Translation glossary: Accounting/Financial Terms

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
a payer of resident withholding tax on interestobveznik plaćanja poreza po odbitku na kamatu za domaća lica 
English to Serbian
ADJUSTMENTS MONTHLY PURCHASESmesečne nabavke - korekcija 
English to Serbian
blagajničko poslovanjecashier operations, cash desk operations 
Serbian to English
Corporate Nominee Facility/Corporate Nominee Accountračun pravnog lica/zastupnika za kupoprodaju akcija 
English to Serbian
depo(security) depository 
Serbian to English
facility amountiznos kredita 
English to Serbian
izvod devizne partijeforeign currency account transactions 
Serbian to English
kartica prometatransaction record 
Serbian to English
Neuplaćeni upisani kapitalunpaid subscribed capital 
Serbian to English
English to Serbian
Pustiti ne realizaciju (sa računa)enforce, draw (bill of exchange, note, etc.) 
Serbian to English
Ratio that current gross revenues bear to current and anticipated future gross rodnos tekućih bruto prihoda i tekućih i očekivanih bruto prihoda (u budućnosti) 
English to Serbian
trezorsko poslovanjetreasury operations 
Serbian to English
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