frequently asked questions

Terminology/term help


  • 1 - Terminology/term help

  • 2 - KudoZ

    You may also be interested in:

  • a brief introduction to KudoZ

  • your KudoZ dashboard-- managing your notifications for KudoZ

  • how KudoZ PRO points can boost your directory ranking

  • the new Glossary-building KudoZ (GBK)

  • 2.1 - KudoZ: general

  • 1.1 - Šta je KudoZ?

    KudoZ je mreža pomoći za termine. Postoje dva široka polja: "pomoć" KudoZ i "razvijanje pojmovnika" KudoZ. Oba polja dijele mnoge elemente, ali imaju različite ciljeve.

    *Kroz "pomoć" KudoZ, korisnici nude jedni drugima, kao i gostima, besplatnu pomoć u prevođenju zahtjevnih termina. Pitanje postavlja neko kome je potrebna pomoć i ko bi onda trebao odabrati odgovor "koji je najviše pomogao" od onih koji su pristigli. Pogledajte naš flash uvod da biste saznali više. U ovoj vrsti KudoZ, naglasak je na pomaganju onome ko pita-- činjenica da se izgradila arhiva termina sa prijašnjim sugestijama prevoda je planirana, ali periferna korist.

    *Svrha "razvijanja pojmovnika" KudoZ (GBK - razvijanje pojmovnika KudoZ) jeste koordinacija napora voljnih članova ProZ zajednice u razvijanju autoritativnog pojmovnika i prevoda u mnogim jezicima i poljima. GBK pitanja se postavljaju za prevodioce od strane GBK tima. Odabir zajednice se koristi da bi se dokučili najtačniji prevodi od onih koji su ponuđeni.

  • 1.2 - Glossary of KudoZ terms

    Question: The request for help posted by the asker, including at least a language pair, a field of expertise, a term and context information.

    Action buttons: Buttons located below the question that offer users access to several areas described below. The buttons are:

    Answer: Reply in the target language to the asked term, including at least the translation of the term, an explanation and the answerer's confidence level.

    Reference comment: This area is accessed with the "Post reference" button and should be used to provide information which is not in itself an answer, but which may be helpful to either the asker or other answerers. The information submitted in this way will not be subject to consideration as "best" or "most helpful", and points will not be received.

    Discussion area: This area is accessed with the "Post discussion" button and should be used for requests and additional exchanges of context information and for linguistic discussions on the question. This area should not be used to comment on answers (see rule 3.4 ) or on participants see rule 3.7). In GBK it also allows participation of users who do not meet the criteria to answer.

    Grading: The process by which the asker reviews the suggestions and awards points to the answerer who provided the translation deemed by the asker to be the most useful.

    Peer comment: A comment made by a site user concerning his agreement or disagreement with a translation suggested by a peer. Peer comments must be based on linguistic considerations and said considerations must be provided in case of disagree or neutral comments. This is the only valid way to comment on a KudoZ answer.

    Asker: A person in need of translation assistance who posts a term or phrase, providing context and the desired target language.

    Answerer: A site user who provides an answer to a KudoZ question.

    Reference poster: A site user who provides a reference comment.

    KudoZ editors: Non-moderator site users who have been given the right to perform some editing functions on KudoZ questions.

  • 1.3 - Kako KudoZ "pomoć" funkcioniše?

    KudoZ "pomoć" 'transakcija' obuhvata tri koraka:
    (1) Osoba koja treba pomoć u prevođenju objavljuje termin ili frazu, uz navođenje konteksta i željenog ciljnog jezika.
    (2) Korisnik stranice predlaže prevod, daje objašnjenje i, eventualno, navodi određene reference.
    (3) Postavljač pitanja razmatra ponuđene odgovore i dodjeljuje od 1 do 4 poena korisniku stranice koji je ponudio najkorisniji ili najprecizniji prevod.

  • 1.4 - Kakva je korist od KudoZ poena?

    Pojedini klijenti koriste KudoZ poene kao jedan od pokazatelja kvalificiranosti prevodioca. Logika je sljedeća, ako trebate usluge prevodioca upućenog u medicinu, osoba koja je zaradila 300 poena odgovarajući na pitanja iz oblasti medicine čini se kao dobar kandidat.

  • 1.5 - ODGOVOR: Kako se KudoZ poeni ažuriraju?

    Zbirovi KudoZ poena prikazani na nekim lokacijama na stranici, ažuriraju se jednom dnevno, dok se oni na drugim lokacijama, ažuriraju u realnom vremenu. Stoga može doći do privremenih odstupanja, ali se sve ispravlja kada svi poeni budu prebrojani jednom dnevno.

    Članovi mogu izvršiti prinudno ažuriranje svojih poena u realnom vremenu. Idite na svoju stranicu sa KudoZ poenima i kliknite na "Ažuriraj zbir poena sada".

  • 1.6 - Do I earn any KudoZ points by answering KudoZ questions?

    No. KudoZ points are only earned if one of your answer to any KudoZ question is selected by the asker or automatically by the system based on peer agreement.

  • 1.7 - Koja su pravila za učešće u KudoZ komunikaciji?

    Pogledajte KudoZ pravila: Opća pravila, Pravila za postavljanje pitanja i Pravila za odgovaranje i davanje komentara u svojstvu kolege

  • 1.8 - Can friends, family members or close associates participate in my KudoZ questions or answers?

    Participation in KudoZ questions, particularly using the peer comment system to "boost" an answer, or in asking and answering to gain KudoZ points, should not be carried out among the profiles of friends, family or close associates, in order to maintain a certain level of transparency in the KudoZ arena. In cases where interacting profiles are shown to be of this type, a mutual block may be applied to the profiles (this blocks the interaction between specific profiles only, not participation in KudoZ at large) to ensure fairness.

    See also general site rule 2 for more on why this policy may be enforced.

    Access to networking features, which potentially affect other members, may be modified or revoked at the discretion of the team. In particular, KudoZ interaction between profiles may be blocked at the discretion of site staff at any time as a safeguard to preserve the positive, results-oriented atmosphere of KudoZ.

  • 1.9 - Šta bih trebao učiniti ukoliko su KudoZ pravila prekršena?

    Kada dođe do kršenja KudoZ pravila, trebate prijaviti situaciju moderatoru za jezički par u pitanju. Lista moderatora je dostupna ovdje.

    Mnogi jezički parovi imaju jednog ili više odgovornih moderatora. U ovakvim slučajevima ćete na dnu stranice za pitanja vidjeti mali prozor koji sadrži
    ime moderatora i link za "Pozvati se na ovo pitanje".

    Kada kliknete na ovaj link, otvorit će se mali prozor u kojem možete opisati kršenje pravila koje ste zapazili u objavi. Ovo je obavezno polje. Kada unesete ove informacije, one će biti uključene u e-mailu koji se šalje moderatoru.

    Ukoliko preferirate da moderatora kontaktirate direktno, možete kontaktirati osoblje sajta o ovom problemu preko zahtjev za podršku.

    Imajte na umu da ne trebate direktno kontaktirati osobu(e) za koje smatrate da krše pravila stranice ili da koristite KudoZ formu da biste ostavljali poruke u vezi sa pravilima stranice (vidi KudoZ rule 1.3). Kontaktirajte moderatora ili osoblje sajta.

  • 1.10 - Kakva logika stoji iza KudoZ kategorija?

    KudoZ pitanja se mogu kategorizirati koristeći listu područja prevođenja sa oko 100 stavki. Ova lista, formirana statističkim putem koristeći podatke o područjima prevođenja koje su ProZ korisnici sami unijeli, namjerno je donekle neprecizna. Na primjer, zato što jedan član naziva "vozilom", ono što drugi naziva "prevoznim sredstvom", oba naziva su uvrštena u listu kategorija.

    Napominjemo da iako se "dvojne" kategorije poput ovih pojavljuju na različitim mjestima na listi područja, u bazu podataka se upisuju identično. Stoga nije bitno koju od njih ćete odabrati - samo odaberite prvu koja odgovara vašem terminu.

    Savjet: u većini pretraživača, kada se nalazite na listi za odabir, možete jednostavno pritisnuti prvo slovo naziva ("v" za "vozila") sve dok ne dobijete kategoriju koju tražite.

  • 1.11 - Šta se dešava ako pitanje "za pomoć" nije ocjenjeno?

    Ukoliko su primljeni odgovori na pitanje, ali ono nije zatvoreno u roku od tri dana, postavljaču pitanja se šalje e-poruka kao podsjetnik da dodijeli ocjenu. Ukoliko pitanje ostane otvoreno nakon slanja četiri takva podsjetnika (tokom 2 sedmice), pokušava se automatski odabir najboljeg odgovora. 'Mehanizam za automatsko ocjenjivanje' vrši odabir na osnovu neto broja 'slaganja' kolega koje je primio svaki od odgovora, prema sljedećim pravilima:
    - Da bi ušao u razmatranje, odgovor mora imati barem dva "neto slaganja" (broj slaganja - broj neslaganja).
    - Odabire se odgovor sa najvećim brojem neto slaganja. Ukoliko dva odgovora imaju isti broj neto slaganja, odabire se onaj koji je posljednji unešen. Smisao je u tome da ako dva odgovora dobiju isti broj neto slaganja, vjerovatno je bolji onaj koji ih je dobio u kraćem vremenu.)

    Ukoliko nijedan odgovor nema 2 neto slaganja, pitanje ostaje otvoreno.

  • 1.12 - Are askers able to close a question without awarding points?

    Yes. An asker may choose to do this when s/he has asked a question in error (misspelled term, etc.), when no answer was deemed helpful, when a better term was found elsewhere (and no answer was deemed helpful), or in other cases.

