Radni jezici:
Croatian to Dutch
Serbian to Dutch
Bosnian to Dutch

Lidija P.
iskusni prevodilac i tumač

Localno vrijeme: 14:20 CET (GMT+1)

Maternji jezik: Serbo-Croat Native in Serbo-Croat
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Nema prikupljenih ocjena
Tip korisničkog računa Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Pripadnost This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Usluge Interpreting, Training, Translation
Specijalizovao u:
LingvistikaMedicina: Zdravstvena Njega
PsihologijaMeđunarodne Org/Razvoj/Saradnja
Pravo (opće)Obrazovanje / Pedagogija
NekretnineUvjerenja, Diplome, Licence, Biografije
SigurnostUpravljanje / Politika

Payment methods accepted MasterCard
Prevodilačko obrazovanje Bachelor's degree - University of Belgrade
Iskustvo Godine prevodilačkog iskustva: 39. Registrovano na ProZ.com-u: Jan 2020.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Akreditacije N/A
Članstvo Orde van Registertolken en -vertalers, The Netherlands
Softver N/A
I am an exprienced translator and interpreter for the languages of the former Yugoslavia in combination with the Dutch and English language. I have worked for many different international organizations such as USAID, British Council and the Dutch Rechtspraak, Immigratiedienst and other governmental organizations as well as the former ICTY.
I am used to working in the international setting and can assist in different situations. I was teaching at the Police Academy and have a good knowledge of the terminology concerning law and governement.
As for the certified translations: I can offer swift and precise translations of different documents.
I work in the Netherlands but by origine I come from the former Yugoslavia.
Ključne riječi: prevodilac, tumač, pravosuđe, javni beležnik, javni bilježnik, notar, internacionalna saradnja, imigracija, naturalizacija, specijalista. See more.prevodilac, tumač, pravosuđe, javni beležnik, javni bilježnik, notar, internacionalna saradnja, imigracija, naturalizacija, specijalista, prevoditelj, iskustvo, sigurnost, bezbednost, ugovori, azil, suradnja, medunarodno pravo, EU, EU dokumenti, Eu isprave, priznati, opunomoćeni prevodilac, certified vertaler, beedigd vertaler Nederlands, beedigd vertaler, rechtbank tolk, gecertificeerde vertaler, certified translator, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrian, Dutch, English, international cooperation, internationale samenwerking, rechtbank, immigratiedienst, asiel, notaris, notary, asylum, court interpreter, . See less.

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Oct 29, 2024

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