome odakle je žena došla na ovaj svet. U početku stvaranja sveta čovek je šestog dana stvorio čoveka. A onda, pošto je stvoren prvi čovek i pošto je on dao imena svim životinjama na zemlji, Bog je nad njim obavio operaciju. Bog ga je uspavao, otvorio ga i izvadio mu jedno rebro. Potom je zatvori Adamovo telo, a od njegovog rebra stvorio ženu i doveo je Adamu.
U današnjoj lekciji saznaćemo kakva je bila Adamova reakcija prilikom upoznavanja sa ženom. A sada se prisetimo da je on pre toga pogledao u životinje, dao im imena i proučavao ih. Na osnovu njihovih karakteristika on im je nadenuo imena. Nijedna od tih životinja nije ličila na njega. Drugim rečima, nije naišao ni na jedno živo biće, ni na koga sa kim bi mogao da mu bude par, da razgovara, da ga razume, a i taj neko da njega razume. Takvog nije bilo. Dok je gledao životinje video je da je bilo mužjaka i ženki medveda koji su mogli međusobno da se pare i da dobiju mladunce. Gledao je majmune i video da i kod njih ima mužjaka i ženki, te da su i oni mogli da se pare i dobiju mladunce. Ali on je bio jedino ljudsko biće. Nije postojalo drugo sa kojim bi i on mogao da se pari ili da se druži.
„I, onda je Bog Adamu predstavio ženu koju je stvorio od njegovog rebra. A sada ćemo pročitati 23. i 24. stih: „A Adam reče: sada eto kost od mojih kosti, i tijelo od mojega tijela. Neka joj bude ime čovječica, jer je uzeta od čovjeka. Zato će ostaviti čovjek oca svojega i mater svoju, i prilijepiće se k ženi svojoj, i biće dvoje jedno tijelo.“
Dakle, zar to nisu zaista divne reči? Bog nam govori kako je Adam pogledao svoju prelepu suprugu (ja sam zaista siguran u to, zato što je, sve što je Bog stvorio, bilo veoma dobro, pa je i njegova supruga bila savršena, najlepša žena koja je ikada živela na kugli zemaljskoj, bez ikakvih nedostataka) i rekao: „Sada eto kost od mojih kosti...“ Dakle, to je upravo ono što se desilo. Ona je stvorena od Adamove kosti. „...i tijelo od mojega tijela.“ Ona je izašla iz njegovog tela, što znači da je njeno telo deo njegovog tela. A onda je on rekao, „ Neka joj bude ime čovječica...“ a ta reč upravo znači – kao čovek. Izgledala je baš kao ona, s tim što je postojala mala razlika, zato što je ona žena a on muškarac. Ona je žensko, a on muško. A kasnije će doći i dete koje će se roditi od njih dvoje. Ali, o tome ćemo kasnije. Dakle, ako izuzmemo tu razliku, ona je potpuno ista kao on.
A onda, u 24. stihu, on kaže: „Zato će ostaviti čovjek oca svojega i mater svoju i prilijepiće se k ženi svojoj, i biće dvoje jedno tijelo“. Ne izgleda li da u ovome ima malo kontradikcije? To nas može navesti da i ne poverujemo u sve ono što piše u Bibliji?
Ne, nije tako. Naučili smo već da Bog sve kontroliše. Bog svima pokazuje put. Bog je životinjama usadio nagon za parenje i to ne parenje izvan vrsta, već unutar sopstvene vrste. Bog je životinjama, pticama i ribama usadio ješ mnoge instinkte i navike. I ne samo njima, već svemu drugom što je stvorio, zato što je On Bog. On je sve te stvari ugradio u ovaj svet, tako da on može da funkcioniše u skladu sa Božijim planom.
Bog je isto tako, kad je stvorio čoveka pa onda i ženu iz njegovog tela, usadio u čoveka saznanje o tome. Međutim, čovek tada možda i nije shvatio o čemu se radi. Tada Adam možda i nije tačno razumeo šta je to govorio kad je pričao o ocu i majci. Ili je možda ipak razumeo šta je pričao? Adam je pre toga posmatrao životinje. Možda je prošlo i nekoliko godina od stvaranja sveta. Biblija nam ne govori o tome koliko je vremena prošlo. Možda je, do tada, prvi par majmuna bio dobio svoje mladunce. Do tada su prvi bik i krava bili dobili tele. Do tada je prvi par zečeva bio dobio puno svojih mladunaca. A Adam, koji je, kao što znamao, bio veoma inteligentan, jer je stvoren po uzoru na Boga, bio je radoznali očevidac svega toga. Dakle, on je već bio odlučio da mužjak neke životinje treba da se zove otac, a ženka majka, a mali zečevi, tele ili mlado ždrebe treba da se zovu mladunci ili potomci ili tome slično. Takođe je shvatio da je bio potpuno sam i da mu je zato Bog podario nekoga ko će mu pomagati, nekoga koji je stvoren na drugačiji način od onoga na koji je on stvoren. A na osnovu svog saznanja o razlikama između mužjaka i ženki u životinjskom svetu, on je vrlo brzo shvatio da, žena sa kojom ga je Bog upoznao, treba da bude majka, baš kao što on treba da bude otac.
