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Search results: (106 matches)
French C'est une blague ? Let them go to hell... Au début, je prenais moi aussi le temps de
décliner poliment ce genre de sollicitations
scandaleuses. Puis, devant la multiplication de
ces annonces que je trouve insultantes pour la<
Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 3, 2022
Money matters How is it possible to make a decent living when working at the low rates offered by some agencies? Definitively not! Given your language combination, which may offer
high-paying jobs, the answer to your question is a
resounding "no". If I were in your shoes, I
would stay away from this kind of so-call
Laurent Di Raimondo Feb 7, 2022
Legal Ça chauffe sur le KudoZ... Game over Merci pour vos messages. Mais je suis sidéré
de voir que le Kudoz EN>FR est presque
exclusivement monopolisé par nos amis anglais,
américains et canadiens, qui donnent le sentiment<
Laurent Di Raimondo Oct 1, 2021
Legal Ça chauffe sur le KudoZ... Chères Consoeurs, Chers confrères, Ça
chauffe un peu en ce moment sur le Kudoz
Anglais/Français sur le lien suivant
Laurent Di Raimondo Sep 30, 2021
Legal looking for an equivalent to "Plain English movement" in Legal Field AND in French @Adieu [quote]Adieu wrote: Such toxic initiatives
could have a truly catastrophic effect on our
profession. [/quote] What such of toxic
initiatives are you talking about? The usual load
Laurent Di Raimondo Sep 23, 2021
Legal looking for an equivalent to "Plain English movement" in Legal Field AND in French @Teresa Chère Teresa, Je partage habituellement et
aussi fidèlement que possible vos précieuses
contributions sur ce forum. Et je ne vous cache
pas non plus une certaine déférence. Mais
Laurent Di Raimondo Sep 23, 2021
Money matters Rates for translation, revision and proofreading But watch out for MTPE translation! I concur with both Adieu's and Teresa's opinions.
The set of prices and rates regarding revision and
proofreading services seems more or less in
accordance with effective prices and rates
Laurent Di Raimondo Sep 16, 2021
Translation Theory and Practice What makes *someone* a native speaker? RE: Muphry's Law [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Ice Scream
wrote: judgement. [/quote] Hmmm. Most
native English speakers of a certain age might
prefer "judgment". [/quote] Thanks to you, T
Laurent Di Raimondo Sep 13, 2021
French Empouvoirement Beurk ! C'est pourtant vrai qu'on trouve ce terme affreux
dans un grand nombre de textes. Il figure même
dans le Wikdictionnaire... qui n'est pas une
référence en soi, mais tout de même. Il
Laurent Di Raimondo Aug 31, 2021
KudoZ Questions closed before the recommended time Regretably, nothing new... Since there are most of the time no moderators
assigned on KudoZ forum, some dubious and rather
questionnable behaviours from KudoZ askers or
contributors like those regretably appear more
Laurent Di Raimondo Aug 27, 2021
Marketing for language professionals Is it Worth Having a Video Resume (CV)? Well done but for what interest? [quote]Yaotl Altan wrote: I think eyes receive
and process more information by reading a CV than
a CV video. No problem with your video, it's
nice. [/quote] I do share Yaotl's o
Laurent Di Raimondo Aug 26, 2021
French Logement - Traducteur indépendant / Renting as freelance translator

[Modifié le 2021-08-20 04:21 GMT]
Laurent Di Raimondo Aug 19, 2021
Post-editing & Machine Translation DeepL DeepL is a translation aid, not a professional tool. [quote]Justin Trumain wrote: For example:
DeepLcom translates "la Partie créancière de
l'obligation" as "the Party owing the obligation."
But in fact it means the exact opposite: the
Laurent Di Raimondo Aug 18, 2021
French Responsabilité du relecteur en cas d'erreur

