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Serbian to English: Humanitarian Law Center 2007 Annual Report
Izvorni tekst - Serbian Misija
Fond za humanitarno pravo pomaže postjugoslovenskim društvima da uspostave vladavinu prava i prihvate nasleđe masovnog kršenja ljudskih prava kako bi se onemogućilo ponavljanje, utvrdila krivična odgovornost za počinioce i zadovoljila pravda.
Od decembra 2005. godine, kada je završio svoju programsku i organizacionu transformaciju, Fond za humanitarno pravo (FHP) usmeren je na aktivnosti koje doprinose uspostavljanju tranzicione pravde kao uslova izgradnje demokratskog društva. U 2007. godini, FHP je, kao i druge organizacije za ljudska prava, radio u nepovoljnoj političkoj klimi. Bio je pod stalnim napadom i optužbama Srpske radikalne stranke, kao i ekstremnih nacionalističkih grupa i medija pod uticajem konzervativnih političkih partija i grupa, da je plaćenička organizacija koja radi protiv Srba koji su u ratu branili narod. Vlada i predsednik države nisu nijednom reagovali u skladu sa svojim obavezama da štite i omogućuju organizacijama i braniteljima ljudskih prava da slobodno i kritički prate i izveštavaju o poštovanju ljudskih prava. Predsednik države nijednom nije prihvatio da govori na skupu FHP-a, ali se zato često pojavljivao na skupovima nevladinih organizacija koje javno podržavaju stavove dela Vlade iz redova Demokratske stranke. U konkretnim aktivnostima, u vezi sa suđenjima za ratne zločine, FHP je imao dobru i profesionalnu saradnju sa Tužilaštvom za ratne zločine i MUP-om Srbije (Službom za otkrivanje ratnih zločina MUP-a Srbije, Jedinicom MUP-a Srbije za zaštitu svedoka i kabinetom minsitra policije). I pored svih problema, FHP je uspeo da pomogne žrtvama u ostvarenju njihovih prava na istinu i pravdu. Uspeh je i četvorogodišnja saradnja sa Istraživačko-dokumentacionim centrom (BiH) i Documentom (Hrvatska), zahvaljujući kojoj su pokrenute brojne važne regionalne aktivnosti i inicijative.
Od samog početka postupak je vođen površno. Istraga je bila nepotpuna, uviđaj na licu mesta sproveden je tek narednog dana, sa lica mesta nisu uzeti otisci, nije utvrđeno da li je vršeno premeštanje stvari, oštećenoj nije pružena medicinska pomoć niti je obavljeno ispitivanje svih eventualnih svedoka među komšijama koji bi mogli da razjasne sporne činjenice.
U Srbiji, žrtve kršenja ljudskih prava mogu ostvariti pravo na materijalno obeštećenje (vid reparacija) isključivo kroz sudske postupke protiv države. Međutim, ti postupci nisu primereni kontekstu i prirodi kršenja ljudskih prava iz više razloga: teret dokazivanja je na žrtvi, duga suđenja, veliki troškovi postupka, dosuđivanje novčanih naknada koje ne odgovaraju težini krivičnih dela, zaštitnički odnos sudova prema državi i drugo. Zbog toga, FHP stalnim pokretanjem postupaka pokušava da podstakne državu da, u skladu sa obavezama koje propisuju norme međunarodnog prava, pokrene raspravu i donese program reparacija za kršenje ljudskih prava u prošlosti, a posebno u vreme vlasti Slobodana Miloševića. Od osnivanja 1992. godine do kraja juna 2007. godine FHP je zastupao preko 2.000 žrtava kršenja osnovnih ljudskih prava. U 2007. godini, FHP je pokrenuo 22 postupka za naknadu štete (za ostvarivanje reparacija) protiv Srbije, Crne Gore i privremenih institucija na Kosovu u ime 93 žrtve etnički motivisanih slučajeva kršenja ljudskih prava u prošlosti.
Prevod - English Mission
The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) helps societies in the territory of the former Yugoslavia to establish the rule of law and to come to terms with the legacy of massive human rights violations in order to prevent their recurrence, establish the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators and ensure that justice is done.
Since completing its programmatic and organizational transformation in December 2005, HLC has engaged in activities conducive to the establishment of transitional justice as a condition of the development of a democratic society. In 2007, HLC and other human rights organizations operated in an unfavourable political climate. HLC was the target of constant attacks and accusations by the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), extremist nationalist groups and media establishments under the influence of conservative political parties and groups of being a mercenary organization operating to the detriment of the Serbs who fought to defend their people. The government and the president of the state took no action whatever, despite their duty under the law, to protect human rights organizations and defenders and to enable them freely and critically to monitor the protection of human rights. Although the President of Serbia declined the opportunity to address an HLC-organized meeting, he often attended gatherings of nongovernmental organizations which publicly support the views of government members from the ranks of the Democratic Party (DS). Specifically, in connection with the war crimes trials, HLC had fruitful and professional cooperation with the War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Interior –MUP (War Crimes Detection Unit, Witness Protection Unit, and Office of the Minister of the Interior). For all the problems it experienced, HLC succeeded in helping the victims to exercise their rights to truth and justice. HLC also continued its four-year successful cooperation with the Research and Documentation Centre–IDC (BiH) and Documenta (Croatia), thanks to which many important regional activities and initiatives have been launched.
The proceedings were conducted in a perfunctory manner from the very start. The investigation was incomplete, the on-site investigation was only carried out the following day, the scene of the crime was not dusted for fingerprints, no one checked whether objects had been moved around, the injured party was not given medical assistance, and not all neighbours who might have witnessed the act and been able to help clarify the facts in issue had been interviewed.
In Serbia, victims of human rights violations may enforce their right to pecuniary compensation [a form of reparation] only through action against the state. Such proceedings, however, are inappropriate in relation to the context and nature of the human rights violations for several reasons: the burden of proof rests with the victim, the proceedings are long, the costs of litigation are substantial, the monetary compensation awarded is not proportionate to the crime committed, the courts tend to protect the state, etc. For this reason HLC keeps instituting proceedings to prompt the state, in keeping with its obligations under international law, to initiate a debate and adopt a programme of reparations for human rights violations committed in the past, especially during the rule of Slobodan Milošević. From its establishment in 1992 to the end of June 2007 HLC represented over 2,000 victims of basic human rights violations. Last year HLC instituted 22 proceedings for the payment of damages [reparations proceedings] against Serbia, Montenegro and interim institutions in Kosovo on behalf of 93 victims of ethnically-motivated human rights violations in the past.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Godine prevodilačkog iskustva: 45. Registrovano na Jul 2006.
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