Ne, to ne znači da je on sebe i ženu doživljavao kao životinje uopšte, već je samo uvideo da su njih dvoje mužjak i ženka baš kao što je to u šivotinjskom svetu. I tako, svojom mudrošću, mudrošću koju mu je Bog usadio, on je odmah došao do veoma pametnog zaključka o čemu čitamo u 24. stihu 2. glave Postanja: „Zato će ostaviti čovjek oca svojega i mater svoju i prilijepiće se ženi svojoj i biće dvoje jedno tijelo.“
BBS # 27
Pomaže Bog. Da li uživate dok pratite naše lekcije? Nadam se da je tako. Takođe se nadam da vam je drago što saznajete sve druge istine. Nije li to divno što možemo učiti na način koji nam omogućuje da saznamo dosta različitih stvari, kao što je saznanje o tome odakle smo došli?
Dakle, sigurno ćete se prisetiti da smo u svojoj poslednjoj lekciji govorili o onom predivnom venčanju, predivnom prvom venčanju uopšte, kada je Bog uzeo rebro prvom čoveku, Adamu i od tog rebra napravio ženu. A onda je tu ženu upoznao sa čovekom i ona je postala njegova supruga. I njih dvoje su predstavljali početak ljudske vrste.
Prisetite se da je u 24. stihu 2. glave Postanja pisalo: „Zato će ostaviti čovjek oca svojega i mater svoju i prilijepiće se k ženi svojoj, i biće dvoje jedno tijelo.“ To je Božija želja da se muškarac i žena povežu brakom. To Adam govori Božije reči. Zato mi znamo da je tako Bog planirao da bude sa ljudskom vrstom. Kad se muškarac i žena spoje preko braka, oni postaju jedno telo. Kasnije ćemo videti da Bog u Bibliji kaže: „Što je Bog spojio, čovek ne može da rastavi.“ Tako treba da bude sa svakim brakom. Razvod ne može da postoji. Ne može da bude raskida među supružnicima.
Dozvolite mi da se, za trenutak, vratimo malo unazad i da vidimo šta smo sve to do sada naučili. Naučili smo prvu veliku istinu iz Biblije, a to je da je istina veoma važna i da Bog postoji. Postoji Bog koji je Tvorac ovog univerzuma i koji i dalje vodi računa o njemu i održava ga zahvaljujući Svojoj moći. Taj Svemoćni Bog, kojeg svojim očima ne možemo videti. Ali zato možemo da, svuda oko sebe, vidimo ono što je On stvorio na ovoj zemlji, biljke, životinje, leptire, vodopade, okeane. Dakle, možemo da vidimo da mora postojati Neko ko je sve ovo osmislio pa potom napravio. I naučili smo da je taj Neko upravo Bog.
Drugo, naučili smo da je na samom početku vremena Bog stvorio ovu zemlju i univerzum. A, zato što je On Bog, dovoljno je samo da kaže, i to što kaže, odmah nastane. Bog je tako veliki. On je tako divan, toliko divan da mi, obični ljudi, nismo u stanju da do kraja doživimo tu lepotu. No ipak, Biblija nam kaže da je On samo progovorio i svet je nastao. I tako je Bog stvorio ono što je želeo da stvori. Sve je to uradio za samo 6 vremenskih perioda koji su trajali, kao i danas, po 24 sata.
Treće, naučili smo da je najviši oblik svega što je stvorio ljudska vrsta. Ljudi su stvoreni prema Božijem liku. Iako je naše telo, po malo, nalik na životinjsko (možemo videti neke sličnosti između nas i životinja), ipak je ljudska vrsta nešto sasvim posebno. Nema ni govora o tome da je čovek nastao od neke životinje. Čovek nije postao ni nekom dugom evolucijom od životinje, kako to nauka pokušava da dokaže. Čovek je jedno sasvim posebno biće.