[Modifié le 2021-08-16 05:59 GMT]
Laurent Di Raimondo Aug 15, 2021
French Création d’un dispositif d’indemnités journalières maladie pour les professions libérales Un grand merci ! Cher Jean, Comme je te vois mal récompensé
pour avoir signalé ce nouveau dispositif à la
communauté des traducteurs français, pourtant
universellement réputée pour son enthousia
Laurent Di Raimondo Jul 19, 2021
KudoZ Posting proposed translations in "discussion" rather than submitting Answers @Kristina You don't need to wage war against both the pros
and cons Kudoz in this forum. I think it useless
and unproductive, because you are getting on the
wrong side of everybody here ready to hel
Laurent Di Raimondo Jul 19, 2021
KudoZ Posting proposed translations in "discussion" rather than submitting Answers KudoZ huntering is like ghosts chasing... [quote]Kristina Love wrote: I think there is an
abundance of emphasis all over this website
underscoring how instrumental KudoZ points are,
since they are the sole way of moving up in t
Laurent Di Raimondo Jul 18, 2021
KudoZ Posting proposed translations in "discussion" rather than submitting Answers Stop focusing on KudoZ points... Dear Kristina, I have been reading your threads
on Kudoz issues with keen interest since your
registration on ProZ website. But please stop
focusing on your KudoZ performances since
Laurent Di Raimondo Jul 17, 2021
Scams Looking for tips to make sure an offer is genuine Right! [quote]Kay-Viktor Stegemann wrote: A check will
be "credited" to your account quite soon, i. e.
the amount will appear on your bank statement. But
that does not mean that there is any s
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 20, 2021
Scams Looking for tips to make sure an offer is genuine Translator job is not always a bed of roses... This offer looks a bit suspicious indeed for the
main reason that it's more usual for translators
to ask for an upfront payment before starting
working on a project coming from a unknown p
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 19, 2021
KudoZ Is it possible to earn KudoZ without experience? A bit discouraging though... I've just read this thread with keen interest,
because actually I share the same concern as Maria
about KudoZ points. Even though KudoZ forum is
more than earning and collecting points
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 5, 2021
French Dòclaration européenne de services - numéro d'identification du preneur DES ter Je suis d'accord avec le dernier post de Jean. J'y
ajoute cette synthèse documentaire, très bien
conçue, qui fait le point sur les
acquisitions/livraisons de prestations de services
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 4, 2021
French Sanction de l'erreur de traduction Bien vu ! [quote]laurgi
En l'occurrence
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 3, 2021
French Dòclaration européenne de services - numéro d'identification du preneur Pas de DES pour les non-assujettis à la TVA Chère Maura, Tout d'abord, la réponse de Jean
ne m'avait pas parue "sarcastique" - quoiqu'un peu
directe - mais elle avait le mérite de resituer
les choses. Les sujets relatifs aux d
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 3, 2021
French Dòclaration européenne de services - numéro d'identification du preneur Pas de DES dans les échanges extra-communautaires Chère Maura, En premier lieu, il convient de
rappeler qu'une entreprise n'a pas à remplir de
DES si elle n'est pas elle-même assujettie à la
TVA en France ou dans un autre État de
Laurent Di Raimondo Jun 3, 2021
Business issues Super short deadlines Not logical (+1) I don't claim to be a superman, but it seems to me
the ability to translate 10,000 words source
within 24 or 48 hours of time is, humanly
speaking, unsustainable and infeasible. If so,<
Laurent Di Raimondo May 31, 2021
Site forums Vetting of forum posts Forums are on free access to ProZ members and posts are immediately put on line All ProZ forums are on free access to paying and
non-paying members. The most recent post or the
most recent answer to any former post (even
ancient post sometimes...) comes at the top of
Laurent Di Raimondo May 31, 2021
Business issues Super short deadlines Shameful and disrespectful... I's clear that kind of tender is not serious
coming from a translation agency which would
pretend to be recpectful whith their
translators. I totally share Aleksandra's
opinion and
Laurent Di Raimondo May 29, 2021
French Sanction de l'erreur de traduction Intéressant sujet... Chère Clémentine, Je ne pense pas que vous
trouverez ici une foultitude de témoignages de
traducteurs professionnels, ayant été
confrontés à ce genre de mésaventure. C'est un
Laurent Di Raimondo May 24, 2021
Legal French Patent Law - Savoir-faire Ask KudoZ For this kind of advice, I think you’d better
raise a topic on KudoZ forum.
Laurent Di Raimondo May 20, 2021
French Microentreprise et dépassement du seuil de franchise de TVA Sujet évoqué récemment Ce sujet a été évoqué lors d'un récent post