  • 1.13 - How often do askers close questions without awarding points?

    Less than 5% of the time.

  • 1.14 - Gdje mogu naći listu svojih prethodnih pitanja i odgovora?

    Idite na stranicu svog profila i kliknite na karticu KudoZ. Članovi će vidjeti i opciju za prinudno ažuriranje njihovih KudoZ poena.

  • 1.15 - Can I see questions in language pairs not reported in my profile?

    Yes. You can see KudoZ questions in all language pairs by clicking on See more languages in the KudoZ questions page.

  • 1.16 - Pod kojim uslovima će KudoZ pitanje biti uklonjeno?

    Postoji približno deset mogućih razloga za uklanjanje ("brisanje") KudoZ pitanja. Za diskusiju o ovim razlozima, pogledajte: ovaj članak.

  • 1.17 - What information can I see about a KudoZ asker?

    If you move your mouse over the asker's picture in a KudoZ question you will see a mouse-over message similar to the one pictured below:

    The following definitions apply:

    * Questions: the amount of questions posted by the asker.

    * Open: questions that remain open and have at least an answer not hidden and not declined by the asker.

    * Without valid answers: questions that remain open and that received no answers, or that received answers that were hidden, or declined by the asker.

    * Closed without grading: questions that were closed without grading by the asker after having received at least one answer not hidden.

    Squashed questions are not included in these statistics. If you want to get more information on the asker, a click on the asker's link will take you to the asker's profile.

  • 1.18 - Kakva je namjena dugmadi "Glasaj za PRO" i "Glasaj za non-PRO"?

    Učesnici mogu glasati da pitanje "za pomoć" označeno sa PRO bude proglašeno non-PRO pitanjem i obrnuto. Za reklasifikaciju pitanja u PRO ili non-PRO, potrebna su tri glasa.

    Pitanja koja nisu PRO mogu biti odgovorena od bilo koje osoba koja poznaje dva jezika bez pomoći rječnika dok su PRO pitanja ona koja su pogodna za profesionalne prevodioce. KudoZ pitanja "Razvijanja pojmovnika" su uvijek PRO i ne mogu se preglasati u non-PRO.

    Potrebna su tri glasa za PRO ili non-PRO da bi se pitanje preklasifikovalo prvi put, a nakon toga će se vratiti u prvobitni status čim bude više glasova za promjenu nego protiv nje.

    Na primjer, pitanje koje je postavljeno kao non-PRO zahtijeva tri glasa da bi bilo PRO (glasanje 3-0). Nakon toga, gumb će se promijeniti u "glasaj za non-PRO" i četiri glasa će ga vratiti u non-PRO (glasanje 4-3). Nakon toga je potrebno dva glasa da bi se pitanje ponovo izglasalo u bilo koji od ova dva statusa (glasanje 5-4, 6-5, itd.)

    Ukoliko imate manje od dvadeset (20) KudoZ PRO poena, ova opcija vam neće biti vidljiva.

  • 1.19 - When posting my question I selected by mistake the wrong level (PRO, non-PRO). What can I do?

    You should submit a support request to have this issue addressed by staff.

  • 1.20 - ODGOVOR: Mislim da je moj zbir poena danas trebao više porasti.

    Ukoliko ste član, postoji mogućnost da izvršite prinudno ažuriranje svojih poena u realnom vremenu. Idite na svoju stranicu sa KudoZ poenima i kliknite na "Ažuriraj zbir poena sada". Ukoliko ste registrovani korisnik, bilo kakvo odstupanje u zbiru poena će najvjerovatnije biti ispravljeno u roku od 24 sata.

    Da provjerite da li su vam dodjeljeni poeni za određeno pitanje, provjerite istoriju KudoZ odgovora u svom profilu.

  • 1.21 - ODGOVOR: Jedan od mojih zbirova poena se smanjio. Kako je ovo moguće?

    Moguće je da se odabrani zbirovi poena (ukupni, PRO, po području ili po periodu) smanje. Faktori koji mogu ovo uzrokovati su:

    - Pitanje za koje ste dobili poene je obrisano ili poništeno
    - PRO pitanje za koje ste dobili poene je reklasificirano kao non-PRO pitanje (čime je umanjen zbir vaših PRO poena, a uvećan vaš non-PRO zbir)
    - Pitanje za koje ste dobili poene je reklasificirano u drugo specijalističko područje (čime je vaš zbir u jednom području povećan, a u drugom umanjen)
    - Protok vremena (potencijalno može dovesti do smanjenja zbira poena, posmatrano na nivou zadnja tri mjeseca

    Ukoliko vas konkretno interesuju pitanja za koja ste poene dobili juče, možete provjeriti istoriju odgovaranja na stranici vašeg profila. Svako od njih bi trebalo biti navedeno, zajedno sa poenima koje ste dobili.

  • 1.22 - ODGOVOR: Kako mogu izmijeniti sadržaje date u prikazu zbira KudoZ poena na stranici mog profila?

    Korisnici mogu sakriti određenu vrstu KudoZ poena iz prikaza datog na sljedećoj stranici:

  • 1.23 - What do the "ok" and "no" under the the "Gloss" (glossary) column in my KudoZ activity section indicate?

    The "ok" indicates that a glossary entry derived from the KudoZ question has been entered into the glossary.

    On the other hand, the "no" indicates that no glossary entry has been entered.

  • 1.24 - ODGOVOR: Bio sam prisiljen kreirati novi profil. Mogu li preuzeti svoje poene iz prethodnog profila?

    Da, ukoliko ste član, osoblje službe za podršku može učiniti ovo za vas. Vodite računa da neće biti preuzeti samo poeni, nego i vaša cijela KudoZ istorija (pitanja, komentari kolega, napomene, itd.). Više nećete moći pristupati starom profilu.

    Za sjedinjavanje vaših profila, podnesite zahtjev za podršku kojim od osoblja tražite da vašu KudoZ istoriju *iz* određenog profila sjedini *sa* određenim profilom. Po mogućnosti navedite brojeve profila (poslužiće i korisnička imena ukoliko ne znate brojeve).

    U zahtjevu za podršku, navedite da ste svjesni da se ova akcija ne može poništiti i da više nećete imati pristup profilu iz koga se istorija preuzima.

    Ponovno naglašavamo da je ova opcija dostupna samo članovima.

  • 1.25 - Kako da spriječim da pretraga termina izvrši transliteraciju dijakritičkih i akcentiranih znakova?

    U pojedinim slučajevima, pretraga termina omogućava ograničenu transliteraciju dijakritičkih i akcentiranih znakova (na primjer, pretraga termina "publica" može generirati rezultate koje sadrže i termin "pública". Za onemogućavanje ove funkcije, odaberite opciju "traži tačnu frazu".

  • 1.26 - How can I enter a discussion entry?

    To enter a discussion entry you should click on the "Post discussion" button. A form will show to allow you to post a title and the body of your entry. These fields are limited to 50 and 1200 characters respectively (there is a counter to tell you how many characters you have left for the main field). There is a preview option and buttons for submitting the entry and for canceling the operation.

    Once your discussion entry has been entered, you will be able to edit it during the first 24 hours, or to delete it any time, by clicking on the icons displayed on the top right corner of the entry.

  • 1.27 - Predlažem da se učešće u KudoZu naplaćuje. To bi doprinjelo poboljšanju kvaliteta.

    Trenutno nemamo bilo kakvih planova za ograničavanje KudoZa na članove. Ipak, postoje opcije za podešavanje preferenci za prikaz i obavještenja, na način da budu vidljiva samo pitanja članova. Takođe, kada postavite pitanje, moguće je, kao preferencu, odrediti da odgovarači budu isključivo članovi.

  • 1.28 - Are KudoZ questions indexed by search engines?

    Yes. As with the public forums, KudoZ questions are indexed by search engines.

    Keep in mind that this can (and should) work in your favor. A series of excellent KudoZ answers, or of helpful, professional forum posts, boost your web visibility to potential clients, and may also give them a further means of evaluating you as a translator and as a professional.

  • 1.29 - What do the time references next to the confidence level and in the peer section indicate?

    They indicate the time elapsed from the moment the question was asked until the other action "answer", "peer comment" took place. The times shown are measured in relation to moment the question was asked.

  • 1.30 - Can the asker enter in the glossary a term different from the one suggested in the selected question?

    Yes. Points are (or should be) given to the most helpful answer, while the best possible term should be entered in the glossary, even if it was not suggested by the answerer who won the points.

    Imagine for instance that you ask for a difficult technical term and get several similar alternatives, but one of the answers provided a very clear explanation that helped you understand the meaning of the term and its usage. Then you could pick another of the alternatives, and still consider this the most helpful answer.

    It is also possible for askers to find the best term on their own and enter a term that was suggested in none of the answers provided, but still select a most helpful answer.

  • 1.31 - A user in my sub-community regularly posts bad answers and they are sometimes selected and I am concerned that the glossary will deteriorate. Many valuable colleagues are of the same opinion and several of them have abandoned KudoZ. What can be done?

    The system includes the "disagree" feature. If answers considered invalid receive several disagrees based on linguistic (not personal) comments, then the amount of "bad" answers is likely to be reduced.

  • 1.32 - I was the first to provide the right answer to a KudoZ question and then other user provided the same answer adding few more explanations and received the points (instead of agreeing to my answer). Is this allowed?

    Askers have the right to select the answers they consider most helpful to their questions.
    There is nothing wrong in taking the time to provide the best possible answer, including references and explanations, even if a term has been already suggested. Limiting this right would turn KudoZ into a race to post a term with little or no explanations, and it would discourage better researched and more complete answers.