Setite se da smo, kad smo pričali o životinjama, videli da se one razmnožavaju svaka u svojoj vrsti. Od samog početka, lavovi su rađali lavove, psi pse, a slonovi slonove. Ne postoji karika koja nedostaje. Ne postoje neke prelazne vrste koje bile između životinje i čoveka. To, jednostavno, nije moguće. Bog je stvorio svaku vrstu u njenom okviru, a čovek je potpuno drugačije biće od bilo koje životinje.
A onda smo, čitajući one prelepe rečenice iz Biblije, videli kako je Bog stvorio Evu od Adamovog rebra. Ime prve žene je bilo Eva i ona je uzeta iz Adamovog rebra, čime je ostala vezana za prvog čoveka. Njih dvoje su tako postali prvi roditelji celokupne ljudske vrste.
Naučili smo, takođe, da je sve bilo dobro, sve savršeno. Sve životinje su se hranile vegetacijom Nije bilo mesoždera, pa prema tome, nije bilo ni smrti, Nije bilo prolivanja krvi ni životinja, ni ptica, niti ljudi. Svi ljudi su bili vegetarijanci. Nisu ubijali životinje da bi se hranili njihovim mesom. I sve je bilo dobro. Sve je bilo u harmoniji. Sve je bilo savršeno. Današnji čovek nije nastao od nekog pećinskog čoveka. On je stvoren kao veoma inteligentan. Prvi ljudi su bili mnogo inteligentniji od današnjih. Oni nisu imali vremena za učenje mnogih stvari za koje mi danas znamo, ali su bili veoma superiorna bića.
Današnji čovek je nazadovao. Naime, on sve više gubi na snazi umesto da jača. Evolucija kaže da mi postajemo sve bolji i bolji, sve savršeniji. Ali Biblija uči sasvim obrnuto. Ona kaže da smo mi na početku bili savršeni. A tokom naših narednih časova videćemo zašto je čovečanstvo nazadovalo, tako da danas nije ni blizu one savršenosti kakva je bila na samom početku.
A sada ćemo malo izmeniti tok našeg proučavanja Biblije. Naučićemo kako je nastao greh. Možda bi bilo bolje da definišem greh. Biblija definiše greh kao kršenje Božijeg zakona. Kada je stvorio čoveka na ovoj zemlji, Bog je propisao neke zakone, neka pravila. Ubrzo ćemo da vidimo koji je to prvi zakon koji je Bog propisao. Već smo videli jedan zakon-a to je ono što je Bog rekao u 28. stihu prve glave Postanja: „Rađajte se i množite se, i napunite zemlju.“ To je bio jedan zakon koji je Bog propisao, a to je da se množimo i da napunimo zemlju. To je jedna zapovest koju je Bog uputio ljudskoj vrsti. Taj zakon se nikada nije menjao, tako da važi i danas. Za sada neću ulaziti u to šta taj zakon znači danas. Možda ćemo kasnije razmatrati taj zakon i videti šta se danas dešava, i kako ga današnji čovek krši.
A sada ćemo početi da razmatramo nastanak greha. A greh je kršenje Božijeg zakona. Kad god kršimo Božiji zakon, mi padnemo u greh. Ako nam Bog kaže da ne lažemo (to ćemo videti u kasnijem proučavanju Biblije), a mi ipak slažemo, onda je to greh. Ako nam Biblija (koja je Božija Reč) kaže da treba da se pokoravamo onima koji vladaju nad nama, a mi se ne pokoravamo, onda padamo u greh. To je kršenje Božijeg zakona.
Stih koji ćemo obrađivati u našoj sledećoj lekciji jeste 9. stih iz 2. glave Postanja: „I učini Gospod Bog, te nikoše iz zemlje svakojaka drveta lijepa za gledanje i dobra za jelo, i drvo života usred vrta i drvo od znanja dobra i zla.“ Taj stih ćemo detaljnije pogledati u našoj narednoj lekciji.
BBS #28
Pomaže Bog. Nastavljamo sa učenjem. Već smo naučili kako smo mi nastalii. Naučili smo kako je ova zemlja nastala. Već znamo puno istinitih stvari. Uveravam vas da je to sve tako bilo. To nisu spekulacije. To nisu pretpostavke. To nisu nagađanja. To nisu zaključci neke grupe naučnika koji su se sastali i odlučili da kažu da je to možda bilo ovako ili je možda bilo onako. Što god smo do sada naučili, to je bilo od Božije Reči. To su informacije koje su nam stigle direktno od onog Boga koji je stvorio svet, koji je stvorio čoveka. Zar to nije divno što imamo ovu knjigu, Bibliju, koju nam je Bog dao tako da iz nje možemo saznati otkud mi na ovom svetu? Mi nemamo potrebe da išta nagađamo o svemu tome, niti da se bavimo kojekakvim spekulacijama. Mi raspolažemo potpuno istinitim podacima.
