Job closed
This job was closed at Mar 31, 2024 22:28 GMT.

URGENT! [CHINESE INTO ENGLISH] Translation Assignment [Wessel-[HIDDEN]05]

Publicat la: Mar 31, 2024 22:05 GMT   (GMT: Mar 31, 2024 22:05)

Job type: Lucrare de traducere/editare/corectare
Service required: Translation
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Limbi: din chineză în engleză

Descriere lucrare:
Greetings Translator,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to offer you an exciting collaboration opportunity for an ongoing assignment that we have. The project involves the translation of legal/financial documents, from Chinese into US English, with a total word count of approximately 600k words. We have divided the task into manageable 10k-15k word segments, and are seeking additional linguists to assist with the translation effort.

To ensure consistency, we will include a glossary, style guide, and transliteration of most proper nouns with the files. The anticipated deadline for completion is 8 AM EST on April 4th. However, if completed earlier, there may be an opportunity for you to work on another portion of the project. The final deadline for completion of all files is April 7th.

Our per-word rate for translation is $0.05 to $0.06, and we value your expertise and contributions to deliver quality translations. If this project aligns with your schedule and interest, kindly confirm your availability to work with us on this project by replying to our official email at [HIDDEN]

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sandy Brown, Project Manager.

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Metoda de plată: Online prin PayPal
Payment terms: 15 zile de la data facturării.
Poster country: Statele Unite

Volume: 600,000 words

Condiţii restrictive pentru furnizorii de servicii (specificate de autorul anunţului):
Statutul de membru Utilizatorii neplătitori pot trimite oferte după 12 ore
Subiect: Finanţe (general)
Termen trimitere oferte: Apr 1, 2024 22:01 GMT
Termen de predare: Apr 2, 2024 21:42 GMT
Despre contractor:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Oferte primite: 1 (Job closed)