  • 1.33 - How does the first validated answer mode work?

    Askers have the option of asking questions in "first validated answer" (FVA) mode. When the FVA option is selected, instead of multiple answers being submitted and the asker selecting the one that is most helpful, the goal is for one correct translation to be agreed upon by the answerer community. An FVA question is therefore considered closed as soon as one answer gets two net agrees (in top pairs, two net agrees must come from users who meet the criteria for the question).

    The effect for askers is that they can ask a question, and some time later be sent an answer that has been validated. It is considered that this option to "leave the decision to the pros" may appeal to some askers, particularly those who do not speak the target language. Various other possibilities may also be presented by this new approach.

    Note that FVA questions are always not-for-points, and that they are targeted at those who work in the language pair, have expressed at least an interest in the selected field, and are native in the target language when the question is in a top pair. (However, others are not prevented from answering.)

  • 1.34 - What are AI-generated KudoZ answers?

    AI-generated KudoZ answers are automatic answers generated by AI technology, in this case, by ChatGPT. This answers are marked as such within the answer itself.

  • 1.35 - How are AI KudoZ answers generated?

    Most AI technology brings information back by means of prompts. Think of prompts like instructions you give to the AI. When you ask a question or tell it something, that's your prompt. In order to generate a KudoZ answer, we send ChatGPT three different prompts: one to get a proposed translation of the source term taking into account the information supplied by the asker (languages, fields, contect), one to obtain an explanation of the proposed translation that also includes sample sentences, and a last one to get confidence level information (i.e. to know how confident the AI feels about its proposed translation). Once this information is returned by the AI, a KudoZ answer is automatically built with it and posted together with the question (provided the asker has selected the AI-generated answer option).

  • 1.36 - Who posts AI-generated answers?

    AI answers are generated and posted automatically when an askers select this option in the KudoZ question form:

  • 1.37 - Are askers notified of AI-generated answers to their questions?

    No. For the time being, no email notification is sent for AI-generated answers.

  • 1.38 - Can KudoZ participants peer grade AI-generated answers?

    Yes, KudoZ participants are encouraged to agree or disagree (or remain neutral) with AI-generated KudoZ answers. Peer grades will count in the case of automatic grading. Click here for details about automatic grading.

  • 1.39 - Can KudoZ askers select AI-generated answers as the most helpful and award points to the AI?

    Yes, KudoZ askers can select an AI-generated answer as the most helpful one and award KudoZ points to the AI. These KudoZ points, however, will not be used to rank the AI profile in the directory. Click here to learn how KudoZ points count for directory ranking.

  • 1.40 - Do KudoZ points “earned” by the AI count for directory ranking?

    No. KudoZ points awarded to the AI for KudoZ answers selected as the most helpful will not count for directory placement.

  • 1.41 - What is the purpose of adding AI to KudoZ?

    The integration of AI into term help is thought as a supporting feature. If AI technology is available out there and language professionals are using it (in many different ways), why not include it in KudoZ and enable them to realize their full potential? provides tools and opportunities to its members. This is just another one of many. Click here to see a full list of membership benefits.

  • Main - Top

  • 2.2 - Asking

  • 2.1 - Šta sačinjava "pomoć za pojam" kako je definisana u pravilu ?

    KudoZ pitanja se mogu koristiti kada je potrebna pomoć vezano za pojmove i idiomatske izraze.

    Grupu riječi (do približno 10) treba postovati kao jedno pitanje, isključivo kada predstavlja neraskidivu cjelinu, poput idiomatskog izraza (npr. 'jedna lasta ne čini proljeće') koji može imati nekoliko riječi, a izostavljanje bilo kog dijela dovodi do pogrešne formulacije pitanja.

    Postavljači pitanja mogu postovati rečenice i kada im zatreba pomoć vezano za razumijevanje značenja, poredak riječi ili gramatički problem, ali to trebaju činiti u odgovarajućem monolingualnom jezičkom paru. Monolingualna KudoZ pitanja se postavljaju tako da se isti jezik odabere i kao polazni i kao odredišni.

  • 2.2 - What is the meaning of "one term is allowed per question" in KudoZ rule 2.1?

    Unless they share a root or are otherwise related, terms should be posted separately--an asker should not ask how to say "apple" and "banana" in the same question. This means that a question such as "flotsam/jetsam/derelict" in a context of maritime law would be not valid, since the terms are independent and should posted in three separate questions. On the other hand, "the flotsam and jetsam of the inner city" would be OK, as the terms flotsam and jetsam are related in a unit of meaning. Other examples of valid KudoZ questions are: "screen / screening" (they share a root), "Many levels in this game were heavily tuned for smoothness" (terms related as a unit of meaning in a particular context).

  • 2.3 - PITANJE: Postoji li ograničenje broja pitanja koja mogu postaviti?

    Da. Vaš dnevni limit (izmjeren tokom perioda od 24 sata) ovisi o nivou vašeg članstva. Ukoliko niste registrovani na, možete postaviti jedno (1) pitanje dnevno. Ukoliko ste registrovani ali niste član, možete postaviti pet (5) pitanja. Ukoliko ste član, možete postaviti petnaest (15) pitanja. Takođe postoje i sedmični limiti od 20 pitanja za registrovane osobe koje nisu članovi i 60 pitanja za članove. Ukoliko imate deset (10) pitanja koja su primila validne odgovore, a ostala su otvorena duže od jedne sedmice, neće vam biti dozvoljeno postavljanje novih pitanja. Molimo da ova pitanja ocjenite i zatvorite prije nego nastavite sa postavljanjem pitanja.

  • 2.4 - What happens if I ask questions beyond the daily or weekly limits?

    When you ask questions beyond the limits corresponding to your membership status, these extra questions are added to the KudoZ question queue and they will be made visible automatically when enough time has elapsed for the question to be within asking limits.

    When this happens you will see a message like the one depicted below, and clicking on the words question queue to see an estimate of when your questions will be made public.

    Members have higher limits and can request limit waivers via the support system.

  • 2.5 - PITANJE: Imam običaj da pitanja o terminima sačuvam za završetak projekta. Postoji li način da zaobiđem ograničenje?

    Smatramo da je ograničenje od petnaest (15) pitanja po danu dovoljno za većinu osoba. Na primjer, možete postaviti trideset (30) pitanja, raspoređujući ih na posljednja dva dana projekta. Ukoliko ste član i treba vam još pitanja, možete zatražiti od Službi podrške da vam odobri privremeno izuzetak od ovog pravila.

  • 2.6 - Can I post a question in more than one language pair?

    It is not possible to post a single question in different language pairs. However, several questions in different language pairs may be posted for a single term.

  • 2.7 - PITANJE: Mogu li postaviti monolingualno KudoZ pitanje?

    Da, ali u KudoZ-u ne postoji zasebna sekcija za ovo. Stoga, ako želite postaviti pitanje samo na jednom jeziku (npr. Engleski - Engleski), morate ići na opciju Postavljanje pitanja na kartici KudoZ. Potom, u formi koja se otvori, kliknite na 'Vidjeti dodatne jezike'. Vidjećete dvije liste na kojima možete dva puta odabrati željeni jezik. Na ovaj način, ovo će biti monolingualno pitanje.

  • 2.8 - PITANJE: Nisam siguran/na da li pitanje treba svrstati u non-PRO ili PRO kategoriju. U čemu je razlika?

    Mada ih je teško jasno razdvojiti, naredne definicije su usvojene za ova dva tipa pitanja:

    PRO pitanja su ona koja postavljaju ILI koja su prikladna za profesionalne prevodioce.

    Non-PRO pitanja su ona koja postavljaju osobe koje nisu profesionalni prevodioci i na koja može odgovoriti bilo koja bilingualna osoba, bez korištenja riječnika

    Kada primjenjujete gornje definicije, zanemarite vlastite sposobnosti/specijalizaciju i razmišljajte o, hipotetičkoj, slučajno odabranoj, bilingualnoj osobi. Da li je za očekivati da će takva osoba biti sposobna za dobar prevod termina ili fraze o kojoj se radi (posebno uzevši u obzir navedeni kontekst), bez udubljivanja u pitanje? Ako nije, radi se o PRO pitanju.

    Postoji članak članak koji se detaljnije bavi ovim pitanjem.

  • 2.9 - What should I do if I don't have context to include in my KudoZ question?

    There is always some context to provide, such as information about the type of customer (an oil company? a plumber? a dentist? ), the type of document you are translating, the subject, etc.

    Even in the extreme case of posting an item in a list there is hope. Imagine a question posted as:

    Question: quolly
    Fields: Law/Patents - Other
    Context: It's in a list - (sorry but) no context available.

    Now with a deeper understanding of what context is and what purpose it serves, some questions may elicit useful information and, quite possibly, lead to a valid answer.

    For example:

    - What does the patent describe? And if it's a revolutionary ion engine for spacecraft, change the fields to Tech/Enginnering - Space/Aeronautics - Ion engine design.

    - What is the purpose of the list? There's a big difference of context between a list of engine parts and a list of tools used to assemble an engine.

    - What are the adjacent items in the list? Very often lists contain related terms, and to an expert the meaning of the obscure term may well be clear when seen along with the other items.

    - What is the country of origin of the text, and/or of its author? Words are often misused by non-native speakers.

    - Does the overall quality of the source text suggest the problem term is 'just another typo or scanno' in a text riddled with rubbish or is it, on the contrary, a real term that's probably being used correctly.