A sada ulazimo u samo središte problema koji se naziva greh. Greh je nova reč koju smo uključili u naše proučavanje. Setite se da smo rekli da je greh kršenje Božijeg zakona. Bog je stvorio čoveka na ovoj zemlji i to ga je stvorio po svom liku. A biće koje je stvoreno po Božijem liku nužno mora biti poslušno Bogu i odgovorno za svoju poslušnost..
Životinje nemaju pojma o tome šta je to greh. Ne znaju šta je to pravda, šta je to neposlušnost, a šta poslušnost. One se jednostavno pokoravaju ako su dobro dresirane, a ako nisu, onda ostaju neposlušne. Ali, kod njih nema moralne svesti.
Ali, Bog je čoveku usadio sposobnost da otkrije šta je ispravno a šta ne, da se pokoravaju ili da odbiju pokornost. Bog je stvorio čoveka prema sopstvenom liku. Zato na čoveku leži odgovornost za njegovo ponašanje. A greh je nepokornost prema Bogu. A sada ćemo da vidimo kako je greh došao na ovaj svet. Kako je greh mogao da dođe na ovaj svet koji je bio savršen?
Setite se da smo u prošloj lekciji proučavali stih pod brojem 9 iz 2. glave Postanja: „I učini Gospod Bog, te nikoše iz zemlje svakojaka drveta lijepa za gledanje i dobra za jelo, i drvo života usred vrta i drvo od znanja dobra i zla.“ Ovde nam Bog govori da je, kad je stvorio ovu zemlju, napravio jedan vrt. U stvari, možda bi bilo bolje da vam pročitam 8. stih, kako bismo videli gde se tačno nalazilo to drveće: „I nasadi Gospod Bog vrt u Edemu na istoku; i ondje namjesti čovjeka, kojega stvori.“ Bog je, dakle, imao jedno posebno mesto na ovoj predivnoj zemlji koju je stvorio. A na tom, po mnogo čemu, posebnom mestu, koje je nazvao Rajski vrt, On je stvorio sve moguće vrste voćnih stabala (šljivu, breskvu, bananu, avokado). U tom vrtu bilo je svih mogućih vrsta voćnog drveća. Čoveku je rečeno da može jesti voće sa bilo kog drveta. Ali, u ovom vrtu su postojala dva posebna drveta. Jedno je nazvano drvetom života. „...i drvo života usred vrta.“
A drugo drvo je bilo nazvano drvetom znanja dobra i zla. O kakvom se voću radilo, kad su u pitanju ta dva drveta, niko živi ne zna. O tome u Bibliji ništa ne piše. Uostalom, to uopšte nije ni važno. Ono što je važno, jeste da je Bog naredio da se skrene posebna pažnja na ta dva drveta.
Dakle, drvo života je bilo veoma posebno drvo. Da su Adam i Eva jeli samo sa tog drveta, oni bi večno živeli. Kasnije ćemo se opet vratiti na to drvo.
Za sada ćemo se pozabaviti samo drvetom znanja dobra i zla. Mi uopšte ne znamo o kakvom se voću tu radi. A nije nas ni briga. Bog nam ne govori ništa o tome. Samo znamo da je Bog to drvo nazvao drvo znanja dobra i zla.
Dodajmo tome da je Adama i Evu Bog posebno upozorio na to drvo. O tome govore stihovi koje ćemo proraditi u našoj narednoj lekciji. U 16. i 17. stihu 2. glave Postanja čitamo: „I zaprijeti Gospod Bog čovjeku govoreći: jedi slobodno sa svakoga drveta u vrtu; Ali s drveta od znanja dobra i zla, s njega ne jedi; jer u koji dan okusiš s njega, umrijećeš.“
Bog, dakle izriče jednu posebnu zapovest, poseban zakon. On je Adamu, prvom čoveku na zemlji, rekao da može da jede voće sa bilo kog drveta. Mogao je da jede voće sa drveta života koliko god je hteo, mogao je da jede banane, jebuke, kruške, avokado, pomorandže. Sa svakog drveta je mogao da jede koliko hoće. Ali, postojalo je jedno drvo sa kojeg mu je izričito zabranio da jede. A to se drvo zvalo drvo znaja dobra i zla.