Laurent Di Raimondo May 16, 2021
KudoZ Conflict of interest between KudoZ contributors? Or not? Dear Colleagues, As we all know, KudoZ forum is
a valuable source of intellectual enrichment and a
vivid opportunity to share altogether our
respective points of view, analysis, materia
Laurent Di Raimondo May 9, 2021
Translation Project / Vendor Management Building a Code of Professional Conduct for Buyers Quite idealistic... I concur with all previous opinions shared on this
topic. Terminological research is part to the
translation process, as Teresa wisely said. In any
way, you cannot charge your client ad
Laurent Di Raimondo May 8, 2021
Trados support Is it possible to sell my Trados license? Technically possible, but legally speaking: the answer is no. Although it's technically possible to sell your
owner licence of this CAT Tool (or any other
software licence as well), you are not allowed -
legally speaking - to do that for two main
Laurent Di Raimondo May 6, 2021
Being independent Dépassement de seuil de TVA auto-entrepreneur @Marilyn [quote]Marilyn D. wrote: J'ai lu sur un article
internet la mention suivante "Pensez à ne faire
apparaître que le montant total en hors taxes
(HT). La TVA et le prix toutes taxes comp
Laurent Di Raimondo May 4, 2021
Being independent Dépassement de seuil de TVA auto-entrepreneur @Marilyn [quote]Marilyn D. wrote: Une dernière question
me vient à l'esprit par rapport à la facturation
de mes client : Est-il nécessaire que je les
informe du processus d'autoliquidation,
Laurent Di Raimondo May 2, 2021
Being independent Dépassement de seuil de TVA auto-entrepreneur ... Suite aux questions de Marilyn [quote]Marilyn D. wrote: Donc si je comprends
bien... Dans mon cas, je travaille uniquement avec
des clients professionnels dans l'UE ou hors UE
(UK notamment), donc : Pour mes cli
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 29, 2021
Being independent Dépassement de seuil de TVA auto-entrepreneur Régime déclaratif de TVA applicable aux auto-entrepreneurs Chère Marilyn, Je suis ravi que ce petit
exposé ait pu vous aider à y voir un peu plus
clair dans le maquis fiscal - et peut-être aussi
grâce à l'initiative de votre post. Je v
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 26, 2021
Being independent Dépassement de seuil de TVA auto-entrepreneur Dès le premier jour du mois de dépassement Chère Marilyn, La "chose" fiscale est très
simple, pour une fois... Dès que votre chiffre
d’affaires dépasse le seuil majoré de TVA,
c'est à dire le seuil de tolérance (36.5
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 25, 2021
Trados support Will RWS destroy Trados? Oops! [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: [quote]Laurent DI
RAIMONDO wrote: ...for example CafeTran
Expresso... ...CafeTran Expresso as my
favorite... [/quote]Do you mean CafeTran
Espresso? [/
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 12, 2021
Trados support Will RWS destroy Trados? Better switching to another CAT tool... [quote]Joakim Braun wrote: [quote]Peter Motte
wrote: Is this the beginning of the end of the
product we bought? [/quote] Good riddance.
Trados works quite well in some respects,
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 11, 2021
Business issues Invoices to the UK after Brexit No VAT applicable Dear Teresa, The rule is quite simple. Since
the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from EU and
since the end of the transition period (on 31 Dec.
2020), any supply of B2B services (whose
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 9, 2021
Trados support Will RWS destroy Trados? Will Trados destroy RWS?... [quote]Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote: Not
much left to destroy... SDL have done a very good
job themselves until now. :D [/quote] I
concur! The present question is: "Will RWS
Laurent Di Raimondo Apr 9, 2021
Trados support Studio 2021 keeps on crashing Latest update released today Dear Michael, Trados has just released a new
update for Studio’s 2021 version today. You
should download and install it. It may help and
solve your problem. Yours.

Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 13, 2021
Being independent How to lose jobs Professional conscientiousness still matters [quote]Robert Rietvelt wrote: One thing I read
I absolutely disagree with, is delivering low
quality translations, because you are being paid a
low rate. It is still up to you to accept
Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 11, 2021
Being independent How to lose jobs In translation like in any business affair, you get what you pay for [quote]Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
wrote: Agencies are doing a disservice to their
client and to us, by lowering their standards to
compete. We float in a sea of rubbish
Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 10, 2021
KudoZ About KudoZ users : threads opened but never closed… Thank you! Many thanks to all of you for your supportive and
valuable feedbacks. I wish you the
best. [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: You’re
not the only one who finds that kind of behavior
Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 6, 2021
KudoZ About KudoZ users : threads opened but never closed… Dear Colleagues, I don’t know whether or not
I’m the only one to witness this odd behavior on
KudoZ, which I find it quite impolite. I’ve
noticed indeed that some users easily
Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 5, 2021
Translation news Legal consequences The moral of the story is... At the end of the day, when you want to get a
legal translation, hire a legal
translator... Thank you for sharing, Dear
Laurent Di Raimondo Mar 4, 2021
Translation Theory and Practice Further explanation/context when translating organisation name Text source is "sacred" but... If I may take part of this interesting thread and
bring my humble opinion, I always have been tought
that text source must be "sacred" and kept
"untouched" at any price. But despite t
Laurent Di Raimondo Feb 23, 2021

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