    Armed with that meaningful context we have a new question, such as:

    Question: quolly
    Fields: Tech/Enginnering - Space/Aeronautics - Ion engine design
    Context: It's in a list of tools used in the assembly of spacecraft engines, mentioned in the patent for a revolutionary ion engine.
    The rest of the text seems to be well-written by a native English-speaker (from a well-known manufacturing company in the UK), so I don't think it's an error in the source text.

    Of course, this doesn't guarantee there will be a valid answer, but at least that will not be for "no context".

  • 2.10 - Mogu li dodati informacije svom pitanju? Mogu li ga uređivati?

    Ne možete uređivati pitanje, ali možete dodati napomene. Na stranici sa pitanjem, pojavljuje se obrazac za unos. (Ukoliko zaboravite gdje se pitanje nalazi, pogledajte e-poruku sa potvrdom koja sadrži poveznicu.)

  • 2.11 - Can KudoZ askers direct their questions to specific site users?

    Yes. When posting a KudoZ question, askers are given the option to restrict their KudoZ questions by 1) profile information (native language, language pair and field) and 2) membership status. If the asker selects the option "Only members may answer" when posting his/her question, the "Answer" button will not be visible to non-members and the following message will show to them:

    The asker has directed this question specifically to users who:
    ... are members (You do not appear to be) Join >

    If the asker specifies a restriction connected with native language, level of expertise in the specified language pair or level of expertise in the field, those that do not meet these criteria will be informed of this, but still invited to post an answer:

    The asker has directed this question specifically to users who:
    ... have expressed interest in this pair (You have)
    ... report a "specialty" level of expertise in the subject field (You have not) [Edit]
    ... are native speakers of Tonga (Nya) or Nzima (You have not reported that you are) [Edit]
    Although you do not meet the criteria, you may suggest a translation if you like

  • 2.12 - PITANJE: Mogu li svoje pitanje uputiti samo određenim osobama, koje poznajem?

    Možete, pod uslovom da ste član (tj. da plaćate pretplatu).

  • 2.13 - PITANJE: Zašto bih neko pitanje ograničio samo na određene osobe?

    Brojni KudoZ odgovarači iz iskustva znaju koji članovi su specijalisti za određenu oblast. U datim okolnostima, oni se sa pomenutim ekspertima konsultiraju direktno. Korištenje KudoZ-a za ovu namjenu doprinosi standardizaciji i pristupačnosti ovog procesa, te osigurava čuvanje pretraživih zapisa o ponuđenim prevodima.

  • 2.14 - PITANJE: Zašto bih pristup nekom pitanju ograničio/la samo na određene kategorije članova?

    Ponekad postavljači pitanja žele odgovore od određene grupe, na primjer samo od odgovarača kojima je to maternji jezik, koji specijaliziraju u datoj oblasti ili nekoj drugoj grupi članova. Ugrađena je funkcionalnost koja podržava ovakve preference.

  • 2.15 - PITANJE: Ako pitanje postavim privatno, tk. ograničim ga na jedan od mojih timova, hoće li ga ostali moći vidjeti? Hoće li biti dostupno za pretragu u arhivi?

    Ukoliko ste član, možete odabrati da termin trajno ostane privatan. Ukoliko ste registrovani korisnik, možete odabrati da termin ostane privatan jedan mjesec, nakon toga, postaće javan i dostupan za pretragu.

    Važna napomena: Na KudoZ pitanja se ne primjenjuje osiguranje nalik onom u bankama, čak ni kada se radi o privatnim pitanjima. Osjetljive termine ne treba postovati na KudoZ, čak ni uz korištenje opcija za privatnost.

  • 2.16 - I see a "squash" button under a KudoZ question I have posted, what does that mean?

    If you have posted a KudoZ term help question and it has not received an answer, you will have the option to "squash" or remove the question until it receives at least one answer. This allows users to remove mistakenly-posted questions without the assistance of a moderator or KudoZ editor.

  • 2.17 - PITANJE: Kako se mogu zahvaliti KudoZ odgovaračima prije nego odgovor odbijem ili ocijenim?

    Možete kliknuti na ime osobe i pisati im putem stranice njihovog profila. Ovo će uzrokovati slanje e-poruke.

    Bilo bi dobro da navedete URL KudoZ pitanja.

  • 2.18 - PITANJE: Kako da ocijenim svoja KudoZ pitanja?

    Da biste ocijenili svoja KudoZ pitanja, morate kliknuti na poveznicu na kojoj je navedeno "Odabrati odgovor kao najkorisniji" unutar okvira odgovora koji je bio najkorisniji. Jednom kada kliknete na poveznicu "Odabrati odgovor kao najkorisniji", pojavit će se prozor koji omogućava da dodijelite KudoZ poene i unesete KudoZ termin u glosar, KudoZ otvoreni glosar (KOG) ili oboje.

  • 2.19 - I did not enter the term to the KOG at the time I graded my question, but I would like to enter it now. How can I do that?

    Simply click on the "gloss" button below the "Summary of answers provided" chart.

  • 2.20 - Can I grade my question less than 24 hours after posting it?

    KudoZ rule 2.10 recommends that askers allow at least twenty-four (24) hours to pass before closing a question.

    To select the most helpful answer, the asker clicks on the link in the selected answer:

    If less than 24 hours have elapsed since the question was posted, the following window will open:

    If the asker chooses to wait until 24 hours have elapsed since the question was posted, the question will remain open and it will be graded normally by the asker.

    If, on the other hand, the asker chooses to select the most helpful answer at this time, a new window will open to allow them to enter their preferences:

    This window will allow the asker to select the most helpful answer, to assign points to it and to post a grading comment. The asker also has the option to select and edit a glossary entry associated with this answer.

    If the asker does not select a glossary entry, the following message will be displayed:

    If the asker makes a glossary entry, the message will include the following information:

    Once this form is submitted, the question will remain open and new answers and peer comments can be added. About 72 hours after this submission, the system will grade the question in accordance with the following criteria:

    a) If none of the answers has a net peer grading (agrees minus disagrees) of 2 or more, then the option selected by the asker will be used.

    b) If at least one answer has a net peer grading higher than 1 and one of the answers has a net peer grading higher than the others, then this answer will be selected.

    c) If at least one answer has a net peer grading higher than 1 and two or more answers share the same top peer grading, the answer posted last will be selected. The logic behind this criterion is that all those agreed to the second answer have seen the first one and still voted for the second, therefore preferring the second answer, while those that voted for the first one may not have seen the second answer when voted.

    If the answer selected by the asker was chosen due to lack of votes or because the community voted for it, the amount of points, grading comment and (if entered) glossary entry selected by the asker will be chosen. If the asker did not make a glossary entry, one will be created automatically using the asked term and the suggested term.

    If a different answer from the one selected by the asker was chosen by the community, 4 points will be assigned to this answer and a glossary entry will be created using the asked term and the suggested term.

    After grading, the question will show the following message:

  • 2.21 - PITANJE: Izgubio sam poveznicu iz KudoZ e-poruke sa potvrdom, kako ću sada ocijeniti svoja KudoZ pitanja?

    Ukoliko ste izgubili poveznicu iz KudoZ e-poruke sa potvrdom, možete dobiti njenu kopiju tako da se obratite službi podrške koristeći sistem mrežnog kupona i/ili možete kontaktirati moderatora da vam pošalje poveznicu na adresu e-pošte. Zapamtite, važno je da uz zahtjev za novu e-poruku sa potvrdom, pošaljete i KudoZ URL vašeg pitanja.

    Ukoliko ste zaboravili KudoZ URL, a niste bili prijavljeni prilikom slanja pitanja, moraćete se obratiti službi podrške da izvrši dodjelu ocjene u vaše ime.

  • 2.22 - PITANJE: Mogu li dodjeliti poene za više od jednog odgovora?

    Ne, možete odabrati samo jedno "najkorisnije" pitanje. Podjela poena između odgovarača je ranije razmatrana, ali je odbačena zbog relativno malih efekata i komplikacija vezanih za implementaciju raspodjele poena i problema poput podjele četiri poena na tri odgovarača. Korisna smjernica za slučajeve kada se ne možete odlučiti za jedan od odgovora, je da odaberete onaj koji vam je najviše koristio. U slučaju kada imate dva ili više podjednako korisnih odgovora, možete odabrati prvi po redu (oštećeni odgovarači će vremenom biti kompenzirani).

  • 2.23 - Zatvorio sam pitanje bez odabira najboljeg odgovora. Mogu li sada ponovo otvoriti pitanje?

    Da, trebate kliknuti na dugme PONIŠTI ZATVARANJE. Ukoliko ste u nedoumici poslati kupon za podršku.

  • 2.24 - PITANJE: Kako mogu zatvoriti KudoZ pitanje koje sam postavio, a koje nije odgovoreno?

    Na stranici vašeg pitanja, kliknite dugme 'Ocijeni'. Bit ćete upućeni na sljedeću stranicu, gdje trebate kliknuti na dugme 'Zatvoriti bez davanja ocjene'. (zasluga: Mikhail Kropotov)

  • 2.25 - PITANJE: Kako da zaustavim daljnji prijem podsjetnika putem e-pošte da ocijenim odgovore na moja pitanja?

    Postavljačima pitanja se šalju podsjetnici da ocijene otvorena KudoZ pitanja na koja su pristigli odgovori, 5, 7, 9 i 11 dana nakon postavljanja pitanja.