Sada se pitamo zašto je Bog uopšte posadio to drvo? Zašto ga je tu zasadio? Zasadio ga je da bi iskušao čoveka, da vidi da li će čovek biti potpuno pokoran Bogu. Ali, čovek je stvoren kao savršeno biće. Naši praroditelji, Adam i Eva u sebi nisu imali tu nepokornost. Što god je Bog stvorio, to je bilo dobro. Ali, pošto su bili stvoreni po Božijem liku, oni su u sebi imali slobodnu volju. Usađen im je um koji su mogli da koriste za mnoge stvari. Stvoreni su kao inteligentna bića koja mogu da donose svoje zaključke o bilo čemu. A onda je Bog odmah pred ljude postavio test. Hteo je da vidi da li će oni ostati pokorni Bogu.
U slučaju da ne ostanu pokorni, ako se ne pokoravaju Bogu (a to je upravo greh), Bog je rekao da, ako budu jeli sa drveta znanja dobra i zla, što bi bio jedan čin nepokornosti, čin sagrešenja, kršenja Božijeg zakona, onda će oni istog dana zasigurno umreti. Bog je opomenuo Adama i Evu, „Nemojte jesti sa tog drveta.“ Mogli su jesti sa bilo kog drugog drveta osim tog. Jer, ako budu jeli sa njega, stići će ih užasna kazna-smrt.
A sada, da se upitamo da li su Adam i Eva uopšte znali šta je to smrt? Da li su znali da je smrt nešto strašno? Dakle, pokušaćemo da damo odgovor na to pitanje u našoj narednoj lekciji.
Pomaže Bog.Kako vam se dopada ovakav način učenja? Bilo je veoma lepo kad smo učili o tome da postoji Bog. Time smo objasnili mnoge stvari. Kakva to sila održava ovaj univerzum? Zašto, na primer, biljke niču svakog proleća? Zašto imamo tako lepo cveće? Dobili smo i odgovore na mnoga druga pitanja, kao na primer, zašto se neke stvari dešavaju na našoj planeti, odgovore koje naučnici i biolozi, i pored svoje velike mudrosti, ne mogu da nam daju. Sve nam odjednom postaje jasno kad shvatimo da postoji Bog koji je stvorio ovu tako prelepu, tako divnu zemlju.
A onda smo, naravno, učili o stvaranju čoveka. O kako je to bila divna priča! A sada, odjednom, počinjemo da učimo o nečemu što je veoma tužno, ali ipak, ne manje važno. Pogledajmo samo današnji svet. U njemu ima toliko pogrešnih stvari, toliko mržnje, krađa, laži i toliko drugih ružnih stvari. Pitamo se, kako je sve to moguće? Kako se sve ovo moglo dešavati kad je Bog ovaj svet i ljude na njemu stvorio potpuno savršenim? Kao što smo mogli pročitati u Postanju, Što god je Bog stvorio, to je bilo dobro-veoma dobro. Nije bilo greha, nije bilo mržnje, nije bilo ubistava, nije bilo krađa ni laži, niti pobuna. Svuda je vladao savršeni sklad. Kako je onda greh mogao da dođe na ovaj svet?
Mitolozi nam nude razne priče o tome kako je greh došao na ovaj svet. Na primer, postoji priča o Pandorinoj kutiji. Ne znam da li ste ikada čuli za ovu priču. To je priča iz drevne Grčke. Postojala je kutija koju niko nije smeo da otvori, jer je to bilo zabranjeno. Ali, neko ju je ipak otvorio, i onda su svi mogući grehovi izašli iz te kutije i više nisu mogli da se u nju vrate. Ali, to je samo mit. U njemu uopšte nema ničeg istinitog.
Ali, zato, ovde u Bibliji, Bog nam kaže da je On stvorio sve ovo drveće koje je rađalo divne sočne plodove. A u vrtu, u kojem su živeli Adam i Eva, On je takođe bio zasadio dve posebne voćke-jedno drvo života (njegovi plodovi su bili veoma zdravi i ako bi se oni stalno jeli, onda bi onaj ko ih jede, imao večni život). Ali, bilo je tu i drvo znanja dobra i zla...
A onda je Bog rekao Adamu i Evi: „jedi slobodno sa svakoga drveta u vrtu; Ali s drveta od znanja dobra i zla, s njega ne jedi; jer u koji dan okusiš s njega, umrijećeš.“
Opet postavljamo pitanje, da li su oni znali šta je to smrt? Da li su znali koliko bi taj greh bio ozbiljan, kad bi se pobunili protiv Boga? Ja ne znam odgovor. U to vreme na svetu nije bilo smrti, ama baš nikakve smrti. Međuitim, oni su bili stvoreni po Božijem liku i Bog je u njihov um usadio mnoga znanja. Zato su sigurno imali neku ideju o tome šta smrt znači.
Ali, nije mnogo važno to da li su oni išta znali o smrti ili ne. Činjenica je da im je Bog rekao da ne jedu plodove sa tog drveta. Pa, ako su želeli da ostanu srećni, i da se ponašaju u skladu sa Božijom voljom, onda nije treblo da jedu voće sa tog drveta.
I tako su Adam i Eva živeli u tom prelepom vrtu, u toj divnoj Božijoj tvorevini. Sve je bilo savršeno i imali su hrane u izobilju. Samo je trebalo da se paze da ne prilaze tom drvetu.
Dakle, kako je onda greh došao na ovaj svet? Još nismo došli do toga, zar ne? A sada moramo ići na drugi stih. Tu ćemo početi da saznajemo odakle je greh došao. Sada ću pročitati 1. stih iz 3. glave Postanja.
U ovom stihu ćemo se upoznati sa novim likom o kojem još nije bilo reči. Ovaj stih glasi ovako: „Ali zmija bješe lukava mimo sve zvijeri poljske, koje stvori Gospod Bog, pa reče ženi: je li istina da je Bog kazao da ne jedete sa svakoga drveta u vrtu?“
Tada su sve životinje u tom Edenskom vrtu bile savršene životinje. One su u potpunosti bile pokorne Adamu i Evi, jer su Adam i Eva imali vlast nad životinjama koju im je Bog dao. Postojala je jedna životinja koja je bila veoma lukava. Reč „lukava“ bi se mogla prevesti i kao „obazriva“ ili „mudra“. Zmija je bila „mudrija“ od svake zveri sa polja.
Danas, oni ljudi koji se bave životinjama kažu da je pas veoma inteligentna životinja. Neki čak kažu da je svinja najpametnija od svih životinja. Takođe je i morsko prase veoma inteligentna morska životinja. Ja ne znam koja je najinteligentnija životinja danas, ali Biblija kaže da je, u vreme dok Adam i Eva još nisu bili zgrešili, pre nego što su se pobunili protiv Boga, zmija bila najinteligentnija, najmudrija od svih životinja.
Dakle, zmija je došla kod Eve. Mi ne znamo koliko je vremena bilo prošlo od nastanka Adama i Eve, kad se to desilo. Verovatno je bilo prošlo tek nekoliko meseci, ili najviše nekoliko godina. Kasnije, u nekoj od naših narednih lekcija, reći ću vam zašto je to važno. Ali, verovatno je bilo prošlo tek nekoliko meseci ili najviše nekoliko godina od nastanka Adama i Eve. I tako je zmija došla kod Eve i pitala ženu: „Je li istina da je Bog kazao da ne jedete sa svakoga drveta u vrtu?“
Odmah će neko pitati: „Zar životinja može da govori? Kako to može biti? Kakva je ovo životinja?“ I zaista je to veoma neobično. Kako da to shvatimo? Što se tiče Eve, takva mogućnost je postojala, jer je ona, dok je pažljivo promatrala sve što je Bog stvorio, videla da je sve bilo tako divno, tako prelepo, tako da je možda pomislila da ima nekih životinja koje mogu da govore.
Ali, činjenica je da je upravo ova životinja govorila. Zato se pitamo, da možda i Biblija polako ne prelazi u mit? Postaje li ona nešto što nam i nije tako pouzdano. Ne, nije tako. Kasnije, u daljem toku našeg proučabanja, videćemo da je ovu zmiju, koju je takođe Bog stvorio, Najmudriju od svih životinja, iskoristilo jedno drugo biće. Do sada još uvek nismo ništa učili o anđelima. Kasnije ćemo u Bibliji videti da postoje i anđeli. I njih je Bog stvorio. Anđeli su duhovna bića koji imaju posebno zaduženje, kad je u pitanju ovaj svet i njegovo funkcionisanje. Kasnije ćemo malo više govoriti o njima. Istovremeno ćemo videti kako se jedan od anđela povezao sa ovom zmijom. Tako ćemo početi da shvatamo kako je sve to uticalo na nastanak greha.