    Da zaustavi daljnji prijem podsjetnika putem e-pošte, postavljač pitanja može učiniti jednu od sljedećih stvari:

    - Odabrati najkorisniji odgovor;
    - Zatvoriti pitanje bez odabira odgovora (klikom na dugme "Zatvoriti" ili "Zatvoriti bez davanja ocjene");
    - Odbiti sve trenutne odgovore, ali ostaviti pitanje otvorenim radi prijema budućih odgovora. Da ovo učinite, kliknite na "[Nijedan od ponuđenih odgovora nije adekvatan; ne podsjećajte me da odaberem jedan od odgovora]" pri vrhu liste odgovora.

  • 2.26 - Koji je kriterij za određivanje broja poena (1-4) koje dodjeljujem odabranom odgovoru?

    Prilikom donošenja odluke o broju poena koje ćete dodijeliti, molimo da koristite sljedeću skalu kao smjernicu:

    4: Odgovor je bio prihvatljiv, objašnjenje je bilo dobro, data je referenca (ili nije bila ni potrebna)
    3: Odgovor je bio prihvatljiv, objašnjenje je bilo dobro, ali nedostajala je referenca
    2: Odgovor je bio prihvatljiv
    1: Odgovor je bio donekle koristan

  • 2.27 - Points were awarded to an answer to my question but I would like to select another answer instead. How can I un-grade my question?

    To un-grade a question you have asked in order to award the points to the answer you found most helpful, you will need to first obtain the agreement of the answerer to whom the points have been given. Both you and the answerer should express this agreement either to the assigned moderator(s), or via support request.

  • 2.28 - I have included confidential information in a question. Can I have it removed?

    If you posted a KudoZ question that contains confidential information, please submit a support request, specifying the exact information you would like to have remove so that staff can remove this information for you.

  • Main - Top

  • 2.3 - Answering

  • 3.1 - ODGOVOR: Ne vidim KudoZ pitanje. Šta da radim?

    Molimo pošaljite URL i snimak stranice službi podrške!

  • 3.2 - ODGOVOR: Kada tražim samo pitanja koja su postavili članovi, dešava se nešto čudno.

    Primjena opcije "samo članovi" (dostupne pod "tip postavljača pitanja" na stranici sa KudoZ listom - ) će ograničiti vidljiva pitanja na ona koja su postavili korisnici koji su bili članovi *u vrijeme kada su postavljali pitanja*. Budući da su kategorije članstva postavljača pitanja pohranjene tek nedavno, broj rezultata će biti malen. Takođe, činjenica da postoje različiti oblici članstva (puno, parcijalno), kao i činjenica da pojedina članstva ističu, mogu stvoriti utisak da nešto nedostaje.

  • 3.3 - Ukoliko je pitanje zatvoreno, a poeni dodijeljeni, da li, ipak, mogu dati odgovor?

    Nakon dodjele poena, pitanje se zatvara, no i pored toga, vi možete odgovoriti na njega.
    Logika koja stoji iza ovoga je da vam dopuštamo da pružite svu moguću pomoć postavljaču pitanja, čak i ako on(a) smatra da je pronašao(la) najbolji odgovor na svoje pitanje.

  • 3.4 - ODGOVOR: Mogu li naknadno uređivati svoj odgovor na KudoZ pitanje?

    Ne. Naknadno uređivanje odgovora ne bi bilo korektno prema ostalim odgovaračima. Razmislite o davanju komentara na vaš odgovor. U pojedinim slučajevima, odgovarač može sakriti pogrešan odgovor i zamijeniti ga ispravnim.

  • 3.5 - ODGOVOR: Zašto se riječ "Sakriti" pojavljuje u okvirima za odgovor?

    Dozvoljeno vam je da sakrijete svoje odgovore. Na taj način možete povući svoj odgovor.

  • 3.6 - Kako mogu otkriti odgovor koji sam učinio nevidljivim?

    Nevidljive odgovore nije moguće ponovno učiniti vidljivim. Poveznicu "Sakrij odgovor" koristite samo kada odgovor želite trajno sakriti.

  • 3.7 - ODGOVOR: Ako sakrijem svoj odgovor bez da pošaljem novi, da li je to u suprotnosti sa pravilima odgovaranja?

    Slično kao kod slanja više od jednog odgovora, ovo je prihvatljivo samo ako se dešava povremeno. Sistematsko nuđenje više odgovora, sa ili bez sakrivanja prethodnog odgovora, je u suprotnosti sa KudoZ pravilima odgovaranja. Pogledajte pravila za KudoZ odgovore.

  • 3.8 - Will my hidden answers be visible in my list of answers?

    You will always be able to see the answers you have hidden in your list of KudoZ answers. Other users will only see your hidden answers if you have hidden 10% or more of your total answers (but no less than 20 answers).

    Hidden answers will figure under the Answered tab in the KudoZ activity section of profiles, with the link to the question, but with "Answer hidden by answerer" instead of the source and target term.

    They will also be added to the total count of Questions answered (shown on the main page of profiles) and in the statistics found in the KudoZ activity section.

  • 3.9 - What is the meaning of "no more than one answer per question" in KudoZ rule 3.1?

    Submitting an answer to a KudoZ question and then submitting one or more additional answers to the same question is discouraged (even if the original answer was hidden) and doing this in a systematic way is forbidden by the rules. Answerers can add as many comments as they want to their answers. Offering several terms together in the same answer (ANSWER1/ANSWER2/ANSWER3) is not forbidden, but discouraged, as it interferes with the glossary format.

  • 3.10 - ODGOVOR: Kakvo značenje ima oznaka "Nije za poene" na pojedinim pitanjima?

    Pojedini korisnici vjeruju da praksa dodjele KudoZ poena umanjuje KudoZ doživljaj. Moguće je da će se takvi korisnici opredijeliti za postavljanje "nije za poene" pitanja. KudoZ poeni se ne mogu zaraditi odgovaranjem na pitanja ove vrste.

  • 3.11 - ODGOVOR: Ako odgovorim na "nije za poene" pitanje, hoće li se ono pojaviti u KudoZ istoriji na stranici mog profila?

    Da. Takva pitanja će biti označena bojom koja pokazuje da se za njih ne daju poeni.

  • 3.12 - ODGOVOR: Da li odgovor na "nije za poene" pitanje doprinosi mojoj poziciji na KudoZ top listi ili u direktoriju prevodilaca?

    Ne. Prednosti koje proizilaze iz davanja odgovora na "nije za poene" pitanje, nisu tehničke prirode, nego imaju indirektni značaj (učenje, pružanje pomoć, povezivanje, itd.)

  • 3.13 - What does Confidence level show?

    Confidence level is the degree of certainty expressed by an answerer regarding his or her own answer. This information is provided by an answerer in the Kudoz Answer form. Confidence level is a required field and an answerer is suggested to select one of the 5 (five) possible confidence levels:

    Highest - I am sure
    Lowest - I am guessing

  • 3.14 - I don't know the answer to a KudoZ question, but I have some information that could help the asker. Where should I post this information?

    If you cannot think of an appropriate answer to a KudoZ question, but you have information that may help the asker or other participants to come up with a good translation, make a reference post by clicking on "Post reference" and include such relevant information.

    Note: Reference posts cannot be selected as most helpful and so no points cannot be awarded to reference posters.

  • 3.15 - I do not see the "Post reference" button in a KudoZ question. Why?

    Once you posted a Kudoz answer, you will not be able to post a reference. It is assumed that you put all the information in your Kudoz answer. This makes your answer a more useful resource, and ensures all the information is kept in one place.

    It is possible to post a reference and then an answer, but not possible to post an answer first and then a reference.

  • 3.16 - Under what conditions can an answerer use the discussion entries feature?

    Answerers can use the discussion entry to ask the asker for context information or to engage in linguistic discussions of some points of the question asked. In general, opinions on other answers should be provided in the peer grading interface while additional comments supporting their answers should be presented as comments in the answers themselves. Systematic use of the discussion entry to promote an answer provided will not be allowed.

  • 3.17 - How can I avoid answering questions from askers who tend to close their questions without grading them?

    You can see how many questions an asker has closed without grading by mousing over their name in a KudoZ question they have asked. (There is also an option to filter out questions from certain askers in the lists of questions.)

  • 3.18 -

  • Main - Top

  • 2.4 - Peer commenting

  • 4.1 - ODGOVOR: Mogu li se složiti sa više od jednog odgovora na pitanje?

    Da. Preporučeno je da se složite sa svim odgovorima koje smatrate tačnim, kao i da izrazite neslaganje sa svim odgovorima koje smatrate netačnim.

  • 4.2 - ODGOVOR: Šta se dešava nakon što neko izrazi neslaganje sa odgovorom?

    Neslaganje je, u stvari, samo signal osobi koja je postavila pitanje da vi (a možda i drugi) mislite da odgovor nije ispravan, na postavljaču pitanja je da vašu sugestiju uvaži ili ne.

    Jedini "mehanički" efekat je taj da se pri automatskom ocjenjivanju neslaganja računaju protiv usvajanja određenog odgovora.

  • 4.3 - Unio sam komentar kao kolega i želim se očitovati o odgovoru koji sam primio. Mogu li to učiniti?

    Ne. U cilju sprječavanja pretjeranog širenja KudoZ tema, nisu dozvoljene višestruke izmjene komentara za pojedina pitanja. Kolega može dati svoj komentar, odgovarač može odgovoriti na njega - ali tu izmjena komentara završava. (Mogućnost uređivanja komentara kolega i odgovora na njih, pružena je isključivo u svrhu uređivanja pravopisnih grešaka, ispravljanja neispravnih linkova ili za slične namjene.) Potrudite se da svoj stav iznesete jasno i precizno; imate samo jednu priliku.

  • 4.4 - Vidim poveznicu za "uređivanje/brisanje" komentara kolega. Kakva je njena namjena?