BBS #30
Pomaže Bog. Nastavljamo proučavanje Biblije. Upravo smo stigli do veoma zanimljivog dela biblijske istine. Nemojte zaboraviti da nam upravo Biblija, koja je Božija Reč, služi umesto udžbenika. Nadam se da vam je ovakav način učenja od velike koristi, da vas nagoni na razmišljanje i da vam je sve ovo veoma zanimljivo. Počeli smo, dakle, da učimo o tome na koji je način greh, to veliko zlo, dospeo na ovaj svet. Bog je napravio savršen univerzum. U njemu nije ni postojao greh. Nije bilo nikakve pobune protiv Boga. Sećate se da smo greh definisali kao kršenje Božijih zakona.To je nepoštovanje Božijih zakona.
Kad je Bog stvorio ovaj univerzum, On je u njega postavio Adama i Evu, naše praroditelje. I oni su u potpunosti bili odani Bogu. Životinje su pak, bile odane njima. Nije bilo pobune.
Ali, onda smo u našoj poslednjoj lekciji otkrili da zmija ume da govori. Tada smo pročitali stih iz kojeg se vidi da zmija ume da govori. Kakva čudna informacija! Zmija je umela da govori zato što je bila iskorišćena od anđela. A sada, da vidimo šta su to anđeli. U 1, 2. i 3. glavi Postanja još uvek nema ništa o anđelima. U tom delu Biblije o njima se ne govori. Ali, ako pogledamo druge delove Biblije (videćemo to kasnije), videćemo da se i tamo govori da je Bog zaista stvorio ovaj univerzum. Bog je stvorio živa bića, životinje i ljude da žive na zemlji. Ali, Biblija takođe govori o bestelesnim bićima koja se zovu anđeli. Bog ih je stvorio da služe ovom svetu, da služe čoveku. O anđelima se govori u drugim poglavljima Biblije.
Ali, na jednom drugom mestu, u Bibliji možemo videti da je postojao jedan anđeo (koji inače govori da postoji veliki broj anđela koje je Bog stvorio) koji je hteo da bude kao Bog, koji je hteo da bude gospodar, koji je hteo da vlada umesto da služi. I tako je ovaj anđeo, koji se zvao Lucifer, a koji se pominje u drugom delu Biblije, video svoju šansu na ovoj zemlji. Video je šta bi se moglo desiti kad bi on umešao svoje prste u ovj Božiji svet. On je video da je Bog stvorio ovaj univerzum i da je postavio čoveka da njime vlada. Setite se da Biblija kaže da čovek treba da ima vlast nad životinjama. A životinje su po rangu bile odmah iza čoveka.
I, Lucifer je mislio da, kad bi mogao da natera čoveka...( a sećate se da su na zemlji, od ljudi, tada živeli samo Adam i Eva)...kad bi mogao da ih natera da mu se pokore, onda bi on, na osnovu prava koje ima pobednik, mogao da ih prevari. Naterao bi ih da se pobune protiv Boga, pa bi tako on dobio pravo da ima vlast nad njima.
I tako je zmija sve to smislila. Ili, bolje rečeno, Lucifer je sve to isplanirao i pokušao da smisli način kako da dođe do Adama i Eve. Setite se da sam malopre rekao da su anđeli duhovna bića. Šta je to duhovno biće? Duh je za čovek nevidljiv. Zato mi nemamo nikakvu ideju o tome kako on izgleda. To prevazilazi naše ideje o dimenzijama. Dimenzije za koje mi znamo jesu: dužina, širina i visina. Možda bi i vreme moglo da se nazove dimenzijom. Dakle, u tom smislu, mi možemo govoriti samo o materijalnom svetu.
Ali, duhovno biće vi ne možete videti. Duhovno biće je nešto što prevazilazi naše ovozemaljske pojmove. Zato mi ne znamo mnogo o anđelima, osim što znamo da su to duhovna bića i da ih je Bog stvorio kako bi služila čoveku. Mi znamo samo to.
Na jednom drugom mestu u Bibliji možemo pročitati da je Lucifer hteo da bude kao Bog. Kako je on mislio da pobedi čoveka? Kako je mislio da Adama i Evu navede na greh? Nije mogao jednostavno da, kao anđeo, dođe do njih, jer ga oni ne bi mogli da vide. Duha ne možete videti. Samo bi mogli da čuju glas. Ali, Biblija kaže da je Satana (to je upravo to biće, koje je pre zapadanja u greh, bilo anđeo po imenu Lucifer) ušao u zmiju, tu najmudriju od svih životinja, tu najlepšu životinju. Ušao je u tu zmiju i progovorio kroz nju. Nemojte misliti da je to bajka. To nije ni mit. Istina je da pomalo zvuči kao bajka jer se pominju životinje koje govore i duhovna bića. Sve to zaista liči na bajku. Morate, međutim, imati na umu da je sve to zapisano u Božijoj Reči. Ovo su Božije Reči.
U stvari, što budemo dalje išli kroz Bibliju u našem proučavanju, videćemo da se u njoj puno govori o Satani, ovom palom anđelu, i o svim anđelima koji su pali za njim. Njih nazivamo zlim duhovima ili palim anđelima. Otkrićemo kasnije da ih je Bog porazio. O ovim anđelima ćemo puno čitati dok budemo proučavali Bibliju. Puno ćemo čitati o Satani. Ali, ovde smo se prvi put upoznali sa Satanom, odnosno sa ovim palim anđelom preko zmije kroz koju se on obraća Evi. On se time pobunjuje protiv Boga.
Setite se da smo u prošloj lekciji čitali stih u kome zmija kaže ženi: „Je li istina da je Bog kazao da ne jedete sa svakoga drveta u vrtu?“ Međutim, Bog uopšte nije rekao tako nešto. Bog je rekao da mogu da jedu sa svakog drveta osim sa drveta znanja dobra i zla. Ali, ovaj anđeo Lucifer koji je došao u vidu zmije, jeste veoma pametan, veoma lukav. I tako je naveo prvu ženu na iskušenje. „Je li istina da je Bog kazao da ne jedete sa svakoga drveta u vrtu?“ Bog uopšte to nije rekao, nego je on postavio takvo pitanje da se žena zapitala :“Šta li je ono Bog u stvari rekao?“
Setimo se da je Bog rekao da oni mogu da jedu sa svakog drveta u vrtu, ali da ne smeju da jedu sa drveta znanja dobra i zla. Ali, obratite pažnju na to šta je žena odgovorila. Njen odgovor će biti predmet naše sledeće lekcje, odnosno 2. i 3. stih 3. glave Postanja: „A žena reče zmiji...“ Obratite pažnju na to kako je ona odmah pala pod uticaj onoga što joj je ovaj pali anđeo, ovaj anđeo buntovnik rekao. „Žena reče zmiji: mi jedemo roda sa svakog drveta u vrtu. Samo roda s onoga drveta usred vrta, kazao je Bog, ne jedite i ne dirajte u nj, da ne umrete.“
Dakle, u našoj sledećoj lekciji ćemo videti šta se dešava sa ovom ženom dok, na razočarenje ovog palog anđela Lucifera odnosno Satane, odgovara na njegovo lukavstvo.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Master's degree - The Faculty of Philology in Belgrade
Godine prevodilačkog iskustva: 30. Registrovano na Apr 2008.
Serbian to English (Belgrade University) Serbian to French (Belgrade University) English to Serbian (Belgrade University The Faculty of Philology) English to Serbian (Belgrade University, The Faculty of Philology) Serbian to English (Belgrade University-The Faculty of Philology)
Bosnian to English (Belgrade University) Croatian to French (Belgrade University) Bosnian to French (Belgrade University) Croatian to English (Belgrade University) Latin to Serbian (Belgrade University) French to Serbian (Belgrade University) English to Bosnian (Banja Luka College of Communications "Kapa Fi")
I am a French. English and Latin teacher at a grammar(high) school. I have been teaching these languages for more than 35 years. In my free time I have been translating texts from English, French and Latin. The texts have been of various genres, from medicine, economy, sociology to science, politics, traffic etc.
I graduated from the Belgrade Faculty of Philology . I began my work several days after graduation. My first language is French, but I use English much more , which is natural. I am especially interested in the origin of words. Thanks to my knowledge of Latin I can compare words, expressions and even grammar in these three languages including my mother tongue(Serbian), of course. When I am retired, I will try to make a dictionary with the words from these languages. ),.My numerous clients have been very satisfied with my work. My references are as follows: Tamara (Family Radio, Oakland California, [email protected]),for whom I translated more than 100 pages of religion content. Ezgi ([email protected]), Diana ([email protected]),rom Sydney Australia, for whom I translated about 70 pages of mining content, from Serbian to English.. Seghers Bert" [email protected].: Chengdu Smart ([email protected]), Charlotte Zhang ([email protected]), Travod ([email protected]), Seghers Bert ([email protected]), "FERDOSI" ([email protected]), Beco ([email protected] ).
Ključne riječi: Latin proverbs, similarity between languages, text translation, idioms, British English vs American English
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