    Poveznica "uređivanje/brisanje" vam omogućava da uređujete komentare kolega. Molimo vodite računa da je ova mogućnost data isključivo radi korekcije grešaka u pisanju, ispravljanja neispravnih poveznica i sličnih izmjena.

  • 4.5 - Can I comment on an answerer's confidence level in my peer comment?

    No. Peer comments should be purely linguistic in nature (see KudoZ rule 3.5). Making comments or insinuations regarding an answerer's confidence level would not be in line with KudoZ rule 3.7.

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  • 2.5 - KudoZ editors

  • 5.1 - ODGOVOR: Primijetio sam da pojedini korisnici (ne moderatori) vrše reklasifikaciju ili uklanjaju tuđa pitanja. Na koji se način ovi članovi odabiru?

    Moderatori mogu pozvati članove/registrovane korisnike, koji imaju najmanje 300 KudoZ poena, da pročitaju smjernice za reklasifikaciju i uklanjanje pitanja i pristupe kratkom testiranju. Oni koji prođu test stiču pravo da vrše ovakvo uređivanje.

  • 5.2 - Is site moderation one of the responsibilities of KudoZ editors?

    No. KudoZ editors are site users who have been given the right to perform some editing functions on KudoZ questions, namely the change or reversion of KudoZ question language pairs, the removal of questions if these are not in line with site rules or if they are duplicated, and the change of KudoZ question fields.

    Moderators are site members who have volunteered to foster and protect the positive, results-oriented atmosphere that makes possible by greeting and guiding new participants in KudoZ and enforcing site rules in a consistent and structured manner.

    In no way are KudoZ editors entitled or expected to act as site moderators. KudoZ editors, just as site members, are required to contact staff or moderators to report any form of abuse.

  • 5.3 - ODGOVOR: Pojavila se opcija koja mi omogućava da uređujem odgovore drugih osoba. Zašto?

    Kada osvojite dovoljan broj KudoZ poena (500), pojavljuju se određene opcije koje omogućavaju ispravljanje grešaka u pitanjima koja drugi postavljaju. Ako se pitanje odnosi na prevod sa Španskog na Engleski ali je navedeno kao prevod sa Engleskog na Španski, slobodno izvršite korekciju.

  • 5.4 - I would like to apply to become a KudoZ editor. Can I?

    No, it is not possible to submit an application to become a KudoZ editor, an invitation has to be issued by a moderator or site staff.

  • 5.5 - Can KudoZ editors reclassify a question form PRO into non-PRO and vice versa?

    No, KudoZ editors and moderators will have to vote like any other member for the change of status of questions (instead of forcing this change of status.)

  • 5.6 - Does membership determine someone's eligibility to become a KudoZ editor?

    No, eligibility is not determined by membership status.

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  • 2.6 - KudoZ notifications

  • 6.1 - ODGOVOR: Ne dobijam nijedno KudoZ obavještenje putem e-pošte.

    Ukoliko nikako ne dobijate KudoZ obavještenja putem e-pošte i nikad ih niste ni dobijali, provjerite postavke na stranici vašeg profila. Obavještenja nećete nikako primati ako:
    - niste unijeli jezičke parove
    - niste unijeli vaše specijalnosti
    - niste odabrali dostavu KudoZ obavještenja putem e-pošte u preferencama za e-poštu.

    Ukoliko ste ranije primali obavještenja, a onda je, bez bilo kakvih izmjena, došlo do prekida u njihovoj dostavi, može biti nekoliko uzroka:
    - prethodne poruke koje su vam upućene su vraćene, a vašoj e-adresi je dodijeljena oznaka 'nepouzdano' (provjerite lične podatke na stranici svog profila; znakovi 'xxx ' su dodani ispred vaše adrese
    - došlo je do problema u dostavi obavještenja putem e-pošte. (Provjerite statusnu stranicu za informacije)
    - vi ili vaš davalac Internet usluge ste izmijenili ili dodali filter koji sprječava da obavještenja stignu do vas (poznat je problem sa domenom, na primjer)

    Ukoliko nakon što ste provjerili gore navedeno, problem nije nađen, unesite zahtjev za podršku sa poveznicom na barem jedno KudoZ pitanje o kojem ste trebali biti obavješteni.

  • 6.2 - ODGOVOR: Ne dobijam sva KudoZ obavještenja koja bih trebao dobijati.

    Kada se upućuju KudoZ obavještenja o pitanjima, između ostalog razmatraju se i sljedeći kriteriji: jezički par, područje i nivo težine. Ukoliko niste primili obavještenje o pitanju putem e-pošte, provjerite da li su postavke vašeg profila i preference takve da biste ga trebali primiti. Ukoliko ste uvjereni da jesu, molimo podnesite zahtjev za podršku, uključujući URL jednog ili više KudoZ pitanja o kojima ste trebali biti obavješteni. Osoblje će provjeriti da li je e-poruka sa obavijesti odaslana sa servera. (ukoliko jeste, problem ili filtriranje se dešavaju kod vašeg davaoca Internet usluge ili na vašem računaru.)

  • 6.3 - ODGOVOR: Dobijam previše KudoZ obavještenja putem e-pošte

    Da smanjite količinu KudoZ obavještenja koja primate putem e-pošte, pokušajte smanjiti broj područja u vašim preferencama za KudoZ obavještenja. Da biste u potpunosti prekinuli prijem obavještenja putem e-pošte, samo odaberite opciju 'Ne' na prvom pitanju na KudoZ kontrolnoj tabli.

  • 6.4 - ODGOVOR: Ponekad putem e-pošte primim pitanja koja ne vidim na stranici, a ponekad vidim pitanja koja nisam dobio putem e-pošte...

    E-pošta i preference za prikaz se posebno podešavaju. Preference za e-poštu se podešavaju preko komandne ploče,, dok se preference za prikaz podešavaju putem stranice sa listom KudoZ pitanja,

  • 6.5 - ODGOVOR: Šta je dnevni prikaz?

    To je poruka koja sadrži kratak pregled pitanja postavljenih tokom dana, kao i kratku listu dotad primljenih odgovora.

  • 6.6 - ODGOVOR: Kako da primim KudoZ obavijesti od mog tima?

    Bilo koji član tima može postovati KudoZ pitanje namijenjeno vašem timu. Za prijem obavijesti o pitanjima ove vrste trebate samo uključiti dostavu obavijesti i navesti odgovarajući jezički par na listi parova u kojima radite, odnosno, koji vas interesuju.

  • 6.7 - Can I track a particular KudoZ question?

    Yes. If you are a paying member you can track any KudoZ question. For each question you will see a track setting box in the left navigation column of the page which looks like this:

    When you check this box and click on save, you will receive a notification each time a reference post or an answer is posted.

    Also, there is a selection box in the discussion area that allows the tracking of the discussion entries of a particular question:

    When you select the "track question" box, the "track discussion" will also be selected. You can then de-select any of them independently.

    When you post a reference comment, an answer or a discussion entry, the "track discussion" box is selected. If you de-select it once it will no longer be automatically selected again in this question.

  • 6.8 - How can I get notifications when a certain person asks a KudoZ question?

    In order to get a notification every time a certain registered user asks a KudoZ question you have to "flag" this asker as follows:

    In your top drop-down menu select KudoZ -> Dashboard

    On the left panel of your KudoZ dashboard, select the option "Asker flags & filters"

    This is the box used for flagging askers. In this case no asker has been flagged yet:

    To flag an asker you should enter the user's ID in the corresponding box and pres "Flag asker". If you don't know this number you should click on the link "Search" to open a search tool:

    In this case a search by name brings the user's ID and username:

    Once the asker was flagged, it will look like this in your dashboard page:

    And it will look like this when the flagged asker posts a question:

    Notification will be sent to you of flagged askers' questions, even when they do not match your notification settings.

  • 6.9 - I don't want notifications of a particular person's questions-- what can I do?

    If you become convinced that a certain member is not likely to ask questions that are of interest to you, you may opt to "filter" that member's questions (regardless of your notification settings.)

    To do so you should select KudoZ -> Dashboard in your top drop-down menu:

    On the left panel of your KudoZ dashboard, select the option "Asker flags & filters"

    This is the box used for filtering askers. In this case no asker has been filtered yet:

    To filter an asker you should enter the user's ID in the corresponding box and pres "Filter asker". If you don't know this number you should click on the link "Search answerers" to open a search tool:

    In this case a search by name brings the user's ID and username:

    Once the asker was filtered, it will look like this in your dashboard page:

    And it will look like this when the filtered asker posts a question:

    Notification will NOT be sent to you of filtered askers' questions, even when they do match your notification settings. Also, these questions will not be shown to you when you select KudoZ - Answer questions, even when they match your selection criteria.

  • 6.10 - How can I get notifications when a certain user posts a KudoZ answer or reference comment?

    In order to get a notification every time a certain registered user posts a KudoZ answer or reference comment you have get this user's authorization to track his/her answers. To do so:

    In your top drop-down menu select My -> Dashboard

    In the dashboard page select "Answerer tracking"

    In the answerer tracking page you can click on "Search for answerer" and enter the corresponding information on name, username of profile number and then click on "Search" and on the found profile name.

    At this point the dashboard will show the corresponding profile number and username. You may send a personalized message before sending the request by means of the "track answerer" button.

    You can also start this procedure by clicking on the "track this answerer" in an answer or reference comment posted by this user:

    After submitting the request, the dashboard will record it as pending:

    While the request is pending, you will see a special message in each answer or reference comment posted by this user:

    Once your request was accepted, the dashboard will show the following indication:

    If you want to stop tracking this user, click on "remove".

    You will also see the following in each answer or reference comment posted by the user you are tracking:

    You will receive a notification each time this user posts an answer or a reference comment.

  • 6.11 - What are my options for the KudoZ tracking feature?

    There are three basic conditions that you can configure selecting My -> Dashboard in your top drop-down menu :

    In the dashboard page select "Answerer tracking"

    In the box "Who can track you" on the right side of the dashboard you can select the following options:

    * Allow anyone to track my answers: requests will be automatically approved.
    * Ask me for permission on a case-by-case basis: you will be asked each time a request is received.
    * Do not allow anyone to track my answers: all requests will be automatically rejected

  • 6.12 - A user asked for authorization to track my KudoZ answers. Why would someone want to do this?

    While the motives could be different for each user, two likely reasons to do so would be (a) to learn from someone who is good in a certain field of expertise or (b) to evaluate a translator for possible future collaborations. Remember that you can revoke the right to track your answers at any time.

  • 6.13 - A site user would like to track my answers, what should I do?

    To work on your answer tracking options, select My -> Dashboard in your top drop-down menu :

    In the dashboard page select "Answerer tracking"

    On this page you will see the notification that you have a pending request to be tracked by a colleague and, on the right side, the identity and message from the colleague willing who sent the request:

    This right side panel allows you to approve or decline the request. If you chose to approve it you will be asked for a confirmation:

    Note that you can at this point select the option "Allow anyone else who wants to track my answers to do so as well", so that further requests will be automatically approved.

    Once you approved one or more users for tracking your answers, you will find them at the table of colleagues tracking you:

    This panel allows you to revoke individually the permission to track your answers granted to any of those colleagues.

  • 6.14 - How can I be notified of KudoZ questions in other language pairs?

    To be notified of questions asked in language pairs you do not want to list as working language pairs in your profile, just report the language pairs in question as interest language pairs.

    To do so, go to your Profile Updater and report your 'non-working' language pairs in the Languages section.

    Once reported, click on Edit next to each language pair just added and select I only have an interest in this pair, do not show it in my profile. Remember to save all the changes you apply.

    Finally, go to your KudoZ dashboard and set your KudoZ notifications preferences for these language pairs as you have done for your working language pairs.

  • 6.15 - I want to get Kudoz notifications for opposite language pairs to my working languages.

    First, indicate direct pairs as "working" and reverse pairs as "interest" in your Profile Updater . Then, use these parameters to set up notifications settings.

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  • 3 - Glossary-building KudoZ

  • 3.1 - What is the purpose of the glossary-building KudoZ (GBK) questions?

    The primary purpose of this new question type is to enable the community to together find the best translation of a given term into a given language, and to incorporate the term and its translation into an authoritative glossary which will be made available openly under the Creative Commons "by" license ("CC-by").

    A secondary purpose of the new format is to provide opportunities for KudoZ participation (along with the associated benefits of networking, learning and professional differentiation), in pairs and fields in which few questions are currently asked.

  • 3.2 - How do glossary-building KudoZ (GBK) work?

    A glossary-building KudoZ (GBK) 'transaction' involves three steps:

    (1) Posting: A term is posted by an authorized person for translation into one or more pairs. A definition and one or more example sentences are included with the question. Notification of the GBK-type question is sent to interested and qualified site users.

    (2) "Speciality" stage: During the 72 hours following the posting, qualified parties are able to suggest translations including terms, definitions, example sentences and optionally references. These parties will also be able to post peer comments and grading on the answers provided.

    (3) At the end of the submission period the system will attempt to close the question. If successful, a notification will be sent to the person who posted the selected answer, 4 points will be assigned to that answer (unless the question was posted as not-for-points) and a glossary entry will be created and stored. If closing proves impossible, notifications will be sent to all interested and qualified parties and a "working" phase will last until the peer-grading received allows for the closure of the question.

  • 3.3 - Who can participate in the glossary-building KudoZ (GBK) questions?

    Participation in a GBK question, including answering, posting references and grading, is limited during the first 72 hours to site users who (1) Have the corresponding field(s) of expertise among their "speciality" fields. (2) Have the corresponding language pair or the reverse pair among their working ones. (3) Are native in either source or target languages.

    During the "working" phase (questions still open after the first 72-hours period) participation is extended to site users who satisfy the language pair and native language criteria and have the field of expertise among their working ones.

    All users can post discussion entries.

  • 3.4 - Why is the participation limited in glossary-building KudoZ?

    The purpose of the glossary-building KudoZ is to coordinate the efforts of willing members of the community in building up an authoritative glossary of terms and their translations in many languages and fields. With a focus on the quality of the resulting glossary entries and ample time for submission and selection of answers, it was decided to limit participation to specialists in the field and language pair.

  • 3.5 - Why are these limitations not applied to "help term" KudoZ as well?

    The main goal of "term help" KudoZ is to provide those in need of translation assistance with access to timely help. Therefore the access is open to allow the participation of anybody willing and able to help. The asker selects the most helpful among the responses received (and awards points for it).

  • 3.6 - What are the additional fields of expertise?

    A GBK has a main field of expertise and may have one or more additional fields of expertise. These additional field are also included in the filter (notifications and access to the question).

    For instance a question with primary field "telecommunications" may also be related to "computers: software" and to "Computers: systems, networks"

    This will be only related to notifications and access (and in the future to searches in the glossary). The corresponding KudoZ points will be assigned to the primary field.

    The additional fields are included in the GBK term searches.

  • 3.7 - I added in my profile the specialty field needed to answer a GBK question but I still can't answer it.

    Users who adds a new "specialty" field of expertise to their profiles will not be provided access to GBK filtered by this particular field for 72 hours after implementing this change. This aims to preventing users from modifying their profiles in order to "follow" the specialties requested in the questions.

    This restriction will not apply to profiles created less than a month ago.

  • 3.8 - How are GBK questions graded?

    At the end of the 72-hours submission phase (and periodically if the question entered in a selection phase) an 'auto-grading robot' makes its selection based on the net number of peer 'agrees' received by each answer, according to the following rules:
    * To be considered, an answer must have at least two "net agrees" (agrees minus disagrees).
    * The answer with the highest number of net agrees is selected.
    * If two answers have the same number of net agrees, the one posted by the answerer with the corresponding language pair ranked higher is selected.
    * If still undecided, the alternative entered latest is selected. The logic behind this criterion is that all those agreed to the second answer have seen the first one and still voted for the second, therefore preferring the second answer, while those that voted for the first one may not have seen the second answer when voted.

  • 3.9 - The submission period for a GBK question has ended and the question is still open. Can I still submit a translation?

    Yes. Answers can be posted during the "working" period, or even after the question has been closed.

  • 3.10 - Can I provide more than one answer as different options when answering a GBK question?

    Answerers in GBK can provide more than one answer to the same term, as this is the proper way to offer synonyms. In this case the example sentence(s) should include the term offered in each answer.

  • 3.11 - Can I post more than one term in my answer to a GBK question?

    No. Even if you know two or more different terms to answer a GBK question you should provide only one of them in your answer, the one used in the example sentence(s).

    If you know synonyms or other possible interpretations of the term asked besides the one you already offered in your answer, you can provide additional answer(s), each containing just a term, and with definition and example sentences related to that term.

  • 3.12 - Is it OK to to answer a GBK question suggesting the same term already offered in another answer?

    Yes. A GBK answer includes a term, a definition and at least one example sentence. The term is only a part of the answer, and it could happen that the second answer offering the same term includes, for instance, a better definition.

    Time should not play such a central role in GBK, where a better answer should be more relevant than a faster one.

  • 3.13 - I want (or do not want) to receive notifications about GBK questions, what should I do?

    You should un-check (check) the option "Ignore glossary-building questions " and click on "Save settings" in the KudoZ dashboard.

  • 3.14 - I want to receive only notifications about GBK questions, what should I do?

    You should select the option Asker type = "Glossary-building questions " in the KudoZ dashboard.

  • 3.15 - How are the GBK questions created?

    "Glossary-building KudoZ concepts" are selected from current KudoZ entries or from other sources, and are edited to make sure they have the proper terms, definitions and examples of use. This is currently being done in English, but other languages could be added later.

    This is being currently done by site staff, but in the future this task will be performed by site members who will be part of a "GBK (Glossary-building KudoZ) team".

  • 3.16 - There is no "neutral" option in the peer comments. How can I leave a comment to the answerer?

    If you are allowed to provide a peer-comment, then you should be able to post a note to the answerer by using the link provided at the bottom of the answer.

    The messages posted will be visible above the voting area of the question:

  • 3.17 - What is the "Glossary-building KudoZ questions" box displayed in the home page? Can I customize what I see there?

    Users who meet the criteria to answer GBK questions and have a minimum of 5 or 10 open questions available to answer (selectable) will be presented with a box displaying a randomly selected open question.

    Like many other home page features, users can select not to see this box, or customize its position by clicking the "customize" link on the feature or selecting
    "My" -> "My settings" -> "Site settings"

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  • 4 - Personal glossaries

  • 4.1 - How do I create a glossary?

    To add a new glossary to the My glossaries section, just click on the plus sign () to the right of "My glossaries" and enter your chosen name, then, press "Enter" or click on the "Save" button to create your glossary.

    You can always get to your personal glossaries from the "My glossaries" shortcut in the home menu, which appears when you hover over your name and picture on the top right corner of the screen.

  • 4.2 - Kako mogu dodati termin u glosarij?

    1. Idite na svoj profil
    2. Pod naslovom Glosarij, izaberite "Unesite termine" (u lijevom stupcu profila)

  • 4.3 - Kako mogu izvršiti transfer postojećeg glosarija?

    Može se transferirati samo glosarij u čistom tekstu (plain text), standardnog formata. Word dokumenti, RTF fajlovi ili bilo koji drugi format koji nije čisti tekst neće funkcionisati. Najveća dozvoljena veličina fajla je 2 MB. Ako imate glosarij koji je veći od 2 MB, molimo da ga razdijelite na manje dijelove.

    Napomena: Glosariji trebaju biti oblika:

    izvorni terminciljni terminNapomeneURL

    (Napomene i URL adresa su opcione.)

    1. Idite na svoj profil

    2. Kliknite na svoje ime

    3. Pod glosarijem odaberite "Unesite termine"

    4. Odaberite naziv "Transferirajte svoje glosarije!" koji se nalazi na dnu stranice.

  • 4.4 - Kako mogu urediti glosarij ili postojeći termin?

    Imajte u vidu da se ove instrukcije odnose samo na termine u Vašim ličnim glosarijima. Termine koji se nalaze u KudoZ glosarijima širom sajta može urediti samo moderator. Ako želite predložiti promjenu termina koji se nalazi u glosariju unutar cijele lokacije sajta, možete kontaktirati odgovarajućeg moderatora, koristeći spisak moderatora.

    Za uređenje postojećeg termina:

    1 Idite na Moj
    2. Kliknite na Moj glosarij
    3. Kliknite na naziv glosarija u kojem se nalazi termin
    4. Kliknite na termin o kojem se radi
    5. Kliknite na "Uredite ili dodajte informacije za ovaj termin" u dnu stranice
    6. Uredite postojeće ili dodajte nove informacije, te kliknite na dugme "Enter" da biste sačuvali svoje izmjene

    Za uređenje naziva glosarija:

    1. Idite na Moj
    2. Kliknite na Moj glosarij
    3. Kliknite na link [Preimenuj], koji se nalazi pored glosarija kojeg želite urediti

  • 4.5 - How do I rename an existing glossary?

    Go to the Personal glossaries section and look for the glossary you want to update under the "My glossaries" header.

    Click on the pencil-shaped button () to the right of the glossary.

    Now, press "Enter" or click on the "Save" button to rename your glossary.

  • 4.6 - Can I download my glossaries to my computer?

    Yes. You can download your glossaries as a simple CSV file.

    Head to My glossaries and click on the glossary you want to download. Click on the "Export terms" button and choose whether you want to download all terms in the glossary, or just the ones you have selected.

    The option to export your glossaries is a benefit of membership. You can learn more about membership here »

    Free users get access to one test download of up to five terms, to try the export feature.

  • 4.7 - Kako mogu premjestiti termin iz jednog glosarija u drugi?

    1. Idite na svoju profilnu stranicu
    2. Kliknite na naziv glosarija u kojem se nalazi termin
    3. Kliknite na termin o kojem se radi
    4. Kliknite na "Uredite ili dodajte informacije za ovaj termin", u podnožju stranice.
    5. Tu će se nalaziti padajuća lista "Vaš glosarij", koja će vam omogućiti da napravite promjene u vezi glosarija kojem pripada termin. Možete ga premjestiti u drugi glosarij, ili kreirati novi glosarij u koji će se dodati termin.

  • 4.8 - How can I merge my glossaries?

    You can use the "Move" function to merge your glossaries. If your glossaries are too large to move 50 terms at a time, you may download one and then import the file into another.

  • 4.9 - How can I remove an existing glossary?

    To remove a glossary you have created, just click on the recycling bin button () to the right of the glossary. A confirmation box will appear to make sure you want to remove the glossary.

    Deleted glossaries cannot be recovered.

  • 4.10 - Can I create a multilingual glossary? glossaries only support bilingual entries, but you can create entries in various language combinations within the same glossary.

  • 4.11 - How can I send/receive glossaries through my profile?

    You can send and/or receive glossary files using the Send file tool in profiles.

    You will find more information about the Send file option here »

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  • 5 - GlossPost

  • 5.1 - What is GlossPost?

    GlossPost is a searchable database of links to glossaries on the Internet. It has been compiled by members of and the YahooGroup of the same name created in February 2000 by Brazilian translator and conference interpreter Maria Eugenia Farre. The database is maintained by a group of volunteer moderators, however any member can search the database or submit new glossary URLs.

  • 5.2 - What are the goals driving GlossPost at

    We have three main goals:

    - To create an online terminology resource with searching capabilities specifically designed for the needs of translators.
    - To enlarge the database by benefiting from the collaborative spirit of users.
    - To ensure the accessibility of GlossPost and honor the commitment of providing a free and useful resource for translators across the globe.

  • 5.3 - What are the possibilities created by the collaboration between GlossPost and

    In brief: creating a larger database of glossary URLs, with addresses in more language combinations, annotated by translators. Since its inception, GlossPost has attracted mostly translators specializing in Western languages. Since is a huge multilingual community with active participants across the whole linguistic spectrum, we hope that translators of other languages will also feel compelled to add links to the glossaries they use in their daily work to the benefit of all.

    We also hope to contribute with the expertise acquired in moderating GlossPost to make the new site a useful and efficient online terminology resource.

  • 5.4 - How many links from the original GlossPost archives have been included?

    At launch, approximately 1,600 links from the archives have been included automatically. This doesn't cover the entire GlossPost original database, but there are plans to import more links in the future, as time permits.

  • 5.5 - Will the links in the GlossPost database at be checked to prevent dead pages and repeat URLs?

    In our new home at, we want to address all the concerns and issues that affected GlossPost subscribers in the past. Link rot is one of them, and we are not the only sufferers. The GlossPost URLs at will be checked periodically using an automated function to make sure that the database remains as current as possible. Also, manual editing of the URLs has been made possible. Links can be checked and marked good or bad, made invisible or visible to other users by the users themselves and also by the moderators. Incomplete entries can be supplemented by addition information from other users.

  • 5.6 - What are the searching capabilities included in the GlossPost database at

    The searching capabilities have been greatly improved. At the new database, users will be able to browse the glossary URLs, search by keyword, language combination, discipline or BSO category. For obvious reasons, the ability to search by language combination was one of the most common requests received from GlossPost subscribers. A feature enabling automated announcements of glossary URLs in the language combinations specified by users is also being studied.

  • 5.7 - How can I contribute to the expansion of this glossary database?

    By posting the URLs of glossaries, dictionaries and other terminology resources you find on the web.

    You can also contribute to this initiative by editing and verifying the links included in the database (this option may or may not be available, depending on your site activity level). Also, since the project has just been kicked off, it will be extremely valuable to get as much feedback as possible about the design and results the searchers are getting. Please send your feedback to support.

  • 5.8 - What is the posting procedure?

    The posting form can be found here.

    The fields are:

    URL: enter the URL for the resource (glossary, terminology database or dictionary)
    Title: enter a title for the resource, e.g. Hydrology Glossary or Dog Breeds or Turkish Language Dictionary
    Source: enter the source for the resource, e.g. or Association of Dog Breeders of America or Academie Francaise
    Comment: enter useful comments pertaining to the URL, e.g. "reliable translations", "single-page glossary", "downloadable as .pdf", "watch your step, contains typos".
    Source Language: select the source language(s) from the list. If many languages are included, as is commonly the case with EU resources, you can select the All/Many languages radio button.
    Target Language: select the target language(s) from the list. If many languages are included, as is commonly the case with EU resources, you can select the All/Many languages radio button.
    Disciplines: select one or more disciplines, as you would when submitting a KudoZ question.
    BSO Category: select one or more BSO categories

    When you have completed the fields you want to add, press the Submit button. It's not necessary to fill in all the fields, but if possible, try to fill in as many as you can. This will help us build a better database and enable you to get more precise results in the future. Note, however, that some fields are mandatory and marked with a * for your convenience. Your entry will not be vetted before you have completed the mandatory fields.

  • 5.9 - In what language should I post?

    The GlossPost moderator suggests and encourages users to post in English. However, we realize that this may not always be possible, due to multiculturalism considerations. Comments in other languages are considered OK, but for the benefit of all and better search results, try to include at least a few words in English in the keyword field and/or give a title to the glossary in English.

  • 5.10 - As a user, will I get any benefits from posting glossaries?

    Yes! Members will be awarded 10 browniz points for each URL submitted, and 5 browniz points for each edited entry. The name of the poster and editor will be acknowledged when URLs are displayed.

  • 5.11 - How can I report bugs or send suggestions?

    Feedback is always welcome. Please send an e-mail to support.

  • 5.12 - What will happen to the GlossPost list at Yahoogroups?

    The GlossPost list at Yahoogroups will be eventually phased out and replaced by the new resource at For the time being, however, it will continue to run under the moderatorship of Maria Eugenia Farre. There will also be some forwarding of links from GlossPost at Yps and the Translator Resources Forum to GlossPost at However, GlossPost subscribers and Translator Resources Forum users are encouraged to post their new finds to GlossPost at

  • 5.13 - Where can I learn more about the history of GlossPost?

    This interview with GlossPost creator Maria Eugenia Farre contains more information on the list's history.

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  • 6 - Wikiwords

  • 6.1 - What is Wikiwords?

    Wikiwords is a collaborative project to create a dictionary of all terms in all languages with definitions and example sentences. More information about this initiative can be found here »

  • 6.2 - How is Wikiwords affiliated with

    Wikiwords was created and maintained by However, active support for this service is no longer offered by staff.

  • 6.3 - What should I do if I can't find a term in Wikiwords?

    If you can't find a term in Wikiwords, try using the term search or ask a KudoZ